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Planning Board Minutes 10/06/2011

October 6, 2011
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:         Diane Chauncey (Secretary)              David Dubois (Member)    Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)      Martha Pinello (Member)         John Robertson (Ex-Officio)    Andrew Robblee (Chair)   
Members & Staff Absent:
Mike Tatro (Alternate)  Scott Burnside (Member) Stephen Schacht (Alternate)
Charles Levesque (Member)         
Public Attendees:
Ron Haggett

7:00 PM – Review Period

  • Approve Minutes
  • September 13, 2011 Ms. Pinello moved to accept the minutes. Mr. Dubois seconded. The minutes were approved by all by a voice vote, as amended.
  • September 15, 2011 Mr. Dubois moved to accept the minutes. Mr. Robertson seconded. The minutes were approved by all by a voice vote, as presented.
  • September 27, 2011  Mr. Robertson moved to accept the minutes. Ms. Pinello seconded. The minutes were approved by all by a voice vote, as amended.
7:15 PM – Public Meeting

Special Town Meeting – Update  The Special town Meeting has fulfilled all procedural elements necessary. The vote will occur on November 8, 2011 in the Little Town Hall from 8:00AM to 7:00PM. One resident had stated that the Special Town Meeting vs. Special Town Election was confusing and that an explanation was necessary. An explanation was given by the Town Administrator which clarified the resident’s concern:

Why is the vote on November 8, 2011 a Special Town Meeting and not a Special Town Election?
November 8, 2011 is not an "ELECTION" as nobody is being elected. This is a Special Town Meeting with ballot questions to be voted on by registered voters of the Town. Per RSA 675:3 - Enactment and Adoption Procedures, amendments to a zoning ordinance shall be by affirmative vote by ballot of a majority of legal voters present. As in the past, zoning amendments go through a public hearing process and are not debated at the actual Town Meeting but are voted on by ballot which is typically done at the same time as the annual elections, but always on a separate ballot from the election process.

The Board members, by general consensus, determined that Mr. Stearns’ explanation should be posted on the website.

There was a discussion concerning the wording in the ballot: ‘recommended by the Planning Board’.  Chair Robblee is disappointed in the wording because he felt that it was implied that the Board does not want large wind in the RCD.  He felt that the original intent was to put the question to the voters. He stated that he wanted to make his point of view clear.

CIP (Capital Improvement Program) – Meetings begin – Planning Board Members needed After a short discussion, the Board members determined that it would work well to have an experienced CIP member and a member who had not yet served on the 2011-2012 CIP committee. Chair Robblee (has served) and Vice Chair Lazar (has not served) volunteered to participate.

Legal Accounting Update Statement of Fernald, Taft, Falby & Little, PA  - FYI

Scheduling for future meetings (Annual Excavation Review, Master Plan, Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations, Ordinance changes, etc.)
Next meeting – Excavation
Budget – have it ready for next meeting

Letter from Carol Ogilvie

Workshops and Trainings:
Fundamentals for Planning Boards and ZBAs – Saturday, 10/29/2011, LGC

At 8:10PM, Mr. Lazar moved to adjourn. Ms. Pinello. seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board