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Planning Board Minutes 08/11/2011
August 11, 2011

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Secretary)        David Dubois (Member)   
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)        John Robertson (Ex-Officio)    Charles Levesque (Member)
Martha Pinello (Member)
Members & Staff Absent:
Andrew Robblee (Chair)  Scott Burnside(Member)          Mike Tatro (Alternate)
Steve Schacht (Alternate)       

Public Attendees:
Shelley Nelkens Molly Moore-Lazar       Bob Edwards             Michael Ott
Barbara Gard            Gordon Webber

7:00 PM – Work Session

At 7:14PM, Vice-Chair Lazar opened the meeting. Explained to the public attendees that the Board would be discussing the Public Hearing schedule and the draft of the Large Scale Wind Ordinance.

Vice-Chair Lazar requested the minutes to be sent electronically. Ms. Chauncey said she would send the minutes electronically.

Discussion of the August 27, 2011 Public Hearing – Town Hall – 10AM – 4PM

The Board Members stated their ideas for the Public Hearing:
  • Meeting will  be set up for Little Town Hall and upstairs Town Hall – to accommodate any size crowd
  • 10AM – 4PM – To accommodate as many people as possible
  • Residents can come at anytime during the time frame to speak
  • Residents should feel comfortable and know the ground rules
  • Residents should be encouraged to come with their thoughts on paper – to ensure that all ideas are expressed
  • Residents could speak a second time – after all have had an opportunity to speak
  • The residents’ major points will be repeated to ensure that the residents statements are clearly understood.
  • Some Board members will be categorizing all ideas that the  people express – there is a need to have an analysis of the residents’ thoughts
  • The structure of the meeting should possibly include a time line review, an explanation of what is in the Zoning Ordinance – the introduction should be done intermittently
  • There should be multiple question and answer periods
Discussion of the draft ordinance
After some discussion, the Board chose to “live” edit the ordinance. The draft ordinance was reflected on the wall – corrections and edits made could be seen by all. The draft ordinance contained SOME OF Garrard/Hassan (consultants for sound, height, and setbacks) and Jean Vissering (consultant landscape architect) recommendations.

The ordinance was discussed line by line. If  the section is not listed , no changes were made.

1.0  Title - Large Scale Wind Ordinance – satisfied

2.0  Purpose – conditional use was discussed and would there be an option

3.0  Authority -  
3.1 – Conflicts with Other Ordinances and Regulations – the Large Scale Wind Ordinance will be the ruling ordinance
5.1 – Meteorological towers – Change to 3 years

6.0 Definitions – Some members thought that there were not enough definitions and that this section of the ordinance needed work

7.0 Standards
7.1.2 – Should stick with the standard as in the 8/4/11 draft version – change to “no more than 200’”
        7.1.3– After some discussion, it was determined the following should be stated:
“All collector lines and interconnector lines shall be buried. Underground power and transmission lines shall be buried at a depth consistent with state public utility engineering standards to prevent transient ground currents and stray voltage.”
7.1.8 Blasting – Pre-notification and blasting plan to be approved by Planning board. There was some discussion concerning signage, that the two mile radius is excessive. The board decided to leave the draft as presented.

7.2  Public Health and Safety Standards
7.2.1 Setbacks – There was a lengthy discussion. Some of the issues discussed are as follows:
Where was the guidance from the consultants?
The consultants’ standards were necessary.
Health, safety and welfare are very important aspects – if the developer does not agree, then the developer can request a waiver.
There was the possibility that the turbines, at certain setbacks from residences could be an annoyance to some people such  that living in their structure would be impossible.
7.2.2 Acoustic standards
The burden of proof should be on the developer
At five times the turbine height, it was unclear if the ordinance could fulfill. What was the assurance that an Antrim homeowners life would not be destroyed
As a duty to the citizens, the ordinance should be very conservative.
Ten times the rotor height was discussed.
Noise is an issue.
Setbacks and mitigation – the ordinance should be clear about both and how they balance.
        The Planning Board can investigate and monitor but the Board of Selectmen would be the
        The Planning Board would have the responsibility to handle complaints.
        Height of the turbines and the surrounding landscape needs to be considered.
The setbacks continue to be an issue and there is not adequate information from the consultants – will need to listen to the people and what they have to say. (The setback had been changed to 9 times the turbine height.)
The waiver language needs improvement.

7.2.2 Acoustics
There was a long discussion concerning noise. Mr. Dubois explained DBA and DBC and the importance of ambient sound. No wording was changed other than a spelling correction.

7.3 Environmental Standards
7.3.1 The wording “or shall mitigate if protection is not practicable” was added to the first sentence.

8.0 Requirements
8.3 Shadow Flicker – The wording “and in  all cases shall not exceed 20 hours per year” was added.
8.6 Wildlife Protection – The wording “all consistent with the studies recommended in the US Fish and Wildlife Services ‘Wind Turbine Guidelines Advisory Committee recommendations,’ dated March 4, 2010” was added.
8.9 Visual Impact Assessment
        8.9.3 The word illustrations in the last line was changed to simulations
8.9.4 The last sentence was changed to “Visibility of all project components, including roads, clearings resulting from regarding, and transmission lines shall be addressed.”
Additional section added:
8.9.7  The section was added “The Planning Board may require additional mitigation measures to ensure that the project will not unduly impact the scenic resources of the town.

8.10 Post Construction Studies
8.10.1 Wildlife Protection Field Study The wording “consistent with the studies recommended in the US Fish and Wildlife Services ‘Wind Turbine Guidelines Advisory Committee recommendations,’ dated March 4, 2010” was added.

8.11 Communication Interference
        8.1.2 Notification – The wording “of extraordinary event” was added.
Additional section added:

10.0 Property Valuation (added to the draft ordinance of 8/11/11) After approval to construct, if requested by a property owner in Antrim, the Owner/Operator shall meet with the property owner for the purpose of discussing the property owner’s concerns relative to the property valuation effects of the LWEF on the property owner’s property.

14.0 Permit to Operate
        14.2 Draft ordinance of 8/11/11 has “A Permit to Operate shall be valid for ___years”
        “five (5)” filled in the blank.

15.0 Administration and Enforcement
        Additional section added:
15.6 Grievances  In the event an Antrim citizen has a grievance resulting from the operation of a permitted LWEF, the citizen may bring the issue before the Select Board for redress.

At 10:30, the official rules were waived in order that the meeting continues. Ms. Pinello moved, Mr. Levesque seconded. All approved by a voice vote.

Mr. Levesque moved to adopt the ordinance as amended for the Public Hearing on 8/27/2011. Mr. Dubois seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Leveque, yes; Mr. Dubois, yes; Vice-Chair Lazar, yes; Mr. Robertson, yes; Ms. Pinello, yes. The draft ordinance was adopted and will be presented as amended at the Public Hearing on August 27, 2011.

At 11:15PM, Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn. Mr. Dubois seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board