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Planning Board Minutes 01/08/2015
January 8, 2015
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Jeanne Cahoon (Alternate)       Diane Chauncey (Secretary)    
Chris Condon (Chair)             Michael Frosch (Member)        Bob Holmes (Alternate)         
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair         Steve MacDonald (Member)     Janet McEwen (Member         Megan Osgood (LU Asst)      Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)          Sarah VanderWende (Member)
Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)  
Public Attendees:  Bob Edwards    Peter Burwen   Diane Chauncey

7:00PM Public Meeting:

At 7pm, Chair Condon opened the meeting and began with Peter Burwen’s letter.

Peter Burwen wished to speak about his concerns in regards to the ZO Amendment Ballot #4.

Mr. Burwen stated that the wording in Amendment 4 is not specific enough and should be revised, removed, or reworded.  He felt that the “essential services” needed a better definition.  In order to alter the amendment, a Public Hearing would be necessary.

Chair Condon feels that it should be on the ballot and “tightened” up at a later date.

Chair Condon asked for input from the Board.

A discussion ensued.

Miss VanderWende, Mr. Lazar and Ms. Voelcker thought the Amendment should be changed.

Others though that it should be left the way it is.

Motion:  Ms. Vanderwende moved to revisit Amendment #4 with a Public Hearing; seconded by Mr. Lazar.

Roll Call Vote:  Lazar, yes; VanderWende, yes; Voelcker, yes; Condon, no; Frosch, no; Webber, no; MacDonald, no.  

The motion failed.

View ZO Amendment Ballot for March 2015 Town Election Day
The Board read through the Ballot and agreed with the contents.

Discussion of conflict of interest questions, concerns Board policy, best practice and potential for review of rules/law and training.  
Ms. McEwen had asked for this item to be placed on the agenda. She read from the Planning Board By-Laws, Section 6.1 concerning standards of conduct, and how those standards related to public confidence in the Planning Board. She also read from RSA 673:14 concerning disqualification of a member.

This evoked a long discussion.

Ultimately it was decided was that the Board would benefit from a “Conflict of Interest” workshop run by an attorney from the NH Municipal Association. It was also decided that each member should own a NH Office of Energy and Planning Law Lecture Series workshop manual entitled “How to Run a Land Use Board in New Hampshire”.

Motion: Ms. McEwen moved to run a workshop, as stated above; and that all Board members acquire the above named book; Ms. VanderWende seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Webber, no; Frosch, no; MacDonald, no; Lazar, yes; Condon, yes; VanderWende, yes; McEwen, yes.

The motion passed with a 4 – 3 vote.

SEC updates and Board filing a motion to intervene.
Ms. McEwen asked Mr. Webber to recuse himself.

Mr. Webber said no.

Ms. McEwen asked for a poll from the Board stating their opinion of whether or not Mr. Webber should recuse himself. Ms. McEwen stated that the poll did not affect the refusal to recuse but would show how the Board felt. Yes – Mr. Webber should recuse himself; no, Mr. Webber should not have to recuse himself.  She said that in her opinion it would hard for the Selectman to be neutral.

Polling of board: Webber, no; Frosch, no; MacDonald, no; Lazar, abstain; Condon, no; VanderWende, yes; McEwen, yes

Ms. McEwen presented the Petition to Intervene for SEC Docket # 2012 – 05. She stated that she thought the Board should become Interveners.

There was a discussion.

Motion: Mr. Webber moved to submit a request to the Site Evaluation Committee for the Planning Board to acquire a role as interveners.

A discussion ensued. All members agreed that there was no reason not to become an intervener.

There was a general consensus that the Board would act as advisory  experts of the Antrim Zoning Ordinance (land use issues) and would not take a position on the project.

Mr. Webber seconded the motion.

Vote: The Board voted unanimously to submit a Petition to Intervene to the SEC. It was requested that Ms. Chauncey make the appropriate changes to the document and send to Town Counsel for its suitability.

Business Meeting:

Approve December, 2014  Meeting Minutes
Filing period for Town Offices – January 21 – January 30

Other Business:

At 8:30pm, Mr. Lazar moved to adjourn. Ms. VanderWende seconded. All voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane Chauncey and Megan Osgood