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Planning Board Minutes 11/03/2011

November 3, 2011
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:         Diane Chauncey (Secretary)              David Dubois (Member)    Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)      Martha Pinello (Member)         John Robertson (Ex-Officio)  
Andrew Robblee (Chair)
Members & Staff Absent:
Mike Tatro (Alternate)  Scott Burnside (Member) Stephen Schacht (Alternate)
Charles Levesque (Member)               
Public Attendees:
Ron Hagget              Peter Burwen            Sean Burwen             John Kendall
Steve Ullman

7:00 PM – Public Meeting

October 20, 2011 Minutes  - Approve Minutes – Mr. Dubois motioned to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. Robertson seconded. The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes.

Zoning Ordinance Recommendations for the 2012 ballot
        Chair Robblee suggested that the ZO recommendations should be discussed first as there were public attendees who wanted to participate in the recommendations.

Peter Burwen  stated that the AT&T Cell Tower case (#2009-01ZBA – proposed cell tower on property at 22 High Street in the Residential District) had been determined (January 10, 2010 ZBA meeting) that a rehearing could occur. AT & T has not requested a rehearing – Mr. Burwen wondered if the case should be brought to closure. He also proposed that the ballot item that was proposed for the 2010 March ballot should go onto the 2012 ballot. (Amend Article XIV-B – PWSF – Change to read:
Section 4. District Regulations:
5. Amend Article XIV-B - Personal Wireless Service Facility (PWSF) – ….Ground mounted PWSFs will not be permitted in the Residential or Village Business Districts…

Mr. Burwen was concerned that a cell tower could still be constructed in the residential district.

Mr. Haggett (ZBA member) stated that an applicant could still apply for a Special Exception.

Mr. Kendall (Chair of the ZBA) stated that cell towers should not be an allowed use in  the Residential district, but did agree that the applicant could apply for a special exception.

There was a short discussion of the proposed cell tower in the residential district.

The two ZBA members recommended the ballot item of 2011 (no PWSFs – cell towers – in the residential and village business districts) should be on the 2012 ballot.

Mr. Haggett discussed the height issue and that some structures are exempt (such as churches steeples, transmission towers). Mr. Haggett felt that the appropriate height should be determined in the site review.

Ms. Pinello stated that there should be a planning tool to address height. She said that industry standards, zoning districts and the lay of the land should all be considered.

The height discussion continued.

The discussion ended with a request of the Board to consider potential ordinance changes.

Planning Department Budget

The Board reviewed the Planning and Zoning Budget (YTD 10/31/2011 – provided by Accounting) and Planning Department Revenue 2011 (compilation of  2011 PB and ZBA cases)

The following was discussed:
  • The PB budget was below budget
  • Concern for the line item – Town Planner – item should remain in budget
  • Amount of the legal budget
  • Some suggested that the legal line should be for consultation and routine PB and ZBA questions – not for litigation
  • Consultant line should remain in budget with a greater amount
The Board will continue the discussion of the PB Budget at the November 17, 2011 meeting.

The Board requested that the secretary contact Carol Ogilvie (2011 PB Consultant) and request consideration of consultant cost of Master Plan support, Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations support, new applications, etc.

Southwest Regional Planning Commission :
Recommendations for Commissioners  - The Board recommended that the Secretary represent the Town of Antrim as commissioner
SWRPC Planning Assistance Services  FYI

Workshops and Trainings:

October 29, 2011 – LGC – Fundamentals for  Planning Boards & ZBAs–  J. Robertson stated that the workshop was  very interesting and educational.

Non-public Session:
  • Per RSA 91-A:3 d at the request of the Town Administrator
Other Business:
CIP – 11/15/2011  - First meeting to be held in LTH at 5:00PM

At 9:15PM, Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn. Ms. Pinello seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board