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Planning Board Minutes 08/19/2010
August 19, 2010 Meeting
#2010-05PB - Marshall W. Gale, Jr. & Vivian L. Gale for a minor subdivision
Ryan Storro/Robert Dupuis Pre-Minor Site Plan Review (Map 220 Lot24 & 24-BG0)
Ken Raymond – Conceptual Review for 46 Main Street (Map 103, Lot 098)
Pierce Lake II Estates – “Final” inspection quote
Revised Letters of Credit – Gap Mtn Development
Valley Lane – Road Inspection Report
Green Ridge Road  LLC
Landsite – Update of Town Excavation Permit

Members & Staff Present:
Scott Burnside (Vice-Chair)     Diane Chauncey (Staff)  David Dubois (Member)
Peter Moore (Planner)           Andrew Robblee (Member)    Gordon Webber (Ex-Officio)  CR Willeke (Chair)
Member & Staff Absent:  
Joe Koziell (Member)            Jesse Lazar (Member)             Stephen Schacht (Alternate)    

Public Attendees:
Marshall Gale (applicant)
Dennis McKenney (Surveyor)

7:00 Review Period:

·       Appoint alternates to sit for absent members – no alternates present
·       Review the Minutes of July 15 and August & 19 2010 Meeting

Public Meeting:

Chair Willeke called the meeting to order at 7:16pm. He explained the procedure for the meeting. He introduced himself, Board members and Planning Staff. He then asked for the applicant to present his proposal.

Public Meeting - #2010-05PB - Application request of Marshall W. Gale, Jr. & Vivian L. Gale for a minor subdivision of properties located at 354 & 358 Clinton Road (Tax Map 220, Lots 24 & 24-BG0) in Antrim, NH, 03440, located in the Rural District.

Public Notice read by Ms. Chauncey. Notice was advertised in The Villager on August 5, 2010. Mr. Moore stated that all abutters had been noticed by certified mail. One abutter (Mr. Bernier – Map 220 Lot 45) had come to the counter – he was not in opposition to the proposal, just wanted clarification – he had thought that five acres was needed in the Rural District –Mr. Moore had told him that 90,000 square feet is the acreage requirement in the Rural District.

Mr. McKenney (Surveyor for the Applicant) explained that the proposed subdivision was situated on Clinton Road (Route 31). He outlined the proposal on a plan that depicted the parent tract and the tract of his sister-in-law and brother [now deceased]. The former lot was non-conforming. The proposed application would create two conforming lots. The 2.8-acre lot has a recently constructed septic approval (NHDES #CA2009098895). The larger lot has an older septic system. The idea is to create a tract for Vivian Gale that would be in her name. Mr. McKenney stated that it was a simple straight forward subdivision.

Chair Willeke asked if the Board were prepared to accept the proposal.

Mr. Robblee motioned to accept the application. Mr. Webber seconded the motion. With a roll call vote, the Board accepted the application, unanimously.

Chair Willeke opened the Public Hearing:

Public Hearing:
Chair Willeke asked if there were any abutters who would like to speak  in favor of the proposal. There were none. Chair Willeke asked if there were any abutters who were  not in favor of the proposal who would like to speak. There were none. He asked if anyone would like to speak in favor or not in favor of the proposal. Marshall Gale stated that he was in favor of the proposal.

Mr. Robblee had a question concerning the septic system on the smaller lot. He wanted to know whether or not the setbacks conformed to the Zoning Ordinance.

Mr. McKenney said that the septic had been approved by the Department of Environmental Services (Note #6 on the plans).

The Public Hearing was closed.

Checklist reviewed:

The 56 items were satisfied or did not apply, except for the following:

#15 Common bound to north line – Mr. McKenney reviewed the large rock line. Met and noted rock and there was not a problem. May change font size (not language) to accommodate  NH Registry of Deeds.

#16. Location of wetlands – Waiver requested –Chair Willeke moved to grant the waiver.   Mr. Webber seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Burnside, yes; Chair Willeke, yes; Mr. Robblee, yes; Mr. Webber, yes; Mr. Dubois, yes.

#17. Location of Waiver requested - Chair Willeke moved to grant the waiver.   Mr. Webber seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Burnside, yes; Chair Willeke, yes; Mr. Robblee, yes; Mr. Webber, yes; Mr. Dubois, yes.

#22.  Staff should make sure septic system for Vivian Gale is in the appropriate property folder.
#23. Topo – Waiver Requested – Chair Willeke moved to grant the waiver.   Mr. Webber seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Burnside, yes; Chair Willeke, yes; Mr. Robblee, yes; Mr. Webber, yes; Mr. Dubois, yes.

#24. Waiver request – Mr. Webber moved to grant the waiver.   Mr. Dubois seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Burnside, yes; Chair Willeke, yes; Mr. Robblee, yes; Mr. Webber, yes; Mr. Dubois, yes.
#33.   Waiver request - Chair Willeke moved to grant the waiver.   Mr. Webber seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Burnside, yes; Chair Willeke, yes; Mr. Robblee, yes; Mr. Webber, yes; Mr. Dubois, yes.

