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Planning Board Minutes 12/05/2013
December 5, 2013
Public Hearing for Zoning Ordinance Amendment

Members & Staff Present:              Diane Chauncey (Secretary)     Jesse Lazar (Chair)                    Charles Levesque (Vice-Chair)    Steve MacDonald (Member)    Janet McEwen (Alternate)            Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)       Chris Condon (Member)           Martha Pinello (Member)
Sarah VanderWende (Member)              
Members Absent:         Martha Pinello

Public Attendees:       Ron Haggett     Ben Pratt       Joan Gorga                      

7:00PM Public Hearing:

Chair Lazar opened the meeting and asked Ms. McEwen to sit for the absent Ms. Pinello.

The Secretary read the first paragraph of the notice. All attendees had access to the public notice.

  • To amend the definition of Home Occupation contained in Article III, Definitions, by adding the bold italic language:
HOME OCCUPATION:  Any commercial activity carried on entirely within a dwelling or other structure accessory to the dwelling by the residents thereof and up to one non-resident employee and does not meet any of the criteria for a Home-Based Business listed in Article XIV Supplemental Regulations.    
  • To amend Article XIV, O. Home Occupations, by adding the following statement:
O.     Home Occupations. (Amended March 11, 2008) Home Occupations are permitted in all districts subject to the following:
3.   To amend Article VIII – Lakefront Residential District, by removing Home Occupations and Home-Based Businesses from the list of permitted uses.  .
4.      To amend Article VIII – Lakefront Residential District, by inserting the minimum lot frontage of 200 feet.
5.      To amend the definition of “Minor Subdivision” contained in Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations as follows:
        Minor Subdivision – A proposal that does not constitute the creation of more than two new lots or involve the construction of a road or other improvements, with no potential for further subdivision.

Chair Lazar stated that this was the second Public Hearing concerning Zoning Ordinance amendments for the March 11, 2014 ballot. At the first Public Hearing, significant enough language changes had been made, hence the second hearing.

Public Hearing:

Chair Lazar asked for questions from the attendees.
Mr. Haggett stated that he had questions concerning the distinction between “home occupation” and “home based business”.

Mr. Levesque stated that the criteria determining the distinction between the two was listed in the Zoning Ordinance, and also in the November 7 draft minutes which were handed to Mr. Haggett

There were no further questions or comments.

Public Hearing closed.
Motion: Vice Chair Levesque moved Items 1 – 4 to be placed on the Town Ballot to be voted on March11; Ms. VanderWende seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Condon, yes; Chair Lazar, yes; Ms. McEwen, yes; Ms. VanderWende, yes; Vice-
Chair Levesque, yes; Mr. MacDonald, yes; Mr. Webber, yes.
The vote was unanimous for the items to be placed on the ballot and voted on March 11, 2014.
Motion: Vice-Chair Levesque moved to adopt the Subdivision & Site Plan review Regulation change as stated in #5 of the Public Notice (see #5 above); seconded by Mr. MacDonald.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Condon, yes; Chair Lazar, yes; Ms. McEwen, yes; Ms. VanderWende, yes; Vice-
Chair Levesque, yes; Mr. MacDonald, yes; Mr. Webber, yes.
The vote was unanimous to amend the language in the Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations. (The
Planning Board has the authority to change the Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations – after a Public Hearing for the purpose of public comment on the proposed amendment.)
Business Meeting:
CIP Committee report – Ben Pratt, Ron Haggett, Janet McEwen, Steve MacDonald
Mr. Pratt and Mr. Haggett had prepared a spreadsheet (attached to these minutes in the Town Hall Planning Department Minutes) with each department’s request and reviewed the requests line by line.

Highway Department: There was a long discussion concerning the Highway Department’s “Lower Pleasant Street and Highland Avenue project (replacement of 6” water line with a 12 twelve “water line; dangerous open ditch; drainage issues; the magnitude of the project is great enough for the need to be analyzed properly). There was also a long discussion concerning a Highway Department’s washing facility request. The pros and cons were discussed.

Parks & Recreation:  Joan Gorga of the P & R commission presented the requests. When asked what the priority was for the Department, Ms. Gorga stated that the land was the priority.

Ms. McEwen said that she felt that there was other land available; she asked the town’s assessed value of the land (Smith Road Map??Lot??); and she suggested not buying the parcel while it was listed with a realtor.

Ms. Gorga stated that she felt it was the ideal location.

Ms. McEwen stated that she thought the Recreation Department needed advice and that the Department needed someone to represent their interests. Ms. McEwen also questioned the need of the new parcel.

Ms. Gorga stated that the Parks & Recreation Commission is currently working on a conceptual plan, asking the abutters’ opinions, and determining if the idea is even realistic. The commission would like the park to appeal not just as an athletic field but to possibly as a neighborhood park.

Vice-Chair Levesque read from the Master Plan “Recommendations” stating that “ball fields” were needed.

Ms. Gorga said that she had reviewed that portion of the Master Plan and then read from a narrative  section of the Master Plan.

Vice-Chair Levesque stated that he was trying to understand the needs of the Department.  He also questioned the wetlands on the proposed parcel (the Board had reviewed the subdivision for this parcel in Case #2013-02PB).

Mr. MacDonald asked – of the three requests (refurbish Memorial Park, lighting for Shea Field, purchase Smith Rd parcel) – what is the priority?

Ms. Gorga said that would be difficult to answer for various reasons.

Mr. MacDonald said that he was trying to play devil’s advocate because questions like this would be asked of the Commission.

Mr. Webber gave a historical perspective of the Recreation Department’s land requests, and that the current proposed piece was suitable and practical – although he was not giving it a complete endorsement. He stated that he felt it was important to take care of the Town’s current properties (referencing Memorial Park).

Chair Lazar said that he thought the 2013 request of $25000 was for Shea field lighting, but the 2014 request would use that money for the Smith Road piece and asked for clarity.

Ms. Gorga said that originally there was money for the purchase of land.

Mr. Haggett agreed there had been a land acquisition account for recreational use and money had been appropriated.

There was no resolution to the Park & Recreation requests; Chair Lazar thanked Ms. Gorga for attending the Board meeting.

Mr. Haggett spoke for the James A Tuttle Library requests:
  • Windows – efficiency in heating and cooling to be gained
  • South chimney should be repaired or capped off
  • Furnace – needs updating -  Breadloaf  is doing an analysis which is not done
Vice-Chair Levesque suggested a wood pellet furnace – per btu is half the price of oil.

Mr. Webber concurred with Vice-Chair Levesque that a wood pellet furnace was an excellent point.

No library requests were resolved.

The Planning Board decided to make no recommendations until the December 19 meeting. Mr. Pratt and Mr. Haggett were thanked for their presentation.

Vice-Chair Levesque asked the CIP members what was expected

Recommendation for potential sale of Town property (Map 213 Lot17and Map 219 Lot 10)

The Board members discussed both parcels (abutters had expressed interest in purchasing the town owned land), but came to no conclusion and tabled the discussion until the December 19 meeting.

NH DOT Driveway Permit Application for Multi Use Commercial site development – for Scott Burnside (Landsite) – For the Board’s information

SWRPC Commission Highlights – October 2013 – Newsletter – For the Board’s information

Other business:
There was a short discussion concerning who should determine a 3% raise for the Planning Board secretary (Board of Selectmen or Planning Board). No decision was made and the matter was tabled until the December 19 meeting.
At 9:40 pm, Vice-Chair Levesque moved to adjourn. Mr. Condon seconded the motion. All voted unanimously to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board