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Planning Board Minutes 10/17/2013
October 17, 2013
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:              Diane Chauncey (Secretary)        Chris Condon (Member)
Jesse Lazar (Chair)                       Martha Pinello(Member)                     Steve MacDonald (Member)        
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant)            Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)
Members Absent:         
Charles Levesque (Vice-Chair)           Janet McEwen (Alternate)                                        

7:00PM Business Meeting

Chair Lazar opened the meeting at 7PM.
Master Plan Chapter XIV – Implementation – Discussion

The Board members reviewed the Implementation Chapter of the 2010 Master Plan. Each action item was discussed and given a category: “action completed”; “to ponder further”, “to be reviewed by another department or committee”.

After a long discussion, Ms. Ogilvie reminded the Board that the existing language could not be altered but comments could be added – possibly in another column. (A column was added. The document with the added comments is part of the Town Hall minutes.)

It was also determined that the implementation actions should be reviewed by relevant departments or committees.
Draft Amendments to the ZO and Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations for Public Hearing on November 7, 2013

The draft language for the Public Hearing was reviewed. Ms. Pinello moved to accept the proposed wording as presented; Ms. VanderWende seconded. By a voice vote, the Board unanimously accepted the document to be presented at the Public Hearing on November 7.

Approve October 3, 2013 minutes
Mr. Webber moved to accept the minutes; Mr. MacDonald seconded. By a voice vote, the Board unanimously approved the minutes, as presented.

Order for 2014 Planning & Land Use Regulation Manual
Orders were taken for the Manuals. The secretary will place order on October 18.

At 8:40   pm, Mr. Webber moved to adjourn. Mr. MacDonald seconded the motion. All voted unanimously to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board