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Planning Board Minutes 09/17/2015
September 17, 2015
Deliberation of Case #2015-04PB
ITW/Robblee 2015-03PB

Members & Staff Present:                
Chris Condon (Chair)              Mike Genest (Ex-officio)             Jeanne Cahoon (Member)
Michael Frosch (Member)       Colleen Giffin (Planning Assistant)
Bob Holmes (Alternate)          Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)        Steve MacDonald (Member)  
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)   Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)          
Members Absent:         Janet McEwen (Member)

Public attendance:    Kevin Fadden, Kevin Delaney, Atty Grill, Tom Davis, Joyce Davis, Art Kaufman, Mrs. Kaufman, Barbara Weymouth

7:00PM Public Meeting:


Continued deliberation of Case #2015-03PB – Request of Industrial Tower and Wireless, LLC (ITW) for a Site Plan Review on property owned by Andrew & Bess Robblee located at 115 Pierce Lake Rd (Map 201 Lots 87.1 – 87.4) in the Rural District for the purpose of constructing a 150-foot cell tower and associated equipment.

Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7 PM, stated the Case and its history, and introduced the Board, including the new Planning Department assistant, Colleen Giffin. Mr. Holmes was appointed to sit for the absent Ms. McEwen.

Chair Condon stated that the Board would continue the Deliberation for Case #2015-03PB, by reviewing the draft Notice of Decision with eight conditions prepared by Ms. Ogilvie. Four of the conditions needed to be considered: monopine style; easements; vegetative barrier for the compound; and bond cost for the possible cell tower removal.

Monopine options – presented by Kevin Delaney
Mr. Delaney explained that the specifics for the Pierce Lake Rd Cell Tower had been given to three companies which design monopines. The sample designs were displayed for the Board members to view.

Board members asked questions concerning the type of branches on the monopine, color of the tower, where the arrays fit within the branches, etc. When all questions had been answered, and the Board had no further opinions, the general consensus of the Board was that the Saber monopine style best suited the ITW monopines.

Motion: Mr. Genest moved to approve the Saber Monopine style as presented by the applicant’s photo; Mr. Frosch seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Holmes, yes; MacDonald, yes; Condon, yes; Lazar, yes; Cahoon, yes; Frosch, yes; Genest, yes.

Easement Agreements:  Separate legal documents for the Fall Zone and the Access Road.

Because of a miscommunication, Atty Grill did not have the documents prepared.

The Board discussed the possibilities.

Mr. Lazar was concerned that the easements would be overlooked, and that specificity was necessary.

Mr. Genest said that Town Counsel will review the language and so, the Board could be assured that the easement was properly written.

After a short discussion between the Board members and the Consultant Planner, it was determined to use the verbiage in the draft Notice of Decision:
        “Prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant will have submitted
easement agreements for the access road and the fall zone, as reviewed and approved by Town Counsel.”

Bond for removal of facility
Ms. Ogilvie stated that the Cell Tower at the Country Club in Peterborough was bonded for $25,000.
Mr. Delaney stated that ITW had two existing bonds; one for $12,000 (Whitefield, NH) and the other (Alton, NH) for $13,000.

There was a short discussion concerning the amount of the bond.

Ms. Ogilvie stated that most bonds are not reviewed again, but that the Planning Staff should ensure that the bond is current.

Motion:  Mr. Genest moved the bond amount to be $17000, Mr. Lazar seconded.
Chair Condon asked for discussion.

Roll Call Vote: Holmes, yes; MacDonald, yes; Condon, yes; Lazar, yes; Cahoon, yes; Frosch, yes; Genest, yes.

Vegetative Barrier around compound fence:

There was a short discussion concerning the type of tree to be installed around the fence.

The wording was revised to say:
        “Prior to the start of operation, there shall be installed an Arborvitae vegetative
        barrier, the same height as the compound fence planted around the fence on the
        three sides that face the lake.”

Motion: Mr. Lazar moved to revise the wording as stated above; Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Chair Condon asked for any further discussion. There was none

Roll Call Vote: Holmes, yes; MacDonald, yes; Condon, yes; Lazar, yes; Cahoon, yes; Frosch, yes; Genest, yes.

Motion: to approve the application of ITW with eight conditions:

  • All commitments, agreements and requirements made by the applicant and/or his agent during the application process are a conditional part of this approval.
  • The applicant shall obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration, and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
  • Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant will apply to the Planning Board for a lot line adjustment to resolve the issue of the facility being located over a property line.
  • The tower will be of a Saber monopine style, as presented by the applicant in a photo on September 17, 2015.
  • Prior to the start of operation, there shall be installed an Arborvitae vegetative barrier, the same height as the compound fence planted around the fence on the three sides that face the lake.  
  • Prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant will have provided a bond in the amount of $17,000 for removal of the facility, as reviewed and approved by Town Counsel.
  • Prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant will have submitted easement agreements for the access road and the fall zone, as reviewed and approved by Town Counsel.
  • The applicant has two years from the date of this approval to start construction; and nine (9) months after the start of construction the facility must be operational.
Motion: Mr. Frosch moved to approve the application of ITW; Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Chair Condon asked for further discussion. There was none.

Roll Call Vote: Holmes, yes; MacDonald, yes; Condon, yes; Lazar, yes; Cahoon, yes; Frosch, yes; Genest, yes.

Business Meeting:

Approve Meeting Minutes:

        August 6, 2015 – Mr. MacDonald moved to approve the Minutes of 8/6/2015, as amended; Ms. Cahoon seconded. By a voice vote, all approved the minutes.

        August 27, 2015 - Mr. Lazar moved to approve the Minutes of 8/6/2015, as amended; Mr. MacDonald seconded. By a voice vote, all approved the minutes.

        September 3, 2015 – Mr. MacDonald moved to approve the Minutes of 9/3/2015, as amended; Mr. Genest seconded. By a voice vote, all approved the minutes.

Goals for future meetings:
The Board discussed topics that they would like to review and discuss in future meetings:
  • Zoning Ordinance Amendments for the March 2016 Ballot
  • Town of Antrim Excavation Regulations
  • Possibility of a lighting ordinance
  • Possible changes to the Article XIB-B – Personal Wireless Service Facility
  • A Charrette for the Town of Antrim
Meridian Land Services – Review & Consulting Services letter – FYI

Southwest Region Planning Commission (SWRPC) monthly newsletter -  FYI

USA Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) – Project No. 6597-013 _”Order Issuing Extension of Time” – 1st page of letter in packet - FYI

Workshops & Trainings:

  • Planning Conference in Peterborough-September 26, 2015 – Ms. Ogilvie comments
  • NHMA’S Annual Conference-November 19, 2015  
  • 2015 Municipal Law Lecture Series – flyer in packet
  • “Laying the Foundation for Complete Streets” – September 25, 2015 – 8:30 – 1 PM – flyer in packet
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Chauncey