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Planning Board Minutes 04/02/2015
April 2, 2015
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Megan Osgood (Land Use Assistant)       Chris Condon (Chair)    
Jesse Lazar (Vice Chair)        Steve MacDonald (Member)
Janet McEwen (Member)   Mike Genest (Ex-officio)        Jeanne Cahoon (Member)
Bob Holmes (Alternate)

Members Absent:     Michael Frosch

7:00PM Organizational Meeting

At 7pm, Chair Condon opened the meeting and began with the Conceptual Consultation with Mr. Fleming.

Mr. Fleming purposed to rearrange boundary lines in order to sell (Map/Lot 218-007) at 98 Elm Avenue.

Mr. Fleming stated that the property has already been subdivided.

Mr. Lazar said that to his understanding Mr. Fleming was asking for advice on how to dissolve the subdivision and make a right of way for the access.

Ms. Cahoon asked if it was a deeded right of way and Mr. Fleming stated that it was not.

Mr. Lazar was concerned because it would be creating a substandard lot.

Mr. Lazar said that Mr. Fleming might need to go to the Zoning Board for a Variance because there would not be the 50” frontage.

Ms. McEwen said that he was essentially creating a lot line adjustment and also creating a right of way.

Ms. Cahoon responded that the easiest way to do it would be to do a Deeded Right of Way.

The Board reviewed the property map and discussed his options between themselves.

Chair Condon suggested to Mr. Fleming that he contact Carol Ogilvie and discuss it with her.

He left Ms. Osgood his contact information.

The other Board Members agreed.

Master Plan:

The Board reviewed the population Master Plan sheet that Ms. Ogilvie had generated.

Chair Condon said that it was a little texturally dense for him.

Chair Condon said that he would like a non-planning person to review.

Ms. McEwen questioned the format of the chapters.

Mr. Holmes said that the issue should be highlighted and the resulting bullets should follow.

Mr. Lazar said that reducing the size and the complexity would be best.

Chair Condon suggested that we revisit tackling a chapter a year.

Ms. McEwen stated that more than one chapter can probably be completed in a period of a year.

Chair Condon suggested that each member go home and do a review and come back with their top three that they believe are in most need of revision.

Chair Condon said do not include Vision in your top three.

Mr. Homes said that it needs to be in lamience terms.

Mr. Lazar suggested looking at the procedure as far as getting a public opinion in regards to how they would like to see the Master Plan set up.

Legal Counsel/Pre-filed Testimony:

Chair Condon asked Mr. Genest to speak in regards to obtaining legal counsel for the SEC.

Mr. Genest stated that since the Planning Board and the Selectman were on the same page as far as asking the Site Evaluation Committee (SEC) to take jurisdiction that sharing the same lawyer can be done.  

Mr. Genest said that the Select Board had hired Justin Richardson and feels that it would be a good idea if the Planning Board did the same, if they planned on doing any pre filed testimony.

Mr. Genest explained the process of pre-filed testimony.

Mr. Genest stated that it would be a “very wise” for the Planning Board to seek legal counsel.

After a lengthy discussion, a motion was made by Jeanne Cahoon to not retain legal counsel at this time, seconded by Janet McEwen.

Roll Call Vote:  Lazar, yes; Cahoon, yes; McEwen, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes; Holmes, yes; Genest, no.  

The motion passes with a 6-1 vote.

Business Meeting:

Approve February, 5 2015 Meeting Minutes

Change the spacing for the roll call vote.  VanderWende abstained.

Ms. McEwen feels that “further discussion ensued” should be more descriptive.  “It was a very divisive issue and the Board feels that the SEC has more technological expertise and the Planning Board would like to remain neutral.”  

A motion to accept the meeting minutes as revised for the February 5, 2015 meeting was made by Mr. MacDonald and was seconded by Ms. Cahoon.

Approve March 19, 2015 Meeting Minutes

CIP-Reappointed Ms. McEwen and Mr. MacDonald.

The Planning Board agreed to have a joint meeting with the Zoning Board.

A motion to accept the meeting minutes as revised for the March 19, 2015 meeting was made by Ms. Cahoon and was seconded by Ms. McEwen.

Workshops & Trainings:
21sth Annual Spring Planning & Zoning Conference – Saturday, May 2 – Registration is now open – FYI

Mr. MacDonald moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm: Ms. McEwen seconded.  All agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Megan Osgood
Assistant to the Land Use Boards