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Planning Board Minutes 10/01/2015
October 1, 2015
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon (Member) Chris Condon (Chair) Michael Frosch (Member)
 Mike Genest (Ex-officio)   Colleen Giffin (Planning Assistant)   Bob Holmes (Alternate)                                      
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)   Steve MacDonald (Member)   Janet McEwen (Member)   
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)   Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)    
Members Absent:   

Public attendance: Nick Handy, Ron Haggett, Ben Pratt
7:00PM Public Meeting:

Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00.

CIP Committee: Ron Haggett, Ben Pratt, Janet McEwen, Jeanne Cahoon, Diane Chauncey, Carol Ogilvie, Steve MacDonald
CIP (Capital Improvement Program) committee presented the 2016-2021 draft spreadsheets.
Mr. Pratt reviewed the spreadsheet line by line.
Mr. Haggett discussed the library’s portion of the CIP.
At this time, the Sewer and Water Department has no request for any monies.
Questions from the Planning board ensued.

Mr. Holmes questioned the $150,000 for the future of the library that has not yet been allotted for any particular project. Mr. Haggett answered it has no specific purpose, but several projects will need attention.  

Ms. McEwen asked if the Conservation Commission had made a formal request for the yearly-allotted $25,000. Ms. Chauncey, CIP secretary, answered no.

Motion: Ms. McEwen moved to remove the $25,000 from the CIP spreadsheet.

A discussion ensued. Mr. Genest agreed with Ms. McEwen – no request, no money. The Board went on to discuss other CIP matters, and returned to the Conservation Commission’s non-request.

Ms. Cahoon seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Genest, yes: Frosch, yes; MacDonald, yes; Cahoon, yes; Lazar, yes; Condon, yes; McEwen, yes.

Ms. McEwen asked if each town building needs its own repair budget rather than a combined town budget. Mr. Haggert answered that it may eventually become necessary to have specialist for building systems such as the heating systems, elevators, security systems and other technological systems.

Mr. Genest asked if chip sealing for the public works should be a road works budget or a CIP.
A discussion of road maintenance occurred and the pros and cons of including certain projects in the budget OR as part of CIP.
Discussion of road life and chipping and sealing was made.

Motion: Mr. MacDonald moved to approve the CIP spreadsheet with modifications as discussed, and that the Board recommended the 2016-2021 CIP Spreadsheet to be presented at the next Board of Selectmen meeting; Mr. Frosch seconded.

Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Draft revisions - Excavation Regulations (draft attached)

Chair Condon asked Ms. Ogilvie to explain the potential revisions to the Town of Antrim Excavation Regulations.

Ms. Ogilvie stated that there had been two Public Hearings to oversee Excavation Pits owned by Kris & Lisa Stewart and SR Jones. Both Operators had expressed concern with the current regulatory process – specifically with the cost of the hearings and the 2-years between Public Hearings. The Board had stated that they understood the concerns of the Operators and would review the process. Ms. Ogilvie presented possible revisions to the Regulations.

The Board members discussed the draft. Some Board members felt that the period between hearings was too short (especially with the low activity in the excavation pits) and now that Department of Environmental Services (DES) had changed the Alteration of Terrain applications from six years to five years, possibly the Town of Antrim’s regulations should coordinate with DES.

Some Board members also thought that the Public Hearing should be a Public Meeting without certified mail notification to abutters. Although others thought that, the abutters should be notified.

After a continued discussion, the Board members determined that careful review of the Intents to excavate (due April 1) and the Reports of Excavated Material (due April 15) should be reviewed each year to determine the possible need for a Public Hearing.

The Board members asked Ms. Ogilvie to take the information from the above discussion and revise the draft to reflect their discussion.

Draft revisions to Article XIV-B   (draft attached)

Ms. Ogilvie had been asked by the Board to review the current Personal Wireless Service Facility (Cell Tower) Ordinance – Article XIV-B. The attached draft is the result of that review. Ms. Ogilvie’s Proposed Amendment was to revise Article XIV-B by (1) replacing the requirement for ground-mounted PWSFs to receive a special exception from the ZBA with a conditional use permit from the Planning Board; and (2) making other overall formatting and clarifying changes throughout the document.

Some of the points made by Board Members, Ms. Ogilvie, and Public Attendees:

  • The revised ordinance would be “one-stop shopping” – it would not be necessary for the applicant to apply to the ZBA for a special exception (for the use) and a variance (most likely for the height)
  • The information with the current Article XIV-B is reorganized
  • Litigation might be avoided
  • The definition of antenna in the Supplemental Regulations (Article XIV) should also be revised
  • “Essential Services” (Article XIV) should also be reviewed
  • Conditional Use process – the Planning Board would be given more latitude to waive regulations in the Site Plan Review Process
  • Some concern that the “Summer” people did not have a role in Case 2015-05PB PWSF application by ITW.
After discussing the draft ordinance, it was determined that Ms. Ogilvie should consider the information from the discussion and return on October 14, 2015 with suggested revisions.

Ms. Ogilvie will continue with proposed amendments for the Excavation Regulations, revision of Article XIV-B, and a new “Light” ordinance.

The Zoning Ordinance Amendments procedure has begun. The Board will continue to review the possible amendments and present a draft to the Antrim Voters at Public Hearings, which will be held in either December or January. The Board will process the results of the Public Hearings. The Zoning Ordinance amendments that come out of these meetings will be voted on March 7, 2016.

Business Meeting:

Approve September 17, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Ms. Cahoon moved to approve the Meeting Minutes of September 17. Mr. MacDonald seconded. There was a short discussion. By a voice vote, the all Board Members (except Ms. McEwen who abstained) moved to approve the Minutes, as presented.


Meridian Land Services – Review & Consulting Services letter-to be discussed.
Chair Condon opened up the discussion for this letter. Mr. Lazar explained why this company would be helpful in engineering projects. Board decided to put this company on file for any future board projects.

Other Business:

Workshops & Trainings:

NHMA’S Annual Conference-November 19, 2015  

Respectfully submitted by,
Colleen Giffin and Diane Chauncey