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Planning Board Minutes 06/04/2015
June 4, 2015
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Megan Osgood (Land Use Assistant)       
Chris Condon (Chair)       Mike Genest (Ex-officio)       Jeanne Cahoon (Member)
Bob Holmes (Alternate) Carol Ogilvie(Consultant Planner)       Michael Frosch (Member)
Steve MacDonald (Member)        Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)        Janet McEwen (Member)   
Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)

Members Absent:    
Public attendance:  

7:00PM  Business Meeting:

At 7:05pm, Chair Condon opened the meeting and introduced the Board Members.

Mr. Condon informed the Board that T-Bird would not be there because they have decided not to pursue their changes.

Mr. Condon informed the Board that Mr. Robblee was not present so the meeting would continue onto the next thing on the Agenda.

Mr. Condon stated that the July 2, 2015 Meeting would be cancelled for the holiday.  He asked Members if there were any objections and there were not.  

Mr. Condon continued with the Antrim Planning Departments hearing fees.  The postage for certified mail has been increased to $8:50 per letter.  At present the Planning Department is charging $7.50, so the charge needs to be increased to cover the postal cost and the cost of labor.  

The Board decided that the fee should be increased to $10.00.  

Mr. Genest made a motion to increase the fee to $10.00.  Ms. Cahoon seconded.  All were in favor.  

Mr. Condon then continued the meeting with approving the minutes.

Mr. Lazar was present at the meeting and not absent

Mr. Holmes would like line 113 amended to say there was a brief discussion about overriding the ordinance in case the lights need to be on past nine.

Ms. Cahoon would like line 89 to state that the Town of Bennington has stated Antrim would not be able to use and of their fields because of various reasons.

Ms. Cahoon made a motion to accept the minutes as Amended.     

Approve May 21, 2015  Meeting Minutes   Ms. Cahoon moved to accept the minutes as amended; Mr. MacDonald seconded. The minutes were approved.  Ms. McEwen abstained; all others were in favor.

Carol Ogilvie spoke on the UNH Cooperative Extension.  She stated that she spoken to Molly Donovan of the program and said the purpose is to facilitate a public process.  It usually starts on Friday nights and continues on Saturday for a breakout sessions.

In the experience of the program Ms. Donovan thinks that it is a valuable document and has been very beneficial to towns.

Ms. Ogilvie stated that the price for their services is $2500 dollars which plan NH is more and for smaller towns the price may be less.

The standard process is to establish a steering committee.  They train people in town to be facilitators of these breakout groups.  The idea is to get residence in town to be involved in the process.

The process from start to finish takes approximately two months.  

UNH Cooperative prepares all the reports and does a six month follow-up.  

Ms. Ogilvie said that overall it is defiantly worth conversation.

Mr. Holmes asked if they could do a more narrow scope, maybe just downtown Antrim.  

Ms. Ogilvie stated that it is possible.

Discussion ensued.

Mr. Condon asked Ms. Ogilvie to contact them and see if they would be available to meet with the Board on June18th, in order to give more information.

Ms. Ogilvie said that she would contact them and see if that would be possible for them to do.

No further questions or discussion.

Mr. Condon continues onto to ERZ.  He stated that there was a lot of information provided in the packet and he would like the Board to take it home and read it in order to discuss at the next meeting.

Mr. Genest wanted further discussion on the issue.

He asked about the minimum requirements for the Business in the Business district.

Mr. Condon stated that it could be an expansion, new hiring, etc…

Mr. Genest stated that Rt. 9 and 202 should be focused on as well.

Mr. Condon stated that the Board focused on existing structures instead of empty spaces.

Mr. Condon said that he would like Diane, Megan and him to get together at some point and see where we are at in the process.

Mr. Condon asked the secretary if she had done any research on a new computer for the Planning Board.

Ms. Osgood gave handouts of several that she had looked at.  

Mr. Frosch said that he would email Ms. Osgood some additional options to consider.  

Ms. McEwen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10pm:  Ms. Cahoon seconded.  All agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Megan Osgood
Assistant to the Land Use Boards  
