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Planning Board Minutes 12/02/2010
December 2, 2010 Meeting
#2010-09PB  #2010-10PB (Lauber Minor Subdivision)
#2010-11PB (Rymes Lot Line Adjustment

Members & Staff Present:
Diane Chauncey (Staff)   Scott Burnside (Vice-Chair)     David Dubois (Member)
Joe Koziell (Member)            Jesse Lazar (Member)               Peter Moore(Town Planner)
Andrew Robblee (Member)   CR Willeke (Chair)                    Gordon Webber (Ex-Officio)                                                                      
Member & Staff Absent:                          
Stephen Schacht (Alternate)     
Public Attendees:
Chris Rawnsley  Ann Chisholm Enman      Steve Lauber (son of applicant)
Cindy Crockett           Wesley Enman                   Gayle Rochford

7:00 Review Period:

·       Review the Minutes of November 18, 2010 meeting Chair Willeke moved to approve  the minutes as amended. Mr. Webber seconded the motion. All Board members voted  to approve the minutes/

Public Meeting:

Chair Willeke opened the meeting at 7:17pm. Members and staff introduced themselves. He explained the meeting procedure. The Public Notice was read by Ms. Chauncey. All abutters had been notified, except the Rawnsleys who did waive the 10-day notice.

Public Meeting - #2010-09PB – Application request of Jane & Burt Lauber for Minor Subdivision of property located on Pierce Lake Road (Tax Map 214, Lot 098), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Rural District.
Ms. Rochford proposed the minor subdivision for the Laubers. She explained the revised notes on the plans - which she had redone for the Board members.

Condition – waiting on state subdivision approval

·       Each lot is over 2 acres. Two small lots would be taken out of the larger 60+ acre lot.
·       Good line of sight for future driveways.
·       Existing water line is not located on the proposed lots.

Vic-Chair Burnside moved to accept the application. It was seconded by Mr. Koziell. On a roll call vote the application was unanimously accepted.

Public Hearing:
Ms. Crockett objected to the minor subdivisions. She wished to express her concern for keeping the flavor of the rural area.

Mr. Enman asked for an explanation of minor vs major subdivision. The Board explained the differences.

Some abutters expressed concern for the future and how many more lots would be developed. The realization was that there was nothing the abutters could do, but they  wished to know the ultimate plan for the remaining portion of the lots.

Mr. Lauber said that the sensitivity for the area has been considered – especially the Campbell Pond area. Trying to carve off smaller lots and hopefully have larger lots for his children. The Lauber family has thought about Campbell Pond carefully. At this point, they are only considering the proposed lots.

Monadnock Conservancy – are they considered abutters and do they have a comment.

Mr. Moore said that the Monadnock Conservancy

There is an easement access to Campbell Pond but it is not on the proposed lots.

Some Board members thought that the road should be shown.

Public Hearing was closed.

Department Reviews – no comments except for Con Com who wished to discuss an easement with the Laubers. The width of the easement was brought up again.

Mr. Koziell would like clarification of the easement.

Water & Sewer comments are also necessary.

Rochford and Lauber felt that the easement is not affected by the two proposed lots.

Mr. Webber felt it did not matter.

Determined that notes on the plat should be on plat

1.      8 new plats to reflect revisions
2.      Deed references
3.      Corrections of abutters – Rawnsleys
4.      Show easement to Campbell Pond on parent lot
5.      Revised print will show monument table
6.      Written approval of the NH DES Subsurface Systems Bureau for the subdivision
Waivers requested:
#24  Mr. Webber moved. Mr. Koziell seconded. All ayes to grant waiver
#30  Mr. Koziell moved.  Mr. Webber seconded. All ayes – waiver granted

Vote to continue the meeting.
Mr. Burnside  motioned. Mr. Webber seconded All ayes to continue to December 16, 2010.

Public Meeting - #2010-10PB – Application request of Jane & Burt Lauber for Minor Subdivision of property located on Pierce Lake Road (Tax Map 214, Lot 099), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Rural District.

