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Planning Board Minutes 09/01/2011
September 1, 2011
PSNH Public Hearing

Members & Staff Present:         Diane Chauncey (Secretary)              David Dubois (Member)    Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)       Charles Levesque (Member)              Martha Pinello (Member)
John Robertson (Ex-Officio)    Andrew Robblee (Chair)
Members & Staff Absent:
Scott Burnside (Member) Stephen Schacht (Alternate)             Mike Tatro (Alternate)  
Public Attendees:
Bob Edwards             Ben Pratt       David Crane (PSNH)
7:00 PM – Review Period
Review August 18 & August 27 Minutes  - Approve Minutes
August 18 –

August 27 –

David Crane, regional Arborist, PSNH – to explain the plan for trimming and removing trees and brush adjacent to nearly all of  its power lines within the town.
Chair Robblee introduced himself and asked the Board members to introduce themselves. He then asked Mr. David Crane to present the information for PSNH.
Mr. Crane explained how the trees are cut and how Asplundh works.
There were no questions from the Board.
Chair Robblee read a letter from the Road Agent, Chip Craig who reaffirmed the need for the trimming of the town’s roadways.
Mr. Edwards questioned the timing of the tree removal. He had questions about a certain tree on his property.
Mr. Crane explained that some trees may have been missed and he would like the discretion of the PB in order to remove the trees. The landowner can cut any trees on his property but PSNH must ask the landowner. The “scenic road” definition determines tree removal.
Mr. Levesque asked for language clarity. What is the definition fo a dead tree?
Mr. Crane stated that  dead trees, dead trees are those with obvious decay and a non-healthy appearance. Mr. Crane stated that PSNH has discretion but does not want to have a public hearing for every tree.
Mr. Edwards stated that in the past, PSNH gave the discretion to the Planning Board.
Mr. Crane stated that if it is on private land, the landowner must be asked.
Mr. Levesque moved to provide permission to cut trees on the list but any other dead trees to be removed should be viewed by the Road Agent. Mr. Robertson seconded. All approved by a voice vote.
Mr. Robblee asked if wood that is not claimed could be transported to the Grapevine’s Wood Bank.
Mr. Crane was agreeable.

Other Business:
Annual Review of  Excavation Pits – 9/13 with Mary Pinkham-Langer, 2010 Review letters, 2 checklists
Since 2008, the Planning Board has asked that the Planning Department (sometimes with Mary Pinkham-Langer, DRA Excavation) to review the active pits in the Town of Antrim. Since 2008 there have been 6 active pits – all of which are still active in 2011. The Annual Review will occur on September 13, 2011 at 9PM with Ms. Pinkham-Langer. Registered letters have been sent to the Excavation Site Operators informing them of the Annual Review.
Lot Merger – Robinson, Gregg Lake Drive
The Planning Board reviewed the information, including an opinion from Town Counsel, Attorney Matt Serge. The evidence as presented did not allow the Board to agree to a lot merger.
Mr. Levesque moved to request the Chair to write a letter denying the lot merger. The letter to include the opinion of Town Counsel. Mr. Lazar seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Levesque, yes; Mr. Dubois, yes; Mr. Lazar, yes; Chair Robblee, yes; Mr. Robertson, yes; Ms. Pinello, yes.

Review Ad Hoc Committee Plan of Work – verify dates
There was a short discussion concerning the previously established dates concerning the Large Wind Ordinance. It was suggested that Ms. Oglivie should double-check the schedule for any potential flaws.
Some members stated that they must do what they had said they were going to do.
Chair Robblee suggested that the vote should be held off until March – for the greatest number of voters.
There was a short discussion.
Mr. Levesque moved to schedule a special town meeting.
There was a short discussion concerning the proper scheduling.
Mr. Dubois seconded. All voted in favor of the motion  - by a voice vote.
The Board stressed the importance of Town Counsel’s legal review. The Board requested that the Large Wind Ordinance should be sent for legal review.

Workshops and Trainings:  2011 Municipal Law Lecture Series – 3 lectures, multiple dates and locations - FYI

Attorney Statement of Account - FYI

At 8:45 PM, Mr. Levesque moved to adjourn. Mr. Robertson seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board