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Planning Board Minutes 12/08/2011
December 8, 2011
Out of Schedule Meeting

Members & Staff Present:         Diane Chauncey (Secretary)      Scott Burnside (Member)                 David Dubois (Member)    Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)       Charles Levesque (Member)               Martha Pinello (Member)          Andrew Robblee (Chair)        John Robertson (Ex-Officio)
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)      
Members & Staff Absent:
Mike Tatro (Alternate)  Stephen Schacht (Alternate)     

Public Attendees:  
Sarah Vanderwende       Ron Haggett     

7:00 PM – Public Meeting

Chair Robblee said that the meeting had not been notified properly because it  did not state the purpose for the out of schedule meeting. The Planning Board may waive (according to the by-laws) any of the procedures. A discussion ensued of whether or not the meeting should proceed.

At the discretion of the Board, Mr. Lazar made a motion to waive the noticing of the purpose of the meeting. The meeting should occur. This meeting is not a public hearing and according to the by-laws at least 3 members of the Board have a conversation then minutes should be taken and recorded. Mr. Dubois seconded the motion. Mr. Lazar stated that what was to be put on the ballot, not to hurry, not to trick, to discuss planning board business to get the work we need done. The schedule would be disrupted if this evenings meeting were not to happen.

Roll call vote: Mr. Levesque, yes; Mr. Dubois, yes, Mr. Lazar, yes; Mr. Robblee, yes; Ms. Pinello, yes; Mr. Robertson, yes; Mr. Burnside, yes.

Planning Board 2012 Budget
The Board members did not agree with changes that had been made to the PB budget which had been prepared by the Town Administrator. After discussing the changes that had been made, the Board, by consensus, determined that the Chair should present the budget with the Consultant Planner line and also to state that expenditure of legal expenses should be explained in a written policy.

Mr. Dubois moved to accept the budget as discussed. Ms. Pinello seconded. By a voice vote, all were in favor.

Zoning ordinance recommendations for 2012 ballot

Personal Wireless Service Facilities- PWSF (Cell Towers)
After a long discussion (which included comments and guidance by Ms. Ogilvie), the Board determined that the best approach would be to redo the PWSF ordinance in such a way that conditional use would be implemented. The PWSF currently states that cell towers are allowed anywhere with a Special Exception. The future ordinance would determine where cell towers are permitted. The applicant would apply to the Planning Board (not to the ZBA for the Special Exception and then to the Planning Board for site plan review) – simplifying the process for the applicant, as well as the land use boards. There will not be enough time to implement the updated ordinance for the 2012 ballot.

Mr. Burnside moved to amend Article XIV-B with the language determined by Ms. Ogilvie.  Ms. Ogilvie will remove the word “discouraged” in Section 4. District Regulations and any other wording that is inappropriate. Mr. Levesque seconded. By a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.

Large Scale Wind Ordinance

After a long discussion about whether or not to move forward with changes to the Large Scale Wind Ordinance that did not pass at a Special Town Meeting on November 8, 2011, the Board decided by consensus that they would all attend the December 15 regularly scheduled meeting to work on the Ordinance. Each member would come prepared with notes and changes that all members of the Planning Board could support. It was stated that it made no sense to make changes to the document if all did not agree. The Ordinance would need to have the support of the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen in order to bring it to the March ballot.

The Board decided that Ms. Ogilvie should attend the next meeting to assist in the rewrite. Mr. Levesque will use the projector to edit the document.

Other Business:
At 9:30 PM, Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn. Mr. Lazar  seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board