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Planning Board Minutes 09/20/2012
September 20, 2012

Members & Staff Present:          Diane Chauncey (Secretary)     David Dubois (Chair)   
Mike Genest (Ex-officio)          Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)           Steve MacDonald (Member)
Janet McEwen (Alternate)          Sarah VanderWende (Member)
Charles Levesque (Member) 8PM
Public Attendees:
Marcia & Steve Ullman   Ron Haggett
7:00PM Public Meeting

Chair Dubois appointed Ms. McEwen to sit for the absent Mr. Levesque.

Business Meeting:

Review of Gap Mt Development project (Map 245 Lot 17) – Jack Belletete: postponed to October 4, 2012

Approve Planning Board Minutes of September 6, 2012:  Ms. VanderWende moved to accept the minutes. Ms. Pinello seconded the motion. After discussion and amendments, all present voted to approve the minutes as amended.

Other business:

Southwest Regional Planning Commission Highlights (SWRPC) – newsletter – FYI
The newsletter evoked a conversation concerning the gas station in between Town Hall and Antrim Market Place and the possibility of the property becoming a Brownfield’s site. Brownfields is a SWRPC program which Ms. Pinello felt had money to fund the project. Ms. Chauncey will research the possibilities.

SWRPC – A Granite State Future is Your Future – History & “Principles – FYI

Driveway Permit #04-017-0012 – AWE – Map 212 Lot 27 – FYI

Chair Dubois pointed out two sentences within the State of NH Driveway Permit that he felt ironically reinforced the subdivision authority of the Antrim Planning Board:
  • The applicant shall comply with all applicable ordinances and regulations of the municipality or other State Agencies.
  • Driveway and related roadway modifications are to be constructed as shown on plan sheet C-1 prepared by TRC dated 1-8-11 for Antrim Wind Energy provided that they do not conflict with other provisions of this permit and are approved by the Town.
Restoration of Involuntarily Merged Lots – RSA 674:39-aa - FYI

Discussion and deliberation of the draft memo on the Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations that was requested by the Site Evaluation Committee (SEC).
A draft memo to the SEC with the subject “Subdivision Authority of Antrim Planning Board” had been sent to the Board for its review. The first draft Memo had excerpts from the Antrim Zoning Ordinance (ZO) and portions of the Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations (SSPR Regs).

The Board discussed the Memo in a lengthy discussion. The authors of the Memo stressed that it was impossible to excerpt certain portions of the SSPR Regs – the entire current Regulations needed to be a part of the Memo.

Other members of the Board thought that the Memo should be just the Memo and not include the ZO excerpts or the SSPR Regs. Their feeling was the SEC had already received the information and the attachments were unnecessary.

Motion: To submit the Memo with two attachments (ZO – all of Article V (Highway Business), Article XIV (Supplemental Regulations: Back Lots), and the entire current SSPR Regulations).

Motion made by Ms. Pinello and seconded by Vice-Chair Lazar.
Vote: All were in favor. Mr. Genest abstained.
The motion passed.

Chair Dubois stated that he had written a draft letter to Mr. Jack Kenworthy addressing Mr. Kenworthy’s letter of September 18, 2012– The Board discussed  Chair Dubois’ letter.

Motion: To authorize Chair Dubois to make changes to current draft letter and to send to Mr. Kenworthy, Atty Iacopino, and Galen Stearns

Motion made by: Ms. Pinello Seconded by: Ms. McEwen
Vote: All in favor; Mr. Genest abstained.
The motion passed.

Petition with 37 signatures which had been submitted to Town Hall 9/20/2012 and sent to the Board via email that afternoon

Chair Dubois stated that there was no provision (in the statutes or by-laws) for the Planning Board to address the submitted petition.

A strong discussion followed with statements concerning perceived bias, certain members disqualifying themselves, the Board of Selectmen are the problem, the Large Wind Scale Ordinance and why it did not pass, etc. There was  disagreement among the members.

Next meeting:  Continue review of Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations  

At 9:45PM, Ms. VanderWende moved to adjourn. Vice-Chair Lazar seconded. All approved.
Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board