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Planning Board Minutes 12/23/2010
December 23, 2010 Meeting
Work Session – Proposed Zoning Ordinances

Members & Staff Present:
Scott Burnside (Vice-Chair)             Diane Chauncey (Staff)    David Dubois (Member)   
Joe Koziell (Member)                    Jesse Lazar (Member)      Peter Moore (Planner)  Gordon Webber (Ex-Officio)             Andrew Robblee (Member)         
Member & Staff Absent:
Stephen Schacht (Alternate)    CR Willeke (Chair)
Public Attendees:
John Soininen           Ray Ledgerwood
Work Session:

The work session got underway at 5:40 PM

Mr. Webber moved that Mr. Robblee act as Chair Pro Tem The Board approved the motion.
Mr. Burnside entered at 5:45 PM and Mr. Robblee relinquished his seat as Chair Pro Tem to Vice-chair Burnside.

Mr. Moore explained that the meeting was only to determine the wording of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance changes that had been discussed previously, that it was not a public hearing, and that no testimony or input would be taken from the floor.

The results of the work session are presented in the attached handout titled:

        “Proposed Zoning Ordinance Changes & Amendments”

The votes on the DRAFT proposed Zoning Ordinances and Amendments were as follows:

        Public Utility (Definition) – to be tabled
        Mr. Robblee moved. Mr. Webber seconded. All ayes to table.

Renewable Energy Facility (Definition)
Mr. Robblee moved. Mr. Webber seconded. All ayes – passes.

Cluster Housing Development (Definition – clarification)
        Mr. Robblee moved. Mr. Webber seconded. All ayes - passes

        Highway Business District
        Mr. Robblee moved. Mr. Burnside seconded. All ayes to table.

        Highway Business District (clarification)
        Mr. Koziell moved. Mr. Webber seconded. All ayes - passes

Add  Renewable  Energy Facility as a permitted use (Highway Bus, Rural District, Rural  Conservation District)
Mr. Robblee moved. Mr. Webber seconded. All ayes - passes

Add Renewable Energy Facility as a Special Exception (Village Business District, Residential District, Lakefront Residential District
Mr. Koziell moved. Mr. Webber seconded. Passes with one dissenting vote.

Excavation as a permitted use (Highway Business and Rural Districts)
Mr. Koziell moved. Mr. Webber seconded. Passes with one dissenting vote.

Excavation by Special Exception (Rural Conservation District)
Mr. Koziell moved. Mr. Webber seconded. Passes with one dissenting vote.

Personal Wireless Service Facility (PWSF)
Mr. Robblee moved. Mr. Webber seconded. Passes with one dissenting vote.

Home Occupations
Mr. Burnside moved. Mr. Dubois seconded. All ayes – passes.

Sign Ordinance
Mr. Robblee moved. Mr. Webber seconded. All ayes – passes

Building Permit Fee Schedule
Mr. Hopkins, the Building Inspector, submitted a request to change the fee for Renewal          Permits to 50% of original permit with a minimum of $50.00.  
Board members felt that the rate was too much of an increase and sent it back to        
Mr. Hopkins for consideration.

Assess a $25.00 fee for Zoning Permits.
Mr. Robblee moved. Mr. Webber seconded. All ayes – passes

Vice-chair Burnside asked if there was anything that members of the public would like to say before the meeting was adjourned. Mr. Soininen suggested that the board might want to consider adding language to Article XIV, H, 2 or 3 – Height Regulation Exceptions – so that either might include “towers associated with Renewable Energy Facilities.”  Mr. Soininen was told that his suggestion should be brought up at a public hearing.
At 8:15pm, Mr. Koziell moved to adjourn. Mr. Webber seconded it. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board


Proposed Zoning Ordinance Changes & Amendments

As proposed by Antrim Planning Board Members as of 12/23/2010

1. Amendments to Article III “Definitions

Public Utility – proposal by the board to add a definition for Public Utility was tabled by vote of the board.

Renewable Energy Facility: A power generation facility greater than 100 kilowatts in rated nameplate capacity and powered by solar, wind, geothermal or hydro-kinetic sources, and delivering electricity, heat, or both in commercial quantities for on-site use and/or distribution to the utility grid. It shall also include any equipment required for the collection of data and/or testing to determine the viability of such renewable energy facilities, as well as any accessory and appurtenant uses.  Energy facilities utilizing bio-mass and other combustibles are not permitted,  

2.  Change to Article III - “Definitions” - to change incorrect reference

Cluster Housing Development: An area of land, controlled by a landowner or landowners organization developed as a single entity for a number of dwelling units in accordance with Supplemental Regulations Article XIV, Paragraph O.   (add)  Article XIV-C (Amended March 11, 2003)

3.  Amend Article V – “Highway Business District

The initial proposal by Planning Board to re-define the Highway Business District boundaries for both Routes 9 and 202 were tabled by vote of the board at their 12/23 meeting for the 2011 warrant pending further study by the board.

