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Planning Board Minutes 09/02/2010
September 2, 2010 Meeting
#2010-07PB Dupuis/Storro Minor Site Plan Review
#2010-06PB Dubois Home Based Business

Members & Staff Present:
Scott Burnside (Vice-Chair)      Diane Chauncey (Staff)   David Dubois (Member)  Joe Koziell (Member)           Jesse Lazar (Member)      Peter Moore (Planner)
Stephen Schacht (Alternate)    Gordon Webber (Ex-Officio)   
Member & Staff Absent:  
Andrew Robblee (Member)    CR Willeke (Chair)

Public Attendees:
Robert Dupuis (Applicant)
Ryan Storro
Peter Hopkins

7:00 Review Period:

·       Appoint alternates to sit for absent members – no alternates
·       Review the Minutes of July 15 and August 19, 2010 Meetings

Public Meeting:

Vice-Chair Burnside opened the meeting at 7:15pm, introduced himself and the Board members. The first case to be heard - #2020-07PB Vice-Chair Burnside.

Public Hearing - #2010-07PB - Application request of Robert Dupuis for a Minor Site Plan Review on property located at 134 Keene Road (Tax Map 213 Lot 58), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Lakefront Residential District.

Mr. Dupuis said that he had bought the buildings on Keene Road with the intention of “getting them into good shape”. There are three apartments which he would like to rent.

Chair Burnside asked for questions from the Board.

Mr. Webber asked how complete was the renovation? Was the electrical renovation done and if so- would he be willing to open up the walls?
Mr. Dupuis said that two apartments were pretty much done and the other was not complete; and that he would be willing to open up the walls.
Mr. Webber said that probably is what is going to happen.
Mr. Storro said that he did not realize that a licensed electrician was necessary to install the electrical work in a rental property.

There was a discussion concerning the State’s involvement in the case. The project needed to satisfy the code – which involved inspections of electrical, plumbing, and heating by the State and Mr. Hopkins.
Vice-Chair Burnside asked about the layout and floor plan.

        #1 – larger – first floor
        #2 – east side – 2 floors
        #3 – hot dog stand

Mr. Koziell asked if there were 2 approved septic systems.

Mr. Storro said the 2 were approved designs and that Meridian had designed  another septic system should  system fail failure

Mr. Burnside said that it should be rezoned; it had been commercial for a long time. It was highway business right up to the Mr. Dupuis’ parcel, and somehow the Dupuis parcel had slipped through the cracks (loophole)
Mr. Dubois asked the reason for the change for the change of use.
Mr. Moore stated that on 8/27 the ZBA granted a variance to r. Dupuis to change to commercial use. The 4th condition of that decision stated how the properties will be used. A minor site plan review was suggested to make sure that everything is in place.

Vice-Chair Burnside asked the Board if the application were complete.

Mr. Koziell moved to accept the application. Mr. Webber seconded. The Board voted to accept the application.

Public Hearing:

Vice-Chair Burnside asked if there were any in opposition or in favor of the proposal. There were no attendees except Mr. Dupuis.

There were no comments.

There was a unanimous roll call vote to close the Public Hearing.

Public Hearing is closed.

Items on the checklist are satisfied except for the following:

#11 – “Any additions or changes to be made in plumbing or electrical wiring.”

Peter Moore read Department Review of Building Inspector. Building Inspector gave his opinion. Mr. Dupuis said that the permits should have been pulled. He just wanted to make everything right. He said that the walls had been gutted to the studs and that there had been some electrical work, but no new gas work.

Mr. Hopkins issued stop work order on June 28. State Inspector went by, noticed stop work order, and noticed contractor’s vehicle, observed work, started checking and found that the fellow installing was not licensed. State now also has a stop work order. Quality of work looks good, but not sure about plumbing and wiring because inspections had not been made.

Mr. Dupuis explained that the heaters were supposed to be delivered not installed so he does not know what the plumber was thinking.

Mr. Hopkins stated that he had no problem with the work. His concern is in the interest of liability and protecting the town. The code is there to be followed.

Vice-Chair Burnside  said that since only one building has been completely sheet rocked –would there be a possibility that an electrician could sign off on the work.

Mr. Hopkins said that he would have a difficult time removing the sheetrock  --  but he needed to protect the town and the liability of the town. Furthermore, he said that if
a master electrician would sign off, that would relieve the town of the liability.

Mr. Webber stated that an electrician who signed off would not have witnessed the work.

Vice-Chair asked what would be accepted by the building inspector.

Mr. Hopkins said that he wanted to make it perfectly clear that he was not sure where the state stands. The state is going to investigate, and after the investigation, his hand could be forced one way or another. He did not want to give Mr. Dupuis a misleading answer,
ph needs to make the call – does not want to give a misleading answer to Mr. Dupuis.

Mr. Webber suggested pulling the sheetrock out – open it up enough for inspection – and get an electrician to sign off.

Mr. Hopkins said that an investigation of all aspects is currently in the works.

Mr. Koziell said that possibly key walls could come out – that would be representative
– should be able to see the quality of the contractors work – switch box outlets, etc

Mr. Hopkins  said that  although the state will inspect, Mr. Hopkins is the AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction). It would be up to him to determine the condition and that the code is in compliance.

Mr. Koziell motioned that Mr. Hopkins inspect and determine code compliance. Mr. Dubois seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: unainimous, yes.

All items of the checklist were determined to be satisfied, except the following:

#13 – The shape and dimensions of the proposed parking area.  There was a short discussion of the size of the parking area. Vice-chair Burnside motioned that the  item had been satisfied. Mr. Koziell seconded the motion, and with a roll call vote, the item was checked off.

#16 Provisions for storage and removal of rubbish The applicant said that the trash would be taken to the Antrim Transfer station. Satisfied

#19 Written recommendation of the Fire Safety Officer, if requested. A condition will be added to the Notice of Decision that the Fire Chief will inspect before the units are complete.  

#21 Written approval of NH DOT or the Antrim Road Agent for silting  driveways & curb cuts with adequate lines of sight. The curb cut was in existence.


Motion to Approve with 4 conditions                 Date: September 2, 2010

Motion made by: Mr. Webber            Motion seconded by: Mr. Dubois

Mr. Webber moved to approve the application of Robert Dupuis for a Minor Site Plan Review on property located at 134 Keene Road (Tax Map 213 Lot 58), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Lakefront Residential District, with the following 4 conditions.

1.      Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated September 2, 2010 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
2.      The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
3.      Complete building code compliance will be required.
4.       Fire Chief and Building Inspector will work cooperatively to determine Building Code compliance.

Scott Burnside(Vice-Chair)
David Dubois
Joseph Koziell
Jesse Lazar
Andrew Robblee
Gordon Webber
CR Willeke (Chair)

The Minor Site Plan was approved by a unanimous vote of the Planning Board. A Notice of Decision will be issued within 5 days.

Approve Minutes:

July 15, 2010  Mr. Webber moved to accept the minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. Koziell. All approved.

August 19, 2010   Mr. Burnside moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Webber seconded the  motion. All approved the minutes.

Public Hearing - #2010-06PB – Application request of David A. Dubois for a Home Based Business on property located on 45 Miltimore Road (Tax Map 228, Lot 25.1), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Rural District.

Mr. Dubois recused himself from the Board.

The Public Notice had been previously read.

Mr. Dubois presented his proposal. His business would involve wood working and design. The Plot plan, drawings of elevations, and floor plan were described.

Mr. Koziell moved to accept the application as presented. Mr. Webber seconded the motion. All approved. The application was accepted.

Public Hearing:

There were no public attendees to present their comments – either in favor or in opposition.

Public Hearing was closed.


All items were satisfied with some suggestion for:

#24. Fire Chief will inspect after the building is completed. Vic-Chair Burnside questioned why after – not before. He felt that possible guidance could be given. Mr. Hopkins said that he and the Chief work together. Mr. Dubois will follow building code requirements. The suggestion was made that the Fire Chief state in future Department Reviews that he will review the project in such a way that the applicant is given guidance to their project.


Motion to Approve                                  Date: August 19, 2010

Motion made by: Mr. Koziell        Motion seconded by: Mr. Webber

Mr. Koziell moved to approve (disapprove) the application of  the request of David A. Dubois for a Home Based Business on property located on 45 Miltimore Road (Tax Map 228, Lot 25.1), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Rural District.

The following conditions apply to this approval:
Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated September 2, 2010 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.

Scott Burnside(Vice-Chair)
David Dubois
Joseph Koziell
Jesse Lazar
Andrew Robblee
Gordon Webber
CR Willeke (Chair)

The application for a Home Based business was approved.

Business Meeting:

·       Update - 46 Main Street Parking Lot (Map 103, Lot 098)  Mr. Webber updated that Ken Raymond had come to the Selectmen meeting on 8/30/2010. The  Board Of Selectmen was  supportive of the proposed  consulting Town Counsel for liability Curb cut leave as is other issue – Town would plow toa parking lot  BOS no objections provided criteria are met

·       Pierce Lake Estates II – Letter sent to Mr. Don Glover 8/30/2010
Don Glover letter that Peter Moore had written – letter attached in PB Minutes in Planning Department
Mr. Moore asked if the Board wanted information from PSNH. The as-builts would have to come from the developer. Easements should be reflected in the individual deeds.
Mr. Glover said he would take care of everything.

·       Gap Mountain Development, LLC  - Revised Letters of Credit review  - FYI
Complete and signed by Jack Belletete – TD BankNorth
Escrow money – PB must accept that the money be released  - refund the entire amount – the letter explains the background and process of what has happened with the parcel
Mr. Koziell moved Mr. Webber seconded. All approved.

·       Green Ridge – Ashley Road Bond Extension to 8/21/2010  -FYI Mr. Moore explained that the bond had been extended

·       Hazard mitigation Update
Planning Board recommends that the “old” warning system be reinstated.
        Planning Board recommends that the 25-foot setback for wetlands remain as is.

·       Met Tower Update – The Town of Antrim has been served a Notice of Order. Matt Serge
·       CVTC Newsletter   FYI

New Business from the Floor:

At 9:10pm, Mr. Koziell moved to adjourn. Mr. Webber seconded it. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board