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Planning Board Minutes 06/07/2012
June 7, 2012
Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations

Members & Staff Present:          Diane Chauncey (Secretary)    David Dubois (Chair)    
Mike Genest (Ex-officio)          Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)              Charles Levesque (Member)         Steve MacDonald (Member)    Martha Pinello (Member)      Sarah VanderWende (Member)   

Members & Staff Absent:
Janet McEwen            

Public Attendees:    None

7:00PM Public Meeting:

May 17, 2012 Minutes to be approved
Motion: to accept minutes
Motion made by: Mr. Levesque; seconded by Ms. Lazar
After some discussion, the minutes were approved as amended. (Mr. Levesque that all substantive changes to the amended minutes should be listed here, beginning with these minutes)
       Substantive changes:
Line 69: Ms. Vanderwende changed the sentence by adding the phrase “that would promote a shovel ready project.

Knapton Circle update  
The board determined that 2 items were outstanding for recognition of road completion:
  • Final inspection by Underwood Engineering at an estimate of  $800
  • Mylar of as built plans
A letter, signed by Chair Dubois, stating the 2 items will be sent to Mr. Glover.

SEC update
Mr. Levesque informed the Board of the following:
        June 20 – Antrim Wind Energy final date to respond to the data requests
        After June 20 another round of data requests may be submitted
        Intervenor witness lists and exhibits are to be submitted
Technical Session – June 27, 28, 29 – a technical session involves the applicant, counsel and intervenors – considered a part of discovery

Hearing Fees update – New fees that had been recommended to the Board of Selectmen (BOS) did not need to go to the BOS – the Planning board had the authority to change the fees (The new Hearing Fee schedule includes the following: Conceptual Consult – no fee for the first consult; Design Phase is added - fee of $100.00 and will include the other hearing fee charges – newspaper, abutters letters, etc.)

CIP Historical Perspective – Ron Haggett and Ben Pratt

Mr. Haggett explained that the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is intended for large capital projects ($5000. and up) that would be included in the budget process over a 6-year span. Department heads are asked to submit a work sheet and proposals with an explanation of the importance and necessity of  their projects. The CIP committee then reviews the projects, gives their recommendation to the Planning Board, and ultimately the recommendation are submitted to the BOS.

Mr. Pratt stated that the CIP program is fairly new to the Town of Antrim (TOA). The program is intended to classify projects according to need and to recommend a time sequence. He further explained that the TOA was still recovering from the deficit (in the deficit year, no departments received any monies for CIP projects). He also explained that some departments did not submit proposals – the CIP program does not work if all departments do not participate. He named several large projects that were not in the CIP program but that he felt were very important (Highland Avenue water line, River crossing from the town well to the Tenney fields, drainage problems on Pleasant St).

Mr. Levesque asked if a cover letter from the Planning Board of CIP recommendations to the BOS make a difference.

Mr. Genest stated a letter would be supportive.

Ms. Pinello suggested that the TOA should have a list of “shovel ready” projects (that could come out of the CIP spreadsheet).

Ms. VanderWende asked if the department heads had looked in to grant possibilities.

Mr. Hagget assured that the departments all look for grant money.

The discussion continued. Topics included the fire department’s unwillingness to participate in the program, funding from capital reserve accounts, the bridge fund, the bridge projects, etc.

It was agreed, by consensus, that the CIP program would only operate well if all departments participated, and that the Planning Board was willing to do what was necessary to make the program function properly.

Mr. Genest stated that the BOS and Water & Sewer department were coordinating several of the larger projects.

Appoint members to CIP committee

Motion:  to nominate Mr. Lazar and Mr. MacDonald as Planning Board representatives to the CIP committee.
Motion made by: Mr. Genest; seconded by Jesse Lazar.
Vote: Approved unanimously

Workshops & Trainings:

June 28 – Carol Ogilvie – workshop – Planning Board & Land Use
regulations – a detailed examination of the specifics of a zoning ordinance and other planning board regulations. Postponed to August 30, 2012
Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations – At 9:15, the Board determined that an out of schedule meeting should be held to review the regulations. It was determined that June 14, 2012 at 6:30PM, the Board would meet to work, exclusively, on the regulations.

DES letter – application Alteration of Terrain (AoT) for Antrim Wind Park - FYI

Survey of Vernice L. Grant Revocable Trust property from Mr. Peter D. Mellen, Surveyor – sent in compliance with RSA 676:18, paragraph IV – FYI

DES Letter - Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPAs) – find out what Bennington has for well head protection – Diane to find out about WHPA  and Ms. Pinello will do geological study for next meeting - FYI

DOT Driveway Permit – James Creighton – 213-025 – RT 9 – FYI

Motion made by: Mr. MacDonald; seconded by Mr. Genest
Vote: Unanimous to adjourn

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board