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Planning Board Minutes 08/12/201
August 18, 2011
Conceptual Consultation – Koziell Case #2011-02PB

Members & Staff Present:                Scott Burnside   (Member)       Diane Chauncey (Secretary)        David Dubois (Member)         Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)         Charles Levesque (Member)        Martha Pinello (Member)               John Robertson (Ex-Officio)     Andrew Robblee (Chair)

Members & Staff Absent:
Stephen Schacht (Alternate)     
Mike Tatro (Alternate)

Public Attendees:
Shelley Nelkens Ron Haggett             John Soininien          Gordon Webber
Steve Ullman            Katharine Koziell

7:00 PM – Review Period
Review July 21, July 28, August 4, and August 11 Minutes
July 21 – Ms. Pinello motioned to accept the minutes. Mr. Levesque seconded. All voted to approve the minutes as accepted.
July 28 – Mr. Levesque motioned to accept the minutes. Mr. Lazar seconded. All voted to approve the minutes as amended, except Mr. Robblee, who abstained.
August 4 – Mr. Levesque motioned to accept the minutes. Ms. Pinello seconded. Mr. Levesque, Mr. Lazar, Mr. Dubois and Mr. Robertson voted to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Robblee and Ms. Pinello abstained.
August 11 – Mr. Levesque motioned to accept the minutes. Mr. Dubois seconded. All voted to approve the minutes as amended.

7:15PM – Public Meeting
Conceptual Consultation – Koziell Case #2011-02PB  Applicant proposes a storage facility on Keene Road Map 212  Lot 21  in the Highway Business District
Chari Robblee invited Ms. Koziell to present her proposal

Ms. Koziell presented a packet to each member which included photos of possible storage facilities, a summary of the project, location on Antrim’s zoning map, an aerial photo for the parcel, location on Antrim’s tax map, property card, 2 possible layouts on the property, and a floor plan. The property includes a state approved driveway permit on the Route 9 side and 2 driveways on Reed Carr road. Ms. Koziell stated that in the initial phase, she would start with two buildings (either 200’ x 30’ or 130’ x 30’) traditional metal self storage buildings. She planned to gate the Route 9 driveway and utilize the Reed Carr road driveways for safety reasons. She planned to use LED lighting for security. Dark skies would be considered. She would most likely pave the property for professional and cleanliness reasons. No well or septic system would be necessary for her project.

She explained that she was looking for the board’s input as to which requirements may not be applicable to the project. When app comes in – surveyor will come in with list of waivers
The Board stated that when the application was submitted to the Planning Department, she or her agent would have suggested site plan review waivers. A Shoreland Protection Permit may be necessary and it was suggested that she review the criteria for the permitting process to determine the property’s eligibility. There was a further discussion of  Route 9 and the possibility of a turning lane onto Reed Carr Road.

The Chair thanked Ms. Koziell for her presentation and she said that she looked forward to submitting her application.

Other Business:
Annual Review of  Excavation Pits -  The secretary explained that the review had been completed every year by the Planning Staff and on several occasions with Mary Pinkham- Langer (DRA Excavation). The secretary will confirm a date in September for the review. Certified letters will be sent to Excavation Site Owners/Operators and the Planning Board will be informed of the date, as well as the Review letters of 2010.

Subdivision Road Policy – what to do   Because of several calls that had been received by the Planning Department, the secretary wanted to bring that information to the Board. The Board determined that the policy was the prevue of the Board of Selectman.

Antrim Wind Energy, LLC – John Soininien
Mr. Soininien gave a general update on the Antrim Wind Energy, LLC (AWE) project. The project size has been enlarged to include ten (10) 3-megawatt turbines. He also stated that a letter had been sent to the Planning Board concerning proposed visual simulations for the project area. The letter requested input from the Board for important or prominent public areas from which  a turbine might be seen. AWE would like local input for their view shed analysis that would include both vegetated and non-vegetated settings. AWE is presently under contract to have created 10 photo simulations and felt that the Planning Board would be a good source to name some of the public areas that they would like to see photo simulations.
Some Board members stated that the Planning Board may not be able to assist because of a potential application. Some thought that it was no different than the joint meeting (Board of Selectmen and Planning Board) that had been proposed. The legality of participating was mentioned.

The Board suggested the following as sources: Master Plan, the Open Space Report, the Lions Club Outdoor Guide, the Conservation Commission, and the Board of Selectmen.

The Board decided that legal counsel was needed and that the LGC and Town Counsel should be contacted. The discussion continued. Some Board members felt that there should be no Board participation. Other Board members felt that there was no issue with providing the information because currently, the Board had a conceptual role, and the information given would be non-binding.. Another member stated that the Board’s role needed to be clarified in order that the Board was not continually going back and forth. The Board needed to work together and move forward as a Board. As this was new territory, a clear answer was needed.

Roll Call Vote: Mr. Levesque, yes; Mr. Dubois, yes; Mr. Lazar, yes; Ms. Pinello, yes; Mr. Robertson, yes; Chair Robblee, no; Mr. Burnside, abstain.

It was suggested that the Ad Hoc Committee review the AWE letter and report back because their charge had been to report and make recommendations. One Board member questioned the necessity of the continuance of the Ad Hoc Committee and shouldn’t they be finished.

The discussion continued that the Ad Hoc Committee’s work continued. The regulations had not been completed.

The discussion also included timing of the draft ordinance and how the changes would get finished in a timely way.

Other Business:
Home Based Business request from Myonna Taylor. Ms. Taylor is starting a business baking dog biscuits. She had reviewed the Home Based Business Ordinance and felt that she did not need to file an application with the Planning Board, but did request the Board’s input.

After a short discussion, the Board determined that an application was not necessary at this time. If her business were to grow, a site plan review may be necessary. The Board wished her well.

Windfall – Feature length film documents the story of Meredith, NY as if faces a proposed industrial wind turbine installation.FYI

Keene – Conditional Use Permit – Regional impact notification- Antenna modification to increase the number of antennas installed from 7 to 9 – FYI

Public Notice cost – FYI

At 9:00 PM, Mr. Levesque moved to adjourn. Mr. Dubois seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board