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Planning Board Minutes 10/15/2015
October 15, 2015
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon (Member) Chris Condon (Chair) Michael Frosch (Member)
   Colleen Giffin (Planning Assistant)   Bob Holmes (Alternate)                                      
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)   Steve MacDonald (Member)   Janet McEwen (Member)   
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)   
Members Absent:  Mike Genest (Ex-officio),    Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)    
Public attendance:  Andy Robblee
Guest Speaker: Sharon Cowen of UNH Cooperative extension gave Community Profile presentation.
7:00PM Public Meeting:
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00.

The Cooperative Extension Master
The focus of the Cooperative Extension Master plan is to bring in a group of experts and citizens to work together to shape the future of the town.

Sharon Cowen from UNH Cooperative Extension explained how the Cooperative Extension Community Profile differs from a Charette because it relies more on citizen input rather than experts.
Ms. Cowen brought with her an example of a schedule of a community profile of how a weekend can be broken down into several day with Community Profile Components that citizens can choose are important to their town.
Ms. Cowen passed out several pages of sample information about developing a Community Profile with the help of a Profile Steering Committee. Please see attached.  
She also explained that either she or one of her co-workers would be helping with the whole process.  
The Board held a discussion with questions for Ms. Cowen on about how to engage the town of Antrim in a project like this.
 Ms. Cowen pointed out in today’s world there were lots of different mediums that could be used to get the towns’ opinions and comments about this project.

Motion Ms. McEwen to begin the process of developing a Community Profile Steering Committee with UNH Cooperative Extension assistance. Discussion ensued.
The motion was seconded by  Ms. Cahoon.
Roll Call Vote:  Frosch, nay; MacDonald, yes; Cahoon, yes; Lazar, yes; Condon, yes; McEwen, yes.

Should the Highway Business District (Rt. 202) be Changed

Andy Robblee came before the board to ask if he might be able to make more of his property Highway Business so he can extend his wood cutting business.
Mr. Robblee would like a large section of the residential area of Goodell Road to be rezoned to commercial.
A suggestion was made by Chair Condon that the Planning Board should discuss making any property bordering on Rt. 202 a commercial business property up to the Hillsborough line.
 A discussion ensued whether it would be something the Planning Board could decide or something that would have to be something for the town to vote on.
The discussion brought up both the pros and cons of making parts of Rt. 202 all the way to Hillsboro commercial to see how the area would change.
All agreed the talks should be tabled until a map of the entire area of the current Highway Business District should be studied by the board.
Mr. Robblee stated he was agreeable to this idea.

Planning Board Budget
The 2016 budget was discussed. The budget will be presented to the Board of Selectmen on October 26.
Motion Ms. McEwen moved to maintain the current budget except the removal of “overtime” ($200); Seconded by MS. Cahoon.
Vote: By a voice vote, all agreed.

Continuation of review of proposed Zoning Ordinance Draft amendments

Proposed Amendment #3: To add a new paragraph to Article XIV – Supplemental Regulations for the regulation of light pollution, as follows:
X. Lighting Standards
 A discussion ensued about what is considered appropriate and inappropriate lighting in both residential and commercial property. Conditions can always be added. Ms. Ogilvie will be rewording a few items present to the board for a final review at the next meeting.

 Proposed Amendment #1: To revise Article XIV-B by:
 (1) replacing the requirement for ground-mounted PWSFs to receive a special exception from the ZBA with a conditional use permit from the Planning Board; and
(2) making other overall formatting and clarifying changes throughout the document.

 Proposed Amendment #2: To amend Section XV of the Excavation Regulations as follows:
(1) To tie the requirement for an operator to report back to the Board to the level of activity as reported on the annual Excavation Reports and Intents to Excavate; and
(2) To remove the requirement that permit reports be submitted to the Board at a public hearing.

Mr. Holmes brought up the point that it should state in the amendment whether the permit will still be valid if the pit should become inactive for a time.

Business Meeting:

Approve October 1, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Motion Mr. Lazar moved to approve the Meeting Minutes of October 1. Mr. Frosch seconded. Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed, to approve the minutes as presented.

Motion Ms. Cahoon Motioned to adjourned, Ms. McEwen Seconded
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed

Workshops & Trainings:

NHMA’S Annual Conference-November 19, 2015  

Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin