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Planning Board Minutes 09/18/2014
September 18, 2014
Public Hearing – Case #2014-04PB Troy Z management
Lot Line Adjustment

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Secretary)       Chris Condon (Chair)
Michael Frosch (Member)      Steve MacDonald (Member)      Bob Holmes (Alternate)         Janet McEwen (Member)       Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)         Sarah VanderWende (Member)                           
Members & Staff Absent:         Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)       Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)
Jeanne Cahoon (Alternate)   
Public Attendees:  Peter Mellen Troy Zofska

7:00PM Public Meeting
Application of Troy Z Management for a Lot Line Adjustment and Annexation of properties located on 70 & 74 Goodell Road (Tax Map 232, Lots 33 & 34), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Highway Business District.

Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7 PM. He explained the Public Hearing procedure; the Public Notice was read.

Chair Condon reviewed applicable items on the Checklist.

Mr. Mellen had asked for waivers on the following checklist requirements of the Antrim Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations (Mr. Mellen stated that the proposal is for a lot line adjustment that will not create any new building lots):

  • Item # 12 Locations of all buffers and setbacks by use of dashed line - Vice-Chair Lazar moved to waive Item # 12; Mr. Frosch seconded. By a roll call vote, the waiver was unanimously granted.
  • Item # 14 Locations of wetlands - Vice-Chair Lazar moved to waive Item # 12; Mr. Frosch seconded. By a roll call vote, the waiver was unanimously granted.
Item # 16 Locations of waterbodies, streams, rock ledges, cemeteries, drainage ditches and bridges - Vice-Chair Lazar moved to waive Item # 12; Mr. Frosch seconded. By a roll call vote, the waiver was unanimously granted.
After reviewing the checklist, Ms. VanderWende moved to accept the application of Troy Z Management for a Lot Line Adjustment and Annexation of properties located on 70 & 74 Goodell Road (Tax Map 232, Lots 33 & 34), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Rural District. Mr. MacDonald seconded the motion. By a voice vote, the Board unanimously accepted the application.     

Public Hearing:
Chair Condon asked Mr. Mellen to present the application.

Mr. Mellen explained the lot line adjustment and annexation, as the members reviewed the plan.
Mr. Mellen stated that the property had already been conveyed (the deed had been recorded) and it was a little unusual to have been done in such a way.

Mr. Zofska explained that his attorney had been concerned that the transaction may not occur and so moved the    along quickly.
Mr. Mellen explained the proposal using the Members plans.
Pm – asking for waiver because no new lots or buildings
Property already conveyed – a little unusual but that is the way it is

Chair Condon asked if any abutters wished to speak in favor of the Application. There were none.
Chair Condon asked if any abutters wished to speak in opposition to the Application. There were none.
Chair Condon asked if any interested parties wished to speak in favor or opposition to the application. There were none.
Chair Condon asked the applicant wished to rebut. He did not wish to rebut.
Public Hearing was closed.

Chair Condon asked for comments from the Board members. All Board members agreed that the proposal made sense.

Motion: Ms. McEwen moved (and Mr. MacDonald seconded) to approve the application of Troy Z Management for a Lot Line Adjustment and Annexation of properties located on 70 & 74 Goodell Road (Tax Map 232, Lots 33 & 34), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Rural District.
Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated September 18, 2014 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
Subject to payment of LCHIP $25.00 fee at time of approval.


Chris Condon
Michael Frosch
Jesse Lazar
Steve MacDonald
Janet McEwen
Sarah VanderWende
Gordon Webber
Jeanne Cahoon (if appointed)
Bob Holmes (if appointed)
The application request was granted. The Notice of Decision will be completed within 5 days. The appeal process was explained.

Chair Condon and the Secretary signed the plan. Chair Condon thanked the applicant and his agent for attending the meeting.

Business Meeting:

Approve September 4, 2014 Meeting Minutes – Ms. VanderWende moved to accept the minutes Mr. Frosch seconded. After a short discussion, and an amendment, the Board, by a voice vote moved to approve the minutes as amended.

Annual review of Planning Board By-laws

By-law Item # 2.1The Planning Board shall consist of twelve (12) members: six (6) elected members with the authority to vote, one (1) ex-officio member with the authority to vote who shall be A Selectman designated by the Board of Selectmen, and up to five (5) alternate members with no authority to vote except when filling in for an absent or disqualified elected member and that the wording “twelve(12) members” should remain as is.

In Item #2.1, the suggestion was made to remove “twelve (12) members:”. There was a short discussion of whether or not to remove the words. Most felt that the removal of the words would clarify the sentence. Ms. VanderWende felt it was unwise to create frequent minor changes

Roll call vote (yes to make the clarification; no to leave it as is): Condon, yes; Frosch, yes; Lazar, yes; MacDonald, yes; McEwen, yes; VanderWende, no.

Members give thoughts on Municipal Law Lecture Series – Lecture 2 – How to Run a Land Use Board in NH


Southwest Regional Planning Commission August Newsletter – FYI

DRED Letter- approval of Antrim’s application designating 128 Concord St. as an Economic Revitalization Zone (ERZ) -FYI

Ms. VanderWende moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 pm; Ms. McEwen seconded. All agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane Chauncey, Secretary for the Land Use Boards.