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Planning Board Minutes 08/02/2012
August 2, 2012
Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations – Review & Edit

Members & Staff Present:          Diane Chauncey (Secretary)    David Dubois (Chair)    
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)          Charles Levesque (Member)             Martha Pinello (Member)
Steve MacDonald (Member)    Janet McEwen (Alternate)            Sarah VanderWende (Member)

Members & Staff Absent:   Mike Genest (Ex-officio)
Public Attendees:   None        
7:00PM Public Meeting:

Chair Dubois opened the meeting at 7:08 PM.

Business Meeting:

July 17, 2012   Mr. Levesque moved to accept the minutes; Vice-Chair Lazar seconded. After some discussion, Chair Dubois asked if the members were ready to vote. All voted in favor of the minutes, as amended. The motion passed and the minutes were approved as amended.

July 19, 2012 -   Mr. Levesque moved to accept the minutes; Vice-Chair Lazar seconded.
After some discussion, Chair Dubois asked if the members were ready to vote. All voted in favor of the minutes, as amended. The motion passed and the minutes were approved as amended.

SEC update
There was a short discussion ensued concerning about the intervenor filings that were due on July 31, 2012; and who has the authority to subdivide land in the Town of Antrim.    

Review Project Schedule (March 22 PB Minutes – p. 2)
        Discussion of the second half of the year
        PB Members would like a copy of Jim Dennison’s Master Plan
        Possible subcommittee for economic and highway business – no conclusion
        Legal Update – Ms. Chauncey will research

Other Business:
        By-laws final – Chair Dubois and Ms. Chauncey will finalize after the meeting.

Public Meeting:

Subdivision & Site Plan Regulations – Review & Edit
Mr. Levesque had edited the revisions made by Vice-Chair Lazar to read (in B. Submission Requirements for Minor Site Plan and additions to Home Occupations) as follows:

     1. Where the plan is for a change of use or expansion of use;
                2. Where there is no conflict with current zoning;
        3. Where the site plan will have a minimum traffic impact on the surrounding road network and there is no alteration of access to public streets;
4. Where the increase in gross floor area is less than 30% of the existing gross floor area not to exceed 700 square feet.
5. Where the increase in parking is less than or equal to 2 additional parking spaces;
6. Where there are no unusual or special conditions which require supplemental information.

The Planning Board shall have the responsibility for making the final decision as to the application of these regulations to any proposed development, change or expansion of use.

In #4 – above, the following was added:   “The exception to this is the expansion of a home based business, which is limited to 700 square feet.”  

After a short discussion on what triggers a change from home occupation to home based business, p. 21 – Submission Requirements for Major Site Plan Review, Section C was amended to state:  

C. Submission Requirements for Major Site Plan Review All commercial development and multi-family dwellings other than two family and conversion apartments, expansion of home based business in excess of 700 square feet, whether or not such development includes a subdivision or re-subdivision of the site, and which do not qualify for a Minor Site Plan Review shall include and be in full compliance with the requirements for a Major Site Plan Review listed below.”

After a lengthy discussion concerning the criteria that would trigger a minor site plan review, Section VI: Submission Requirements for Site Plan Review was changed to state (italicized and underlined is the changed wording):

A. Submission Requirements for Home Based Businesses. This includes any existing commercial activity being performed that rises to the level of a home based business. This includes proposals for uses which customarily or may properly be carried on entirely within a dwelling or other structure accessory to the dwelling, or the change of use of any existing building or where any change of use results in the commercial activity meeting the criteria for a home based business. This does not include any enlargement of the buildings.
                1.   Application

a. Fully executed and signed copies of the Building Permit Application in triplicate if applicable.

b. Fully executed and signed copies of the Home Occupation application for Home Based Business and change of Use application in triplicate including…

At 9:30, the board decided by consensus to end the review, “and mull it over”.

Motion to adjourn: Mr. MacDonald; seconded by Ms. VanderWende. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board