Chair Willeke asked if all the Department Reviews had been returned and if there had been any comments. There were no comments from Police or Fire. The Building Inspector and Conservation Committee did not return reviews.

Suggested motion for approval of the application

Move to approve (disapprove) the application of  Marshall W. Gale, Jr. & Vivian L. Gale for a minor subdivision of properties located at 354 & 358 Clinton Road (Tax Map 220, Lots 24 & 24-BG0) in Antrim, NH, 03440, located in the Rural District.

The following conditions apply to this approval:
Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated August 19, 2010 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
3.     LCHIP $25.00 to be submitted at the signing of the mylar.


Motion to Approve                                  Date: August 19, 2010

Motion made by: Mr. Dubois  Motion seconded by: Mr. Webber

Scott Burnside(Vice-Chair)
David Dubois
Joseph Koziell
Jesse Lazar
Andrew Robblee
Gordon Webber
CR Willeke (Chair)

The application is approved. A Notice of Decision will be completed in five business days. The Mylar and decision will be sent upon receipt.

Business Meeting:

Ryan Storro explained his situation.  
·       Commercial variance has been granted.
·       Mr. Robblee said that his thought would be that until a tenant comes in and wants a commercial business, the rentals would remain as is.
·       Site plan review is in the works
·       Mr. Moore mentioned code problems.
·       Mr. Robblee wanted to simplify things
·       Mr. Moore said that the building inspector wanted a change of use for multi family use
·       Mr. Burnside said that it was a gray area and could go either way
·       Mr. Storro explained past use. He wanted to put it back into two apartments and the smaller building into an apartment but it could be a either – either  could be a business
·       New septic for both buildings – for Shoreland protection
·       Understood that if a business were to come in a site plan review would be necessary

The Planning Board members did not understand what the reasoning was for the upcoming site plan review. David Dubois tried to explain what he knew of the project.

Chair Willeke would like the Building Inspector to attend the next meeting. Mr. Willeke did not understand the site plan review - if it always was - why does Mr. Dupuis  have to come in now.

Mr. Moore will ask Mr. Hopkins to attend the September 2, 2010 Planning Board Meeting.
Ken Raymond – Conceptual Review for 46 Main Street (Map 103, Lot 098)   

Mr. Raymond presented his proposal for the building and the parking lot. (46 Main Street had a major fire on February 8, 2010 that resulted in the demolition of a large portion of the building)

Existing building houses the Trends of Fashion Salon and Bakery 42. Mr. Raymond would finish a portion of the street level to add space to the Salon. The lower level is proposed to have a new entrance from the proposed parking lot (which is where the former building had stood). The new entrance would allow a friendlier access. There is a possibility of six potential units. He said that the two existing businesses have handicap access.

Parking Lot – The footprint of the demolished building is proposed for a larger parking lot that he felt would be a more desirable parking area. The number of spaces would depend on various factors. The possibility of combining the parking lot with the Town of Antrim was discussed.

Mr. Moore asked what the PB would require.

Mr. Raymond thinks it is a non-issue because it was always a rental space.

The Board is supportive of Mr. Raymond’s ideas. He will need to talk with DES and Shoreland Protection; and Department of Transportation for the curb cuts, as well as the possibility of combining the lot with the Town of Antrim. Mr. Webber will bring-up the concept of a combined parking lot at the next Selectmen’s meeting, to see what might be required to make it happen, if deemed feasible.

Pierce Lake Estates II – “Final” inspection quote update from Peter Pitsas
The letter to Mr. Glover and emails to and from Mr. Pitsas were discussed.
Planning Board recommendation: Mr. Glover should review the former punch list, correct any inadequacies, and let the Planning Department know when the work has been completed. Mr. Moore will send a letter to Mr. Glover to this affect, with a re-assertion of the punch list items still outstanding.

Revised Letters of Credit review, excavation site transfer, and NOD waiver request letters submitted by Jack Belletete for In-Ex Homes site
The only difference between these letters and the draft letters presented on this date is that they are not self-calling. The
Planning Board Decision: Mr. Burnside motioned to approve, Mr. Webber seconded and there was a unanimous vote to accept these letters.
Planning Board Decision Transfer Excavation Permit to Mr. Willeke motioned to approve, Mr. Webber seconded and approval was unanimous.
Planning Board Decision to waive Notice of Decision Date: Extension to May 15, 2011 Mr. Burnside motioned to approve, Webber seconded and approval was unanimous.
Valley Lane – Road Inspection Report on Placed Materials from Sanford Engr.
All test pits were sub-standard. Mr. Tucker requested information which is what prompted Mr. Moore. Mr. Sanford informed that Mr. Valley had said to hold off on any action.

Green Ridge Road  LLC– