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Planning Board Minutes 10/04/2012
October 4, 2012
Review & Edit Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations

Members & Staff Present:          Diane Chauncey (Secretary)     David Dubois (Chair)   
 Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)         Steve MacDonald (Member)    Janet McEwen (Alternate)  
Martha Pinello (Member)  Sarah VanderWende (Member)

Members & Staff Absent:
Mike Genest (Ex-officio)        Charles Levesque (Member)       
Public Attendees:
7:00PM Public Meeting:

Chair Dubois opened the meeting at 7:00PM and appointed Ms. McEwen to sit for the absent Mr. Levesque.

Approve Planning Board Minutes of  September 20, 2012

Ms. VanderWende moved to accept the September 20 minutes; Ms. Pinello seconded the motion.
The Board approved the minutes as amended.

SEC Update

Ms. Pinello stated that the SEC transcript of the Subdivision Authority hearing had been posted to the SEC website.

Chair Dubois stated that he would like to speak with Atty Waugh concerning the upcoming Subdivision Authority Hearing on October 26 and to also discuss the content of the September 20, 2012 MEMO (Subject: Subdivision authority of Antrim Planning Board).

A long discussion followed. The Board discussed the main issue – who has the legal authority to subdivide in the Town of Antrim. The majority of the Board felt that if the Planning Board were to oversee the subdivision of land on the AWE leased land, it would be reviewed in the same manner as any subdivision application. There has been concern that the SEC may “pick and choose” certain portions of the regulations. The Board stated that their local authority should include all of the Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations; and that the way in which the subdivision was processed would be similar to other State agencies’ permitting processes (such as, a Shoreland Protection Permit to the Department of Environmental Services, etc.)

Motion: To authorize Chair Dubois to discuss with Atty Waugh (via telephone and email) to review Board’s questions concerning the upcoming adjudicative hearing of October 26th, especially the Memo’s content  of September 19, and the legal subdivision authority of the Planning Board.

Moved by: Vice-Chair Lazar; seconded by Ms. Vanderwende:  
Roll call vote: 4 yes 2 abstentions (Mr. MacDonald and Ms. McEwen)
The motion passed.

There was a short discussion to reconsider the decision.

Chair Lazar proposed the motion. Mr. MacDonald seconded.

Motion: To authorize Chair Dubois to discuss with Atty Waugh (via telephone and email) to review Board’s questions concerning the upcoming adjudicative hearing of October 26th, especially the Memo’s content of September 19.

Vote: All in favor except – one abstention (Ms. McEwen)

Review and edit current Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations
July 5 and August 2 PB Minutes excerpts – as a reminder of former reviews

Edits made on pages 19 thru 28 are underlined, bold, or struck as follows:

Section VI
Section VI: Submission Requirements for Site Plan Review
A. Submission Requirements for Home Based Businesses. This includes any existing commercial activity being performed that rises to the level of a home based business, as well as proposals for uses which customarily or may properly be carried on entirely within a dwelling or other structure accessory to the dwelling, or the change of use of any existing building or where any change of use results in the commercial activity meeting the criteria for a home based business. This does not include any enlargement of the buildings.               
                1.   Application
a. Fully executed and signed copies of the Building Permit Application in triplicate if applicable.
b. Fully executed and signed copies of the Home Occupation application for Home Based Business and change of Use Application in triplicate including:
(1) Location of site, zoning district, tax map number, lot number, names of any adjoining streets, names and addresses of the owners of record, of the applicant and abutting land owners. Amended 2/2/06)
(2) Area to be used for commercial purposes.
(3) Signed release for the Building Inspector to examine the property to see if it is suitable for the proposed use.
(4) A written statement describing the purpose of the proposed project and giving sufficient detail to determine compliance with the Town Ordinances and Regulations.
2. Plan of Development--A plot plan diagram (engineered plan not necessary), in triplicate, showing the following:
a. Shape and dimensions of the interior area to be used.
b. Any additions or changes to be made in to the plumbing or electrical wiring.
C. The shape and dimensions of the proposed parking area.

d. Driveways and flow of traffic entering and exiting the site.
e. Location, size and character of all signs and exterior lighting.
3. Written Approval of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation or the Antrim Road Agent. (Amended 2/2/06)
B. Submission Requirements for Minor Site Plan and additions to Home Occupations. Minor Site Plan Reviews include proposals : which involve six hundred (600) square feet, or less, of additional interior space for commercial activity.
              1. Where the plan is for a change of use or expansion of use;
          2. Where there is no conflict with current zoning;
     3. Where the site plan will have a minimum traffic impact on the surrounding road network and there is no alteration of access to public streets;
4. Where the increase in gross floor area is less than 30% of the existing gross floor area not to exceed 700 square feet. The exception to this is the expansion of a home based business, which is limited to 700 square feet.  
5. Where the increase in parking is less than or equal to 2 additional parking spaces;
6. Where there are no unusual or special conditions which require supplemental information.
The Planning Board shall have the responsibility for making the final decision as to the application of these regulations to any proposed development, change or expansion of use.
                1. Application
a. Fully executed and signed copies of the Minor Site Plan Review Application in triplicate including:
(1) Location of site, zoning district, tax map number, lot number, names of any adjoining street,  names and addresses of the owners of record, of the applicant and abutting land owners. (Amended 2/2/06)
(2) Nature of change: Addition or Change of Use.
(3) Type of building: Residential, Commercial or Industrial.
(4) Area to be used for commercial purposes.
(5) Signed release for the Building Inspector to examine the property to see if it is suitable for the proposed use.
b. A written statement describing the purpose of the proposed project and giving sufficient detail to determine compliance with Town Ordinances and Regulations.
2. Plan of Development -- plan diagram (engineering plan not necessary), in triplicate showing the following:
a. Shape and dimensions of the interior area to be used.
b. Any additions or changes to be made in plumbing or electrical wiring.
c. Any changes in the sewage disposal system.
d. The shape and dimensions of the proposed parking area.
e. Driveways and flow of traffic entering and exiting the site.
f. Location, size and character of all signs and exterior lighting.
g. Provisions for storage and removal of rubbish.
h. Additions to inns, hotels and restaurants shall have handicap access if the enlargement has a value in excess of twenty five percent (25%) of its current value.
3. Additional Information
a. Written recommendation of the Fire Safety Officer if requested. (Amended 2/2/06)
b. Written approval from the Antrim Sewer and Water Department if such approval is required by the Planning Board. (Amended 2/2/06)
c. Written approval of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation or the Antrim Road Agent for siting driveways and curb cuts with adequate lines of sight. (Amended 2/2/06)
d. Written approval by the NH DES Subsurface Systems Bureau for any additions to any existing septic system, the construction of any new septic system, or to additions of buildings on a septic system. (Amended 2/2/06)
e. Written approval of the Antrim Planning Board for a Special Use Permit to disturb the 25' wetland buffer. (Amended 2/2/06)

