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Planning Board Minutes 06/18/2015
June 18, 2015
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Megan Osgood (Land Use Assistant)       
Chris Condon (Chair)       Mike Genest (Ex-officio)       Jeanne Cahoon (Member)
Bob Holmes (Alternate) Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)      Michael Frosch (Member)
Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)

Members Absent: Steve MacDonald   Janet McEwen   Jesse Lazar   

Public attendance:  

7:00PM  Business Meeting:

At 7:00pm, Chair Condon opened the meeting and introduced the Board Members.

Chair Condon asked Bob Holmes to sit for the absent Janet McEwen.

Chair Condon asked Elsa Voelcker to sit for the absent Steve MacDonald.

Chair Condon want correct were it says Elsa Voelcker is a member to an alternate.

Jeanne Cahoon would like line 47-48 to say that Ms. Gorga stated that Bennington will not allow Antrim to use their fields.

Approve June 4, 2015  Meeting Minutes   Mr. Genest moved to accept the minutes as amended; Mr. Frosch seconded. The minutes were approved.  All others were in favor.

Chair Condon continued the meeting with Minor and Major Site Plan application fees.

Ms. Ogilvie stated that the fee structure had not been completed in regards to the hearing fees for applicants.  

Ms. Ogilvie said that she would do some research and bring in some examples for the square footage and per lot fees.

Chair Condon continued the meeting by asking Ms. Ogilvie to give the Board an ERZ update.

Ms. Ogilvie stated that she would be meeting with Ms. Chauncey on Tuesday, June, 23rd.  In order to tie up some lose ends.  

Ms. Ogilvie stated that she wanted to get a better idea of where these places were before she started writing up a narrative.

Mr. Condon wanted an update on the Planning Department laptop.

Ms. Osgood stated that the laptop was on order and it should be ready to use by the next meeting.

Mr. Holmes wanted to know if his flash drive could be updated.  

Chair Condon suggested that the New Hampshire Planning and Land Use Regulations 2014-2015 Edition be placed on the laptop and Board Members could update their flash drive at the next meeting.

Mr. Genest would like a new Flash Drive.

Ms. Cahoon moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:35pm:  Mr. Holmes seconded.  All agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Megan Osgood
Assistant to the Land Use Boards  