4.  Change Article V – “Highway Business District” – to change incorrect reference

Section 1

nn.  Manufactured Housing Units (per Article XIV, Section W)

It should read –

nn.  Manufactured Housing Units (per Article XIV, Section U)

5.  Amend Articles IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, & IX

Add Renewable Energy Facility to - Principle Permitted uses, to:

ARTICLE V – Highway Business District, Section B, 1 – Principal Permitted Uses
ARTICLE VII – Rural District, Section B, 1 – Principal Permitted Uses
ARTICLE IX – Rural Conservation District, Section B, 1 – Principal Permitted Uses

Add Renewable Energy Facility to - Special Exception uses (See Article XIII)

ARTICLE IV – Village Business District, Section B, 3 – Special Exception uses  
ARTICLE VI – Residential District, Section B, 3 – Special Exception uses
ARTICLE VIII – Lakeside Residential District, Section B, 3 – Special Exception uses

6.  Amend Articles V, VII & IX

Add Excavation to - Principle Permitted uses

ARTICLE  V  -  Highway Business District, Section B, 1 – Principal Permitted Uses
ARTICLE VII – Rural District, Section B, 1 – Principal Permitted Uses

Add Excavation to - Special Exception uses (See Article XIII)

ARTICLE IX – Rural Conservation District, Section B, 3 – Special Exception uses

(Note – Notice of Public Hearing posted in Villager Friday December 24, 2010 cited Excavation Site, not Excavation. This change of terms for this proposed amendment will be taken-up at both the January 6 and 20 public hearing)

7.  Amend Article XIV-B - “Personal Wireless Service Facility” (PWSF)

        Section 4. ~DISTRICT REGULATIONS:

      Location - PWSFs  proposed to be located in or on existing structures shall be permitted in all Zoning Districts except the Rural Conservation District .

        Ground-mounted PWSFs shall be an allowed use in the Highway Business District, and by a Special Exception from the Zoning Board of Adjustment in the Rural, Rural Conservation, and Lakefront District. Ground-mounted PWSFs will not be permitted in the Residential or Village Residential Districts.

        In any district where Ground-mounted PWSFs are allowed by Special Exception, no portion of the facility may be built within 300 feet of any disapproving abutters residential structure.
Applicants seeking approval for PWSFs shall first evaluate existing structures for the siting of PWSFs. Only after finding that there are no suitable existing structures pursuant to Section 4 .3 herein, shall a provider propose a new ground mounted facility.

 8.  Amend Article XIV - “Special Exceptions

ARTICLE XIV Section O. – Home Occupations  

7. Not show any exterior evidence of a home occupation except for signs as permitted in the ordinance.  (referring to Article XVII  Sign Ordinance)

It should read –

7. Not show any exterior evidence of a home occupation except for signs as permitted in Article XVII, Section D – Signs Permitted in All Districts Without Permit

9.  Amend Article XIII – “Sign Ordinance

Section E.

3.  All signs shall conform with all provisions of Section B of this Article (Signs Prohibited in All Districts.

It should read –

3.  All signs shall conform with all provisions of Section C of this Article (Signs Prohibited in All Districts

Also, in reference to # 1. Amendments to Article III “Definitions” - Public utility

The Planning Board, in it’s tabling of a proposal to define Public utility, further proposes to delete from the Zoning Ordinance, Articles IV, V, VI, VII and IX, Public utility as a Permitted use.  This amendment will not  serve to eliminate the right of Public utilities to exist and/or be built-out in all zoning districts, but is intended to eliminate the confusion and mixed interpretation of this undefined term. Further discussion of this newly introduced proposal will be included in the public hearing scheduled for January 6 and January 20, 2011

Proposed changes to the Building Permit Application Fee Schedule

Pursuant to  IRC/IBC R108.2, the following changes to the Building Permit Application Fee Schedule are being  be proposed for adoption by the Planning Board / Board of Selectmen (not subject to vote in March 2011)
1.  Change fee assessed for “Renewal Permit” from $25.00 to “50% of original permit cost with a minimum of $50.00.”  Planning Board felt that this proposed change would need further discussion.

2.  Add fee assessed for a “Zoning Permit,” to be $25.00. (Zoning Permit required for all new free-standing structures less than 200 sq. ft.)
