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Planning Board Minutes 04/19/2012
April 19, 2012
Glover Update & Subdivision &
Site Plan Review Regulations

Members & Staff Present:          Diane Chauncey (Secretary)    David Dubois (Chair)      
Mike Genest (Ex-officio)          Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)                  Charles Levesque (Member)     Martha Pinello (Member)         Sarah Vanderwende (Member)    Janet McEwen (Alternate)

Members & Staff Absent:
Steve MacDonald (Member)
Public Attendees:   Don Glover  Chip Craig

7:00PM Public Meeting:

Chair Dubois opened the meeting with introductions of the Board members, alternates and staff.

Chair Dubois appointed Ms. McEwen to sit for the absent Mr. MacDonald.

Knapton Circle update – Don Glover

Chair Dubois asked Mr. Glover to state his position on the road, its current condition and the current bond. Chair Dubois said that no one on the Board had participated in the Knapton Circle subdivision.

Mr. Lazar stated that he had participated in a site walk of recent Antrim subdivisions and Knapton Circle had been included. He noted that there had been erosion on one of the driveway parcels.

Mr. Glover stated that the driveway had been repaired, the landscaping had been loamed and seeded, and the culvert had been repaired.

Mr. Glover had the engineering results from Underwood Engineers of the paving job that had been completed in September of 2008.

Chair Dubois said that the Road Agent (Clark Craig, III – Chip) had reviewed the results of the Knapton Circle road.

Mr. Glover stated that the road was completed.

Mr. Craig said that he was unable to see the depth of the hot top. He had done several test holes and had not seen two layers of pavement. There were photos (shown on the projector) that he felt supported his statements.

Mr. Glover said that Mr. Pitsas (Town Engineer – Peter Pitsas of Underwood Engineers – at the time that the paving was completed) had been contracted to oversee the paving job to ensure that the necessary standards for a Class V road were fulfilled. Mr. Glover continued that the Town Engineer had signed off on the road. Mr. Glover stated that he did not want to go backwards. Individual parcels had been purchased.

Chair Dubois said the Road Agent had done test digs in three different locations on the road.

Mr. Glover said that Peter Pitsas had signed off on the road. He wanted to know where the Town of Antrim stood now.

Mr. Craig said that there should be tonnage slips from the paving of the road.

Chair Dubois expressed concern of the erosion and culvert of the first parcel on the left.

Mr. Craig said that it had been rectified.

Mr. Glover asked where the Town of Antrim stood on acceptance of the road. He wanted to know if the majority of lots needed to be built on – before a road could be accepted.

Mr. Genest stated that the Board of Selectmen would like to see at least half of the lots built on.

Mr. Glover stated that there should be four houses built in 2012.

Mr. Genest said that it would not necessarily be a “done deal”.

Mr. Glover stated that he was well aware that it was not a quick process.

Chair Dubois expressed his concern of the final requirements of a new road.  He said that if the Planning Board were to recommend a road to the Board of Selectmen, it would be necessary to know that all was correct.

Mr. Glover stated that he had paid $12,000.00 to Peter Pitsas, Town Engineer, to oversee the process and that he had signed off on the paving of the road.

Chair Dubois asked if there had been an as built plan.

Mr. Glover stated that to his understanding – everything had been done.

Ms. Pinello stated that she understood Mr. Glover’s concern, but the Board had to look carefully at the information that the Road Agent had brought to the Board.

Chair Dubois stated that the Board would be unable to discuss a bond reduction at this time.

Mr. Glover stated that the pavement was never questioned before this time.
Mr. Glover stated that he will contact Underwood Engineering (Peter Pitsas, former Town Engineer) and the paving company.

Chair Dubois thanked Mr. Glover for his update to the Planning Board.

Legal Review – Mr. Levesque and Ms. Vanderwende

Mr. Levesque and Ms. Vanderwende had coordinated to review important legal changes that could possible affect the Antrim Zoning Ordinance or Planning Board By-Laws. They reported on four (4) changes that could possibly affect the Town of Antrim:

  • Dams - RSA 676.4 I (d) (2) - new requirement. The dam bureau would need to be notified of any development proposals within 500’ of the top of the bank of a lake, pond, river or stream. The implication to the Planning Board – in an application – was any portion of the proposal within 500’ of an existing dam?
  • Vested Rights for subdivision or site plan – time period under which a subdivision has not been completed, but is underway and which is grandfathered under the zoning/subdivision regulations has changed from 4 years to 5 years. RSA 674:39, RSA 674:4-C: 8 II, RSA 673.3a – grandfathering and exemption
  • Training Opportunities - NH Office of Energy and Planning (OEP) is no longer required to offer training for Land Use Boards
  • NH OEP Notification of Ordinance Changes – RSA 675.9 - the Planning Department should notify OEP when the Planning Board adopts or amends Master Plan, Zoning Ordinances, Capital Improvement Plan, Subdivision Regulations or Site Plan Review Regulations.
Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations
The Board reviewed page by page and updated and amended as needed. The Board discussed necessary changes; Mr. Levesque made changes to the current regulations – as projected on the screen for all Board members to view. The changes were discussed and accepted. Five pages of the current Regulations were reviewed. The Board will continue with the review of the Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations at the May 3, 2012 Planning Board meeting. The changes made thus far are stored on a flash drive that is exclusive to the Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations (stored on the Secretary’s desk in the Planning Department).

Hearing Fees

A long discussion on conceptual consultation occurred. The Board reviewed the options for an applicant and determined that a Conceptual Consultation should be at no cost to the applicant, Design Review would be added to the Hearing Fee schedule at a $100.00 (with additional fees of abutter notification and Public Hearing newspaper notification).

Motion: Move to change the fee for a Conceptual Consultation to $0.00; and add Design Review to $100.00.
Motion made by: Mr. Lazar; seconded by Mr. Levesque
Vote: Approved unanimously to recommend to the Board of Selectmen to change the Hearing Fee Schedule

Business Meeting:

April 5, 2012  Minutes  to be approved
Motion: Move to accept the April 5, 2012 Planning Board minutes
Motion made by: Ms. Pinello; seconded by: Mr. Lazar
Vote: All approved (except Mr. Levesque who abstained) to accept the minutes as amended.

SEC - Petition for Intervention by Planning Board – amended & signed version
A hard copy of the Petition for Intervention by Planning Board (as it had been amended and signed) was given to the PB Members and Alternates

Zoning Ordinance Amendment changes - Hard copy of changes for PB Members’ copies of the
        Zoning Ordinance

Updated Roster with new alternate information – Janet McEwen (newly appointed Alternate)
        Telephone and email information added to roster


SWRPC Commission Highlights – March 2012 edition – FYI

Town of Alstead, NH – notice of submission of competed application for site plan review for AT&T cell tower and access road – FYI

Wetlands Permit Application for Depot Street Slab – FYI

Wetlands Permit Notice of Acceptance– DES File #2012-00856 & #2012-00857 –FYI
Landsite Gravel Pit – DES update

Letter from Atty Iacopino – “Reminder to Governing Bodies” of 4/30/2102 Site visit and public hearing - FYI

Motion: to adjourn meeting – 9:59PM
Motion made by: Ms. Lazar; seconded by Ms. McEwen
Vote: Unanimous to adjourn

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board