The second minor subdivision was proposed. Ms. Rochford had made minor revisions and had new plans for some Board members.
Two lots will be created out of the parent lot which will continue to have 60+ acres. Driveway line of sight is good
Existing septic system on one of the lots.(Lot??)
Some pins were set today.
Water line easement will not change. Easement is 20’ wide? - not sure. To be shown on final plat. Discussion on the importance of maintaining the easement.

Chair Willeke concurred that more information concerning the water line easement was necessary.

Mr. Rawnsley said that there was an upcoming Water Commissioners' meeting and he would put it on the meeting agenda.

Mr. Webber motioned to accept the application as presented. Mr. Koziell seconded. All ayes to accept the application.

Public Hearing for Lot #99:
Chair Willeke asked if any of the public attendees , in favor or opposition to the proposal would like to speak.

Ms. Crockett wanted clarification – what will happen to the field? Would  the field be separated from the house lot.

Ms. Rochford said that the field will be part of the new house lot.

Is the field being carved up?

Ms. Crockett said that  the field sets the tone and the flavor for the entire area. A very special field and would hate to see it be anything but a field.


1.      8 new plans to reflect revisions
2.      Deeds – check for specification of width of easement
3.      If no width – establish the number of feet – 20’ is suggested (8-inch cast iron pipe) input from Jim Caruthers – will be brought up to the commission
4.      Horizontal and vertical location of the water pipe to the best of surveyor’s capabilities
5.      Monument table
6.       All bounds to be set
7.      Written approval of Water & Sewer
8.      Written approval from NH DES Subsurface Systems Bureau
9.      Clarify the water line on both Lots 98 & 99


        #16 Location of wetlands. Ms. Rochford said that there were no wetlands on the parcels.                         Mr. Webber moved. Mr. Willeke seconded. All ayes. Waiver  granted
        #17 Mr. Webber moved. Mr. Willeke seconded.  All ayes.  Waiver granted.
        #23 Mr. Koziell moved. Mr. Webber seconded.  All ayes.  Waiver granted.
#24 Mr. Burnside moved. Mr. Webber seconded. All ayes.  Waiver granted.
#30 Mr. Koziell moved. Mr. Webber seconded.  All ayes.  Waiver granted.

Meeting to be continued to December 16, 2010 (Mr. Koziell moved. Mr. Webber seconded.
All ayes to continue the meeting.

Public Hearing - #2010-11PB – Application request of James & Carol Rymes for Lot Line Adjustment and Annexation of property located on Miltimore Road (Tax Map 228, Lots 26 and 27), Antrim, NH 03440, in the Rural District.

Mr. Webber moved to continue the meeting to December 16, 2010. Mr. Burnside seconded. All ayes to continue.

Business Meeting:
·       Planning Department Budget as presented to Board of  Selectmen 11/15/10 - not discussed

·       Review of DRAFT Zoning Ordinance proposed amendments & changes
Discussion of:
         Definition of Public Utility and Renewable Energy Facility
        Highway Business by lot –make maps for PB members
        Excavation - definition and districts

·       Status of 46 Main Street – Shared Parking Lot
Mr. Webber explained curb cut from DOT.  It would be advantageous for both 46 Main Street and the Town of Antrim to use the existing curb cut. An agreement is being worked out to deal with maintenance. Shared parking lot will be available for business and town parking.
Mr. Moore explained that the building permit had been issued. Mr. Raymond had been  under the impression that the Conceptual Consultation was the Site Plan Review.  Mr.  Moore said that he would need to formally apply to the Planning Board. MR. Raymond understands what he will need to d do.

·       Planning Board Member Term Expirations March 2011 - C.R. Willeke  & Joe Koziell

·       Capital Improvement Program Committee Report status – meet w/ Board of Selectmen on  Dec 6 @ 5 PM

At 8:10pm, Mr. Webber moved to adjourn. Mr. Koziell seconded it. . It was voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board