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Planning Board Minutes 01/16/2014
January 16, 2014
Public Hearing for a Petition Warrant
Antrim Town Hall -Upstairs

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Secretary)         Chris Condon (Member)
Jesse Lazar (Chair)                 Charles Levesque (Vice-Chair)    Steve MacDonald (Member)    Janet McEwen (Alternate)      Martha Pinello (Member)             Sarah VanderWende (Member)    Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)     
Public Attendees:       See attached Public Attendees sign up sheets                            
7:00PM Public Hearing:

Citizen’s petition requesting the following  addition to the Zoning Ordinance ballot (Are you in favor of adoption of an amendment to the Town of Antrim Zoning Ordinance which would provide for the development of Commercial Wind Farms in the Rural Conservation District and the Highway Business District and establish specific development standards, including standards on proper construction, public health and safety, noise, environmental and visual impacts, and require operational agreements with the Town?)

Chair Lazar opened the meeting at 7pm, the Board was introduced; no alternate was needed.

Chair Lazar explained that there were a few items to discuss prior to the start of the Hearing.

Chair Lazar stated that specific rules (copies of the rules were available at the sign-in table) would be utilized for the Hearing. He asked for a motion to adopt the rules, noting that rule #1 would allow only Antrim residents to speak.

Vice-Chair Levesque moved to adopt the rules. Mr. MacDonald seconded.

Chair Lazar asked for discussion of the motion. There was none.

By a roll call vote (Mr. Condon, yes; Ms. VanderWende, yes; Chair Lazar, yes; Vice-Chair Levesque, yes; Mr. MacDonald, yes; Mr. Webber, yes) The motion passed.

The next item concerned Mr. Condon who had signed the petition and it was questioned whether or not he should sit.

Mr. Condon stated that he chose not to recuse himself, based on the opinion of the NH Municipal Association.

Chair Lazar stated that he considered it a conflict and read from the NH Municipal Association letter (written by Paul Anderson, staff attorney for the NHMA - attached).

Vice-Chair Levesque stated that he had spoken with Carol Ogilvie (Planning Board’s Consultant Planner) and that she knows at least two attorneys who believe the member should recuse himself I this situation. Vice-Chair Levesque also said that in the case Winslow v. Town of Holderness, 125 N. H. 262 (1984) it was affirmed “that if a member of a land use board acting in quasi-judicial capacity ‘must be disqualified if he or she is ‘not indifferent’ to the outcome of the application’. If a member does not withdraw him or herself, any final decisions by the Board could be ruled invalid since, according to this case, ‘it was impossible to estimate the influence one member might have on his associates.”  Levesque closed by saying that, ” legally we could be open to lawsuits if Mr. Condon does not recuse himself”.

The Secretary read the Public Notice that had been advertised in the Ledger/Transcript, the Villager, the inside and outside bulletin boards at the Town Hall, the community bulletin board of the Post Office, and the website.

Chair Lazar said that the purpose of tonight’s hearing is to determine whether or not the Planning Board recommends the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment, which is to appear on the warrant by way of a petition, per RSA 675:4. The method of enactment by petition allows for a group of 25 or more citizens to propose a change to the Zoning Ordinance which will be voted on at Town Meeting. It is not possible to amend the proposal.

Vice-Chair Levesque read the rules (Hearing Rules for January 16, 2014 on Petition Zoning Change - attached – meaning attached to the hard copy minutes at the Town Hall and to the minutes on the website).
Chair Lazar asked, “Is there anyone who cannot abide by the rules?” When there was no comment, he opened the Public Hearing.

Public Hearing:
“Recommended by the Planning Board” or “Not recommended by the Planning Board” was the intended outcome of the Public Hearing. The following residents commented on the petition warrant and most made their recommendation to the Board. Most of those who spoke had prepared statements and copies of their statement for the Board members. Testimony submittals are attached to the minutes. The following commented:

Peter Burwen - Maple Avenue      Statement attached – Not to recommend
He had 4 points
                Conflict of interest
                Flawed petition and signatures
                Appearance of impropriety
                Impartial reminder and scope

