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Planning Board Minutes 02/07/2013
February 7, 2013
Public Hearing
Earth Excavation & Reclamation Regulations

Members & Staff Present:          Diane Chauncey (Secretary)           David Dubois (Chair)     
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)          Charles Levesque (Member)        Steve MacDonald (Member)   Janet McEwen (Alternate)     Martha Pinello (Member)      
Sarah VanderWende (Member)         Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)
Members Absent:         Mike Genest (Ex-officio)         
Public Attendees:
Steve Jones             Scott Burnside          Kristina Burnside

7:00PM Public Meeting
Hearing to review the draft Earth Excavation & Reclamation Regulations as prepared by the Planning Board and Consultant Planner Carol Ogilvie

Chair Dubois opened the meeting at 7:04PM. The Public Hearing Notice (which had been advertised in The Villager on January 25, 2013) was read by the Secretary. The Antrim Excavation Pit Operators had been notified, as well, by US Mail.

Ms. Ogilvie explained that the review and revision of the Excavation & Reclamation Regulations had been triggered by the 2012 September Annual Reviews of the five active gravel operations. The revisions included language clarifications, housekeeping, and had been revised with the input of Board members as well as the pit operators.

Chair Dubois opened the Public Hearing.

Public Hearing:
Mr. Burnside stated that he was representing himself and the Stuarts (Zeke & Mack’s). He said that they were both opposed to the statement:  “The scope of this regulation does not include the stockpiling or recycling of off-site materials brought to the site unless they are being used to process on-site materials.”

This evoked a discussion in which the Board members explained their concerns:
        Storage of construction materials (brick, asphalt, concrete)
        No provision for construction materials in RSA 155: E
        The pit operator could possibly abandon the operation and the materials would remain.
        Recycling of local materials makes sense
Mr. Burnside stated that many pits allow recycle materials and that the aggregate can be a “huge portion of the pit”.

The Board agreed that the issue should probably be addressed on a case by case basis.
There was a short discussion concerning vegetative buffers. The conclusion was that vegetative buffers should also be considered on a case by case basis.

The Board and Public Attendees discussed the remainder of the Regulations. The Public Hearing
was closed.


The Board reviewed the changes that would need to be revised by Ms. Ogilvie. A list was made (the resulting list is attached).

Three of the active pits have temporary permits which will expire March 31, 2013.The new regulations may not be adopted by then.

Mr. Levesque moved to extend the temporary permits to June 2013. Mr. MacDonald seconded the motion.

After a short discussion, Mr. Levesque withdrew his motion.

Mr. Levesque moved to extend the temporary permits to September 1, 2013. Mr. MacDonald seconded. On a voice vote, the motion passed.

Chair Dubois thanked the pit operators for attending the meeting.

SEC Update

Mr. Levesque informed the Board that the SEC had denied the application for a certificate to operate a wind facility on a 6 – 3 vote.  Mr. Levesque stated that the application did not meet the standards on aesthetics.

Both Mr. Levesque and Ms. Pinello, who had attended the SEC deliberative session, stated that the process through which the committee worked through was “exhaustive”.  When the committee reviewed the aesthetics, it was determined that there was no possible way to mitigate the project.

The SEC will issue a written decision.

Other business:
Determine dates for current pit owners to review their operations

Wetlands Permit Application – White Birch Point Association – FYI

Public Hearing Notice – Bond for Police Station –FYI

Approve minutes of January 17 & January 31, 2013

January 17, 2013 – Ms. VanderWende moved to accept the minutes; Mr. Levesque seconded. The Board voted to approve the minutes as presented.

January 31, 2013 – Ms. VanderWende moved to accept the minutes; Mr. MacDonald seconded. The Board moved to approve the minutes as amended.

Knapton Circle – bond reduction request – postponed

FYI handout – example of a bond reduction letter

Hillsborough Planning Board – sent agenda for 2/6/2013 which includes a Public Hearing for a Master Site Plan of 3 parcels on Antrim Road by Saxton Partners and Michael Black – FYI

Monadnock Paper Mills Hydroelectric Project/New Major License (#6597-013) – Notice that the application has been filed – 1/17/2013 - FYI

At 8:45 pm, Ms. VanderWende moved to adjourn; Mr. Levesque seconded. All agreed to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board