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Planning Board Minutes 12/17/2015

December 17, 2015
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Chris Condon (Chair) Michael Frosch (Member)
 Mike Genest (Ex-officio)   Colleen Giffin (Planning Assistant)   Bob Holmes (Alternate)                                      
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)   Steve MacDonald (Member)   Janet McEwen (Member)   
Members Absent:  Jeanne Cahoon (Member) Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)   Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)    

Public attendance: Linda Hamilton, Mike Hamilton
Presentation By: Chris Guida of Fieldstone Consultants
7:00PM Public Meeting:

Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00, and appointed Mr. Holmes to sit for the absent Ms. Cahoon.

The Public Notice was read. The notice had been posted on the Town Hall bulletin boards, the Post Office bulletin board, The Villager newspaper, and the Town of Antrim website.

Chair Condon read the Consultant Planner’s report.  The only concerns the Consultant Planner’s had were the outstanding issue of the state’s subdivision approval for the vacant lot. The Consultant Planner spoke with the plat preparer, who said that the application to the state would be filed as soon as they are assured that the Planning Board has no issues with the proposal.

Chair Condon reviewed the checklist and asked for comments from the Board. He stated that he would read the checklist line by line if any wished to review the checklist line by line. No such request was made.

Motion to accept the application: Mr. MacDonald moved to accept the application. Mr. Holmes seconded.
Discussion: None
Vote: By a voice vote, the application was accepted.

Public Hearing

Chris Guida of Fieldstone Consultants explained how this lot had been subdivided before by the Hamiltons and they had received the state’s subdivision approval in 2008. Mr. Guida handed out a copy of this approval to Chair Condon. Mr. Guida explained that the Hamilton’s proposed lot line adjustment and annexation that would create two parcels that would more suitable for them.

Chair Condon asked for questions from the board.

The Board asked Mr. Guida several questions (answers in italics):

  • The only cutting being done for the frontage on Steels Pond is being divided in half. Correct. We meet requirements for the Shoreland Protection Act.
  • The footage between the original septic system and the new well will be 75 feet. It will be far more than 75 feet.
  • Do both lots have the required frontage? It has 50 feet of Frontage and 3x area of minimum front lot.
  • Did the Hamilton’s receive a variance in the past from the Zoning Board of Adjustments to put in the driveway for common usage for two lots? Yes.
Chair Condon asked if the public had any questions.
There were none.


Chair Condon asked for comments. There were none.

Motion to approve the application: Mr. Frosch moved to approve the application; Ms. McEwen seconded.

Discussion: None

Roll Call Vote: Chair Condon yes, Mr. Frosch no, Mr. Holmes yes, Mr. MacDonald yes, Ms. McEwen yes   
The application was approved.

Community Profile Steering Committee
Ms. McEwen presented a list of people whom she thought would be good candidates to lead the individual committees. She also suggested a person that she felt would make the best Chairperson.
The Board agreed that representatives from as many different demographics chairing the committees would be in the best interest of the town and that it would be up to the Chairperson to choose those people.
Ms. McEwen suggested that a good day to do a survey on town interest on the Community Profile would be on Election Day and Town Meeting.
Mr. Holmes asked if a member of The Planning Board or a Selectman would be on the Committees. He also inquired if there was some sort of budget that these committee chairs would be working with. A budget for advertising, posters and flyers for town meetings. He was concerned there are no ground rules for the Chairperson to follow.
A discussion ensued. The first meeting would set up many of the ground rules and UNH Co-Operative representative will be able to answer the Board’s questions.

Mr. Genest asked for clarification on what needed to be done before the actual autumn meetings.

Discussion took place weighing the pros and cons of having members of the Planning Board and the Selectmen on the committees.

Mr. Genest suggested that the Planning Board might want to go before the Select Board to request a revised budget and have a line put in for Community Profile Expenses.

Ms. McEwen brought the discussion back to the topic of the Chairperson. Mr. Genest suggested Co-Chairs. Ms. McEwen said, (referring to the presentation that was given in October by Sharon Cowen of the UNH Cooperative extension), that nothing was said about Co-Chairs; but if that was what the Chairperson wanted to do they could. Ms. McEwen felt the Planning Board could not make that decision.

Motion: Ms. McEwen moved to vote on a Chairperson. It was not seconded.

Chair Condon offered to call the candidates to see if any of them were interested in the Chairperson position. If more than one was interested in being Chairperson , those candidates would be invited to an out-of-schedule meeting, in order to be interviewed by the Board. December 30, 2015 was chosen as the date. Mr. Frosch agreed that this kind of interview process was fair and it would be a chance to get to know each person individually.
Motion: Mr. Frosch moved to approve the Wednesday, December 30 meeting. Mr. Holmes Seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Chair Condon yes, Mr. Frosch yes Mr. Genest yes,   Mr. Holmes yes,
Mr. Lazar yes,   Mr. MacDonald yes, Ms. McEwen no   

Business Meeting:

Approve December 3, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Added Mr. Holmes sat in for Mr. Lazar.
Ms. McEwen moved to approve the amended Meeting Minutes of December 3. Mr. MacDonald seconded.
There was none.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Ms. McEwen moved to adjourn, Mr. Frosch seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin
Planning Department Assistant