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Planning Board Minutes 10/07/2010
October 7, 2010 Meeting
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
Diane Chauncey (Staff)    David Dubois (Member)   Jesse Lazar (Member)  
Peter Moore (Planner)            Gordon Webber (Ex-Officio)  CR Willeke (Chair)
Andrew Roblee (Member)
Member & Staff Absent:
Scott Burnside (Vice-Chair)     Joe Koziell (Member)            Stephen Schacht (Alternate)    

7:00 Review Period:
·       Appoint alternates to sit for absent members – no alternates to appoint
·       Review the Minutes of September 2, 2010 Meeting – Not enough members to approve the minutes

Business Meeting:

·       Request  – Limits of Municipal Responsibility – Worth - Loveren Mills Road
Mr. Moore explained that Mr. Worth owned a lot that was on a Class VI road and wanted to sell it, and the owner had requested a Limit of Municipal Responsibility form  that would allow him or a future owner to pull a building permit. The Planning Board is asked to make a recommendation to the Selectmen. the Selectmen approve and sign the waiver. He further explained that in the past, there had been a much greater process. Mr. Moore said that he had not been able to find a procedure to follow. He said that all the lots on Green Ridge Road had received a waiver so that any of the lots on Ashley and Green Ridge Road could acquire a building permit.

Mr. Webber said that if a town regularly maintains a Class VI road that the town needs to continue the maintenance on that road.

Mr. Moore suggested a site walk for the Planning Board so that they could make an appropriate decision.

Mr. Webber asked if there were any rules or precedent of building a house in the middle of the woods.

Mr. Moore said that this landowner was asking for a Waiver. The waiver would remain with the land.

Mr. Robblee made a motion that members of the Board check it out on their own.

Mr. Webber seconded the motion that all members of the Board check out the road on their own.

The issue will be continued until the next meeting.

·       Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) 2011-2016  Process planning update
Mr. Robblee would like to be a part of the CIP. Mr. Webber will be sitting as a Planning Board member. Benjamin Pratt (Chair) and Ron Haggett will continue to serve on the committee.
Mr. Robblee said that he had enjoyed being on the committee last year and would like to continue in 2010. Mr. Moore stated that he thought Mr. Burnside might like to sit on the CIP committee again this year and will approach him on it.
·       Review of proposed new Antrim Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations –
Not reviewed

·       Public Notice – suggested change in wording
The Planning Board concurred that the wording to include “If not resolved at this meeting, the matter may be continued to subsequent meetings without further published notice” should be included in future Public Notices.

·       Fitzwilliam Planning Board – Public Hearing – October 5, 2010, Cell Tower - FYI

·       Community Broadband Forums – meetings to support the Programs’ ongoing efforts to inventory and map current an planned broadband coverage in NH Tuesday, October 12, 2010, Keene Public Library -  FYI

Workshops & trainings:

·       Annual Fall Planning & Zoning Conference  - Saturday, November 13th  -Sign up if interested

·       2010 Municipal Law Lecture Series – 3 new lectures –    Can be loaned out
1.      Cell Towers: Managing the Approval Process to Protect Municipal Interests and Comply with Federal Law
2.      Conflict of Interest, Disqualification and the Local Land Use Board Decision-Making Process
3.      Administrative Decisions in Planning & Zoning: How They’re Made, How They’re Appealed

New Business from the Floor:
·       Letter from Donald Hardwick (Mighty Oaks) – asking for bond to be released – property is under agreement. He asked that the bond be processed for release. Mr. Moore discussed some of the ideas of the prospective buyer. One of the requirements of the bond would be a 10% "holding" of monies for one year after construction is complete, that year is now up.  The Road Agent should review again to determine any current problems. The Planning Board agreed that if there were no problems with the road according to the Road Agent, that the file should be reviewed by Mr. Moore, and then the bond could be released. Chair Willeke motioned to release the bond with the 2 conditions. Mr. Webber seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the PB unanimously approved the release.

·       Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision   Don Glover letter – road acceptance – Scott Whitcomb (PSNH) – Mr. Glover has the PSNH easement (# EBa-21633) and the underground conduits have been laid to one pad and two sector cabinets. Mr. Glover has requested waivers for #1 and #2 of the June 21 , 2010 letter from the Town Planner (1. The ongoing erosion of two driveways at lots 7A-65-7 and 7A-65-6 - Peter Pitsas suggested that these would require a negative grade where the driveways meet the road.  2. Erosion issues still appear to exist in a few places due to previously attempted planting not taking hold. This would include an area above the first driveway on the left as one drives down Knapton Circle, below which the driveway culvert and swale is filling with sediment, steep bank between driveways at lots 7A-65-7 (206-046) and 7A-65-6 (206-047), and  the section across the road opposite the pond area.) Mr. Glover reasoned that he no longer owns the two lots.  Mr. Robblee questioned whether or not the Town should sign off on two driveways that were in that condition when sold.  At this point the road continues to be private and should not involve the town in any way.  There was a short discussion concerning the condition of the road and whether or not the waiver should be granted.

·       Met Tower update –Both cases are going to Superior Court. Eolian has sued the Town of Antrim and the Blocks have sued the Town.

·       Potential Ordinance Changes - The Board discussed potential ordinance changes, and agreed that changes, additions or amendments should begin discussion at the next meeting.

At 9:00pm, Mr. Dubois moved to adjourn. Mr. Webber seconded it. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board