Shelly Nelkens - North Main Street
Questions about:
  • Shadow flicker
  •  Setback for property line
  • Warning sign placement
  •  Noise – 50dbls – rather loud
  •  Limit to the number of towers
Mary Allen - Summer Street    Statement attached – Not to recommend
        The ordinance has been developed by the wind energy development firm and
                     Specifically designed to meet the developer’s needs
       Preparation of the zoning ordinances is the role of the local, elected Planning Board, and
                   Ultimately the voters
       Two Planning Board comprehensive and reasonable zoning ordinances for large-scale wind
     development were offered to the voters but were defeated at the strong urging of this
    wind energy firm.
       Ms. Allen stated that the proposed document before the Planning board differed greatly
                From what good, thoughtful zoning ordinances should be. She listed 4 reasons

Katherine Sullivan – Willard Pond Road    Statement attached – Not to recommend
                 Read the definition of the Rural Conservation District from the Antrim Zoning
                 A town ordinance should not be written by a utility company - concerned about
                The transformation of a protected landscape and fragile ecosystem

Peter Moore – Clinton Road    Statement attached – Not to recommend
   He was concerned that the 11-page document of the petition article had not been read
        by all of those who signed it                        
   There were glaring omissions that should be considered

Cynthia Crockett – Pierce Lake Road        Recommend
        Ms. Crockett asked if there was any other [wind] ordinance in place.
        She also asked if the residents had the right to vote yes or no
Loranne Carey Block – Loveren Mill Road    Statement attached – Not to recommend
                Document is a “woefully inadequate amendment to the zoning ordinance”
                An industrial wind farm should not be considered a “green” solution
                       SEC decision should not be minimized
Annie Law - Farmstead Road                Statement attached – Not to recommend
                Enjoy the peace and serenity of the Rural Conservation District and do not want it
                    Destroyed by Eolian/AWE
                Listed 10 reasons why the ordinance is inappropriate for the RCD

Bob Cleland – Farmstead Road             Statement attached – Not to recommend
                Concurred with Annie Law testimony
“Please do not ruin the Rural Conservation District.”

Elsa Voelcker – Old Pound Road          Statement attached –   Not to recommend
                Antrim’s RCD is part of an important wildlife corridor
                The wind farm would jeopardize the corridor
                Wildlife is not mentioned in the proposed ordinance

Brian Biehl – Jameson Avenue    - Not to recommend
Boiler plate ordinance – contents of agreement are from the memorandum of agreement
        Glaring omissions
        SEC has spoken – this ordinance is just an attempt to make end run
        Empty shell written for a specific project
Barbara Gard – Pleasant Street           Statement attached – Not to recommend
                Proposed ordinance is inadequate
               No responsible Planning Board should rubber-stamp developer-written text as
                        appropriate zoning for a town

Richard Block – Loveren Mill Rd     Statement attached – Not to recommend
                No protection to Antrim citizens
                The ballot wording is deceptive
                No further mention [after page one] of visual impacts, aesthetic impacts,
                        landscape preservation, public health, pollution, environmental impacts, or
                        property value impact.

Tim Perry – Clinton Road
               Opposition to the ordinance is lack of knowledge
            Examples of nose levels – e.g.:  50 db – a breezy day at Gregg Lake
            Wind is a way to preserve the environment
               Sugar maples are being lost – noted climate change

Fred Ward – Town of Stoddard               Statement attached

Brenda & Mark Schaefer – Salmon Brook Road    Statement attached – Urged not to recommend
                Mr. Condon should recuse himself
                Referred to Winslow v. Town of Holderness

Janice Longgood – Salmon Brook Road            Urged not to recommend
        Land purchased to live in a protected environment
        End run to get a project for own personal gain

Ben Pratt –Littles Lane     Statement attached.
Steve Ullman – Gregg Lake Road
        Other than the creation of Conval – never a time when the community has been more
        3 questions:
                8a. Height limit – what if they were shorter
                10a. – Do the design standards of lighting meet the current FAA policy          
                13a. - Noise restrictions
                Will there be a compensation for home owners if the wind turbines are too noisy
        Would like a definitive end to the issue

Ron Haggett- Elm Ave
        The residents should vote yes or no on the ballot
        A Site Plan review by the Planning Board will be necessary
Bob Edwards – Turner Hill Road     Statement attached – Urged not to recommend
.      Comments:
           Member of the Planning Board ad hoc committee
        Had the privilege to testify with intervenor status before the SEC
        An ordinance should not be prepared by the developer – their ordinance has been ill-
                conceived and will have unintended adverse consequences
       The town board has been bypassed – the State of NH established the Planning Board
                      as the developer of zoning ordinances
        If the Town is serious about renewable energy – the Planning Board should develop a
                    a renewable energy plan
        Listed 13 comments on the Proposed Ordinance

Bob Flanders – Clinton Road
        If the PSNH Bow plant was closed – what will it be replaced with
        Has spent much time up north – the wind turbines there are not a problem – he thinks
                they are beautiful
        The wind turbines are a simple form of electricity
        If town should vote in favor of the ordinance – “Leave it alone!”  

Cindy Crockett (2nd time) –
Time for Antrim to pony up
        Agreed with Bob Flanders
        Urge Planning Board to get on board and do something and do its part to better the

Sarah Edwards – Turner Hill Road
        Not against wind turbines but against the ordinance – poorly written
The process incorrect
On a personal note - does not want to listen to anything at Gregg Lake
Lucille Lacombe Old Clinton Road
        Lived here for 27 years and has spent much recreation time in the Rural Conservation
                District – it is precious to her
        It would be tragic to see the forests affected [by the wind turbines]

Sam Apkarian – Liberty Farm Rd        Urged not to recommend
   The ordinance has many holes in it.

Audubon – Statement attached

Shelly Nelkens – (2nd time)
               Sound [of turbines] –“Woump, woump, woump”– very annoying
                  Conservation is the main thing – people could cut back on meat and should be
                Looking for other ways to conserve
                Many people are gluttons with energy
                “Woump, woump, woump”

Bob Edwards – 2nd time
        Asked if it was time closing arguments
An observation – most all in the room are convinced that something needs to be done –
        The hearing is to comment on the proposed ordinance – and the weakness of the

Lorrane Carey Block – 2nd time
        Concurred with Bob and Shelley – conservation of energy – Antrim can step up to the
        If everyone lived like she did [referring to conservation of energy] – there would not be a

Andrew Robblee - Pierce Lake Road
        He questioned if the application would go through Site Plan Review.
        There was some hesitation from the Chair. The Vice-Chair answered “Yes”.
        He stated that it was a Pertinent question because the ordinance is vague – but the
                Planning Board will still have the regulations within the Site Plan Review as
                a tool to address the other issues. The regulations are thorough.
Peter Burwen - 2nd time 
The Site Plan Review is not thorough enough.

Barbara Gard – 2nd time
        The Site Plan Review should not be regarded as a panacea for solving problems.

Chair Lazar asked for final comments. There were none.

Public Hearing closed – 5 minute recess


Chair Lazar said the Board had received numerous statements. He said the Board could sit and read all the testimony or continue the meeting to another night.

There was a short discussion. Several potential dates were discussed.

Vice-Chair Levesque moved to continue the meeting to January 23 at 7pm in the Town Hall: Mr. MacDonald seconded the motion.

By a roll call vote (Mr. Condon, yes; Ms. VanderWende, yes; Chair Lazar, yes; Vice-Chair Levesque, yes; Mr. MacDonald, yes; Mr. Webber, yes) The motion passed.

Business Meeting:
Approve - December 19, 2013minutes - Ms. Pinello moved to table the minutes; Ms. VanderWende seconded.  By a voice vote – all agreed.

NH Monadnock Hydroelectric Project – Project No. 6597-013 – Programmatic
Agreement for the Monadnock Hydroelectric Project- FYI
Wetland Permit Application – Map 206 Lot 6  - 7 Jackman Shores – for a seasonal dock – FYI
DES Permit # AoT-0668 – Landsite Corp, Tax Map 213, Lot 3 – FYI
NHMA Final Legislative Report (Planning & Zoning Section) – FYI
SWRPC – Commission Highlights December 2013 - FYI

There was a short discussion concerning information to be placed on the website. The Board decided that the public input testimony should be posted, as well as, the Large Scale Wind Ordinance of the March 2012 ballot and the Memorandum of Agreement between the Town of Antrim and Antrim Wind Energy, LLC.
At 9:03 pm, Ms. Pinello moved to adjourn. Ms. VanderWende seconded the motion. All voted unanimously to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board