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Planning Board Minutes 05/21/2015
May 21, 2015
Public Hearing
Shea Field Lighting

Members & Staff Present:        Megan Osgood (Land Use Assistant)       
Chris Condon (Chair)       Mike Genest (Ex-officio)       Jeanne Cahoon (Member)
Bob Holmes (Alternate) Carol Ogilvie(Consultant Planner)       Michael Frosch (Member)
Steve MacDonald (Member)        Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)

Members Absent:   Janet McEwen    Elsa Voelcker   

Public attendance:  Ron Haggett   Joan Gorga   Tim Grossi   Peter Lamb

7:00PM  Public Meeting:

Notice is hereby given that the Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 PM Thursday, May 21, 2015 at the Antrim Town Hall to review the Parks and Recreation approved plans for the Shea Field lighting project located on School Street (Tax Map 103, Lots 29), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Residential Business District.  Shea Field is the town’s only athletic field.  Searches for the past ten years to identify and develop additional field space have proved fruitless, and the installation of turf lighting would increase playing time and increase hours of use.  This lighting project will meet field needs for the next thirty to forty years.

At 7pm, Chair Condon opened the meeting and introduced the Board Members.

Mr. Condon invited Mr. Holmes to sit for the absent Ms. McEwen.

Mr. Condon explained that the Planning Board has no jurisdiction but is there to make recommendations.  

Mr. Condon asked the Secretary to read the Public Notice.

He then asked for comments from the planning consultant and no comments were made.

There was a line by line review of the checklist.

Mr. MacDonald made a motion to accept the application as complete, Ms. Cahoon seconded.  All were in favor.

Mr. Condon opened the Public Hearing and asked the applicant to make their presentation.

Ms. Gorga did a power point presentation and explained each picture.

She explained the field in detail and where the light poles would be placed.

She explained which light poles would be lite during certain games.

Ms. Gorga explained the map and started that poles A1 and A2 are 50 foot candles and B1 and B2 are 30 foot candles.

She went into detail about the poles and the field setup.  Please refer to the application for the diagrams.

Ms. Gorga continued with the questions that the Planning Board had given Parks and Recreation to address.

  • How does the configuration of these lights compare to those in neighboring towns?  
Ms. Gorga said that the lights at Shea Field are very comparable to the other fields in the area.  She said that Conval field has 4 poles and has 11 or 12 fixtures and are 70ft as well.

She states that they were not solar and are not LED’s.

  • Please explain the phases of implementation.  Which lights are in Phase one versus Phase 2?
Phase one would be poles B1, B2 and C1.
Phase two is A1 and A2.

  • Can you imagine a situation where the lights might need to be kept on past the stated 9PM shut-off time? If so, what process or approvals would be required?
Ms. Gorga said that it would be very rare for the lights to be on past nine because there is a town ordinance stating parks in Antrim are closed at nine.

  • What alternative configuration or solutions were considered and why were they rejected?
Ms. Gorga stated that they have done a lot of mutual sharing with other towns.  They looked into using Sawyer Field but the town of Bennington was reluctant to have them use the field.

She stated that they looked into portable lights and found then to be unsafe and not a good solution.  

  • Who will be responsible for turning off the lights at the end of events?
Ms. Gorga explained that it would be the responsibility of the Recreation Department personnel.  She also stated that the lights can be controlled remotely.  

Ms. Gorga ended her presentation.

Mr. MacDonald asked if the lights are adjustable.  The answer was no they are not.

Ms. Cahoon asked how long is it going to take for the lights to be up and running.  Ms. Gorga stated that the project should be done by mid to late July.

Discussion continued.

Mr. Condon closed the Public Hearing to Public input.

He asked for abutters in favor or opposed to speak.  There were no comments.

Mr. Condon closed the Public Hearing to public input.

There was no deliberation.

Mr. Genest requested that the Board prepare a short letter to the Select Board informing them of the She Field presentation.

Mr. Condon stated that he would draft something up.

Mr. MacDonald moved to have the Chair write a letter to the Select Board.  Ms. Cahoon seconded.  All in Favor.

Business Meeting:

Approve May 7, 2015  Meeting Minutes   Ms. Cahoon moved to accept the minutes; Mr. MacDonald seconded. The minutes were approved.  All in favor.

Review Bylaws

Mr. Condon stated that he had an issue with Ms. Voelcker not attending meetings but didn’t believe there was anything in the bylaws about attendance.

There was discussion in regards to the proper steps to be taken.

Ms. Cahoon and Mr. Frosch referred to RSA  673:14.2

Mr. Holmes stated that it is everyone’s job to follow the bylaws and keep meetings in order.

Mr. Holmes also stated that questions should be asked to the Chair and not between members.

The Board reviewed the Current Year Expenditures.

Mr. Genest suggested to the Board that they purchase a computer that can used to primarily take minutes on and keep other important Land Use information and documents.

The Board agreed and set a budget of no more than five hundred dollars.

Ms. Cahoon moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:05pm:  Mr. Frosch seconded.  All agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Megan Osgood
Assistant to the Land Use Boards  