C. Submission Requirements for Major Site Plan Review All commercial development and multi-family dwellings other than two family and conversion apartments, expansion of home based business in excess of 700 square feet, whether or not such development includes a subdivision or re-subdivision of the site, and which do not qualify for a Minor Site Plan Review shall include and be in full compliance with the requirements for a Major Site Plan Review listed below.
1. Application
a. Fully executed and signed copies of the Major Site Plan Review Application in triplicate giving the location of the site, zoning district, tax map number, lot number, parcel number(s), name and addresses of the owners of record, of the applicant, of the persons or firm preparing the map, and abutting land owners ,with four (4) sets of address labels along with the names of all adjoining streets. Eight copies of the application shall be submitted. Applications longer than 10 pages shall be submitted in binders with dividers, and cutely colored labels. The complete application shall be submitted on physical media to the Planning Department in Portable Document Format (*.pdf).
b. A written statement describing the purpose of the proposed project, giving sufficient detail to determine compliance with the provisions of Site Plan Review Regulations and the Town Ordinances and Regulations in effect.
2. Any Major Site Plan Review which includes a subdivision of the site shall meet all the requirements of the subdivision of land.
3. Plan of Development- Eight (8) copies of  a plan or plat drawn at a scale no greater than 1 inch = 100 feet. A scale of 1 inch = 50 feet may be required if all details cannot be shown clearly at the greater scale. All plans shall be 22 x 34 inches.  Oversized drawings will not be accepted. (Amended 2/2/06) See VI.C.1 for submission requirements.
a. Existing and Data information
(1) Name and address of the person or firm preparing the plan.
(2) A vicinity sketch showing the location of the site in relation to the surrounding public street system. (Amended 2/2/06)
(3) North arrow, scale, date of original drawing and revision block.
(4) Current zoning classification (including overlaying districts, tax map, and lot number) of the property and location of any district boundaries if located within the site including the fifty (50) foot intrusion into a less restrictive district. (Amended 2/2/06)
(5) Property boundary lines, distances, and bearings of such plotted to scale. (Amended 2/2/06)
(6) Names of all current abutting property owners with deed book and page numbers. (Amended 2/2/06)
(7) Names, location and classification of all abutting streets.
(8) The lot number, area of the parcel (in square feet and acres), and street frontage.
(9) Location of all buffers and setbacks for buildings, wetlands, parking and loading required by the Zoning Ordinance by use of dashed lines.
(10) The location, size, shape and height of all existing and proposed buildings, including any expansion or changes of existing structures with typical elevations and floor plans (See Section IX, C), and any existing or proposed parking areas or driveways. (Amended 2/2/06)
(11) Location of all existing buildings, intersecting roads or driveways within two hundred (200) feet of the parcel.
(12) Location of wetlands and one hundred year flood elevation line (or a note if not applicable); including the source of 100-year flood line – i.e. FEMA community/ panel #).  The Planning Board reserves the right to have these areas delineated by a Wetland Scientist. (See Section IX,Q).  (Amended 2/2/06)
(13) Location of waterbodies, streams, rock ledges, cemeteries, drainage ditches and bridges if applicable or a note if there are none.  The Planning Board reserves the right to have these areas delineated by a Wetland Scientist. (Amended 2/2/06)
(14) Location of all easements on record as of the date of the preparation of the plan if applicable or a note if there are none.
(15) All existing utilities.  (Amended 2/2/06)
(16) The existing grades, drainage systems and topographical contours at intervals not exceeding five (5) feet, with spot elevations where the grade is less than two (2%) percent. Also, all low points, high points, and other areas needing spot elevations shall be shown using dashed lines.  Contour lines are to be field run or photogrammetric and not interpolations of USGS maps.  The source of such data shall be shown. (Amended 2/2/06)
(17) Ground Control. (See Section IX,P)
(18) A cover sheet showing the entire project whenever it cannot be shown at the required scale on a single plan of 22" x 34".
(19) Seal and signature(s) of a  licensed engineer land surveyor attesting (with a note stating) that the survey close(s) within one (1) foot/fifteen thousand (15,000) feet for lots within the Village Business District, Residential District, Lakefront Residential District, and Highway Business District and one (1) foot/seven thousand five hundred (7,500) feet in the Rural and Rural Conservation District and the data set forth on this plan is based upon the actual field survey of the premises shown. (Amended 2/2/06)
(20) Blocks for the endorsement by the owner, the Chairman Chair, and the Secretary of the Planning Board. (Amended 2/2/06)
b. Proposed Development
(1) The shape, size, height and location of the proposed structures, including any expansion or changes of existing structures, with typical elevations and floor plans. (See Section IX,C)
(2) Proposed streets, driveways, parking spaces and sidewalks, with indication of the direction of travel for one-way streets, and drives and inside radii of all curves. The width of streets, driveways and sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be provided with handicap
ramps. The total number of parking spaces, loading spaces, and loading facilities shall be shown. (See Section IX,E,F & G)
(3) The location of all points of access to town roads and State highways.
(4) Street centerlines and rights-of-way lines and locations of adjacent streets and other public property within at least one hundred (100) feet of the subdivision or site. Street names, bearing and distances along centerlines.
(5) Street, sidewalk and bikeway cross sections and profiles, location of handicap ramps for all sidewalks, engineering specifications for paved areas, bridges and/or culverts as required. (See Section IX,H,I & J)
(6) A circulation plan of the interior of the lot showing provision for both auto and pedestrian circulation. An access plan showing means of access to the site and proposed changes to existing public streets including any traffic control devices necessary in conjunction with the proposed site development plan. (See Section IX,G)
(7) A utility plan showing:
(a) Water supply showing location and size of water mains, fire hydrants and valves.
(b) Location of the existing effluent disposal area(s).  (Amended 2/2/06)
(c) The location, size, grade and invert elevation of sanitary and/or storm sewers.
(d) Storage tanks: 1ocation, size, type and protective barriers, if required.
(e) Location of utility poles and a layout indicating how the site will be served by electric, telephone, and any other public utility. If the utility company(s) requires an easement to provide service, no final approval shall be granted by the Planning Board until such easements are secured.

(8) Exterior lighting plan and proposed signs or instructional devices to be located on the site, including sign orientation, size, height and elevation view.
(9) Provisions for storage and removal of rubbish.
(10) Plans for snow removal and storage.
(11) Existing and proposed topography of the site at a five (5) foot interval of two (2) foot contour if major changes to the existing topography are being proposed.
(12) Provisions for control of erosion and sedimentation both permanent and temporary (during construction). (See Section IX,K)
(13) A storm water drainage plan. (See Section IX,L)
(14) A plan for the disposal of waste generated on the site during development. (See Section IX,M)
(15) Construction drawings including but not limited to roads, walks, steps, curbing and drainage structures.
(16.) A general landscaping plan and planting schedule, including the treatment of buffer areas and the location and types of trees and vegetation to be planted.
(17) The location, type and size of other screening, including fences and walls.
(18) The location of any common lands and/or dedication of land for public or common ownership. (See Section IX, C)
(19) Provisions for fire safety, prevention and control.
(20) The location of easement, deed restrictions, dedications and covenants, with the following additional requirements:
(a) Where the topography is such as to make difficult the inclusion of any facilities mentioned above within the public ways so laid out, the submitted layout shall show the boundaries of proposed permanent easements over or under private property. Easements shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet in width and shall have satisfactory access to existing or proposed public ways or as determined by the Board.
(b) Any existing or proposed easements shall be shown by a fine dashed line and clearly labeled and identified on the plan. If the easement is being dedicated by the plan, it shall be properly set out in the owner's certificate of dedication. If an easement shown on the plan is already on record, its recorded reference must be shown.
(c) The plan shall contain an accurate outline of all property that is offered for dedication for public use with the purpose indicated thereon, and of all property that may be reserved by deed restrictions or protective covenant in the deed for the common use of the
property owners in the subdivision. Tracts offered for dedication other than for streets or easements should be designated by letter or number.
(21) Other information:
(a) The phasing of project construction, if staged.
(b) Copies of deed restrictions or protective covenants for each definitely restricted section shall be submitted to the Board and boundaries of such shall be accurately presented on the submitted plan if applicable or a note if there are none. (Amended 2/2/06)
(c) Written Approval from the Antrim Sewer and Water Department if such approval is required by the Planning Board. (Amended 2/2/06)
(d) Written Approval by the NH DES Subsurface Systems Bureau for any additions to any existing septic system or the construction of any new septic systems. (Amended 2/2/06)
(e) Written recommendation of the Fire Safety Officer if requested. (Amended 2/2/06)
(f) Written Approval of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation or the Antrim Road Agent for siting driveways & curb cuts with adequate lines of sight. (Amended 2/2/06)
(g) Site Specific Permit as specified by the NH DES Water Division.

*(h) The applicant may be required to conduct the following:
i. Community Facilities Impact Analysis. (See Section IX,N)
ii. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. (See Section IX,K,2)
iii. Site Specific Soil Survey. (See Section IX,O)
        *Should the Planning Board determine some or all of the information described in Section VI,C,3,b(21),h, above is to be required, the applicant shall be notified in writing within ten (10) days after the public hearing described in Section IV (3)above of the necessity to submit that information deemed a requirement by the Planning Board.
                4. Final Plan
a. A request for final approval of a plat or plan shall be accompanied by a final plan of such proposal legibly and clearly drawn as follows:
(1) The plan shall show all items required in the preliminary layout.
(2) The plan shall have a revision block giving the date and nature of all revisions since the date of the original plan submitted to the Planning Board.
  • One Mylar and Four (4) dark line copies must be submitted. (Amended 2/2/06)
b. Additional Approvals—Copies of all state and town approvals and permits:
(1) Written Approval of the NH DES Wetlands Bureau for relocation, filling, dredging or re-channeling of any natural or manmade drainage area, river, stream, pond, wet area, etc. (Amended 2/2/06)
(2) Written approval of the Antrim Planning Board for a Special Use Permit to disturb the 25’ wetland buffer. (Added 2/2/06)
### WE ARE HERE ###

Other business:

2012 Municipal Law Lecture Series – available - FYI
  • Lecture 1 – Procedural Basics for Planning and Zoning Boards
  • Lecture 2 – Religion and Land Use Controls: What are the Legal Limits?
  • Lecture 3 – Innovative Land Use Controls: Reexamining Your Zoning Ordinance
Municipal Law Lecture Series List of available lectures for your reading pleasure -FYI

Workshops & Trainings:

LGC – Fundamentals for Planning Boards and ZBAs – Saturday 10/27/2012
Local Government Center – 9 – 12 PM – FYI – Mr. MacDonald and Ms. McEwen would like to attend.

At 9:45PM, Ms. VanderWende moved to adjourn. Vice-Chair Lazar seconded. All approved.
Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board