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Planning Board Minutes 10/03/2013
October 3, 2013
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:              Diane Chauncey (Secretary)     Jesse Lazar (Chair)                    Charles Levesque (Vice-Chair)    Steve MacDonald (Member)    Janet McEwen (Alternate)            Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)       Carol Ogilvie (Consultant)       Chris Condon (Member)
Members Absent:         
Martha Pinello (Member)

Public Attendees:  Chip Craig (Road Agent)     Don Glover (Developer-Knapton Circle)                                            

7:00PM Business Meeting

Chair Lazar opened the meeting at 7:03PM. Ms. McEwen was appointed to sit for the absent Ms. Pinello.

Knapton Circle – Don Glover, Developer, & Chip Craig, Road Agent –Planning Board Road Acceptance

Chair Lazar stated that the Board would review the 12 items on the Punch List (a list created by Peter Pitsas, former Town Engineer for Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision – he was the Engineer involved in the subdivision as a representative for the Town of Antrim). The Board viewed photos of Knapton Circle had been taken on October 3 - to illustrate the remediation actions taken by Mr. Glover.  Board Members asked questions that were answered by either Mr. Glover or Mr. Craig.

After carefully reviewing the 12 items on the “Punch List”, Vice-Chair Levesque moved to grant final Planning Board approval of Knapton Circle and to give the Planning Board recommendation to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Webber seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken: VanderWende, yes; Condon, yes; Lazar, yes; Levesque, yes; MacDonald, yes; Webber, yes; McEwen, yes.

The motion passed with a unanimous vote.  The Board of Selectmen will meet on October 15, 2013.

Zoning Ordinance Amendments and Revision in Site Plan and Subdivision Regulations for March 2014 Town Meeting – Carol Ogilvie Ballot Items

Draft Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations

  • To amend the Article XIV, O. Home Occupations, by removing the references to non-resident employees?  
Explanation:  By definition, Home Occupations do not allow nonresident employees.
        It was the sense of the Board members that that an error had been made in the September 19 meeting; the above amendment (#1) should be the proposed wording. The Board members agreed with the language.

  • To amend Article XV, B. Parking Facilities Required, Paragraph 2. Commercial Parking, by removing the word “occupations” from subparagraph p?  
Explanation:  Since Home Occupations by definition do not allow nonresident employees, there is no need to provide for parking spaces for them.
     The Board members agreed with the language.

3.      To amend Article VIII – Lakefront Residential District, by removing Home Occupations and Home-Based Businesses from the list of permitted uses?  
Explanation:  Since these uses are addressed elsewhere in the ordinance, it is redundant to have them listed in this District.
          The Board members agreed with the language.

4.      To amend the definition of “Minor Subdivision” contained in Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations as follows:

        Minor Subdivision – A proposal that does not constitute the creation of more than two new lots or involve the construction of a road or other improvements. with no potential for further subdivision.
        Explanation:  The phrase “with no potential for further subdivision” is not consistent with state law.
The Board agreed with the language.

The Board added further ZO amendments:

  • Article XIV – Supplemental Regulations O. Home Occupations should state that “Home Occupations are permitted in all districts.
  • Article VIII – Lakefront Residential District – C. Lot, Yard and Height Requirements – frontage should be added.
The Board members agreed to the above additions.

Chair Lazar stated that on page 24 of the Antrim Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations, there is an error.  The words “Placeholder – record “as built plan – should be removed.
        The Board members agreed to the above edit.

Ms. Ogilvie will make the necessary changes and have the new language for the October 17 meeting.

Survey of “Robert L. Shea Athletic Field” property on West and School Street in compliance with NH RSA 676:18, paragraph IV   - FYI

Broadband Update – Ms. Chauncey had participated in a “windshield survey” with Henry Underwood, an intern from Southwest Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Underwood had a map of “Antrim to which he added all pertinent information concerning cable and DSL internet connections. The information will be sent to UNH as part of an ongoing program to determine accurate broadband accessibility throughout the state.
2014 Budget – Memo from Galen Stearns
After a short discussion, Vice-Chair Levesque moved to adopt the 2014 budget with no changes from the 2013 budget; Mr. Condon seconded the motion. By a voice vote, the members unanimously voted to pass the motion.

Approve September 19, 2013 minutes
Vice-Chair Levesque moved to accept the minutes; Mr. Condon seconded. The minutes were approved as amended.


Town of Hopkinton – Notification according to RSA Chapter 12-K, Section 7 for a cell tower that may be visible within 20 miles – Public Hearing  10/8/2013 - FYI

Workshops & Trainings:

2013 Municipal Law Lecture Series – Land Use lectures – acquire books?
The Secretary stated that she would acquire the 3 books from the 2013 Municipal Law Lecture Series.
Other business
At 8:40   pm, Mr. Levesque moved to adjourn. Ms. VanderWende seconded the motion. All voted unanimously to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board