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Planning Board Minutes 03/19/2015
March 19, 2015
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Megan Osgood (Secretary)        Chris Condon (Chair)    
Michael Frosch (Member) Steve MacDonald (Member)
Janet McEwen (Member)   Mike Genest (Ex-officio)        Jeanne Cahoon (Member)
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)  Bob Holmes (Alternate)

Members absent:   Jesse Lazar
Public Attendees:       Diane Chauncey

7:00PM Organizational Meeting

Organize committee – elect officers – Chair and Vice-Chair
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7PM. As the first item on the agenda was election of officers, Chair Condon asked for nominations from the members.

Motion: Mr. MacDonald nominated Chris Condon as Chair. Ms. McEwen seconded the motion.
There was no discussion.

Roll Call Vote: McEwen, yes; Cahoon, yes; Genest, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes; Frosch, yes.

Mr. Condon was elected as Chair.

Motion: Mr. MacDonald nominated Jesse Lazar as Vice-Chair. Mr. Frosch seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: McEwen, yes; Cahoon, yes; Genest, yes; Condon, yes; MacDonald, yes; Frosch, yes.

Chair Condon appointed Mr. Holmes to sit for the absent Vice Chair Lazar.

Appointment for CIP Committee

Jeanne Cahoon was appointed to the CIP Committee.

Planning Board Goals for 2014

Gravel Pits need to be reviewed

Zeke & Mack’s, SR Jones and Landsite.  

The Planning Board Members think that it would be a good idea to have Mary Pinkham- Langer come in and complete a site walk.

Master Plan Summary needs to be a goal and if possible should be completed this year (year ending in March).

Mr. Holmes suggested that the Board brainstorm ideas in regards to getting voters more involved in what is going on in the town.  He stated that there are a lot of expensive projects that need to be done and having voters more educated would be helpful.

Update a chapter a year for the Master Plan.

Business Meeting:

Review YTD Budget - FYI

SWRPC – Monthly newsletter -FYI

Workshops & Trainings:
21sth Annual Spring Planning & Zoning Conference – Saturday, May 2 – Registration is now open – FYI

Mr. MacDonald moved to adjourn the meeting at 8 pm: Ms. McEwen seconded.  All agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Megan Osgood
Assistant to the Land Use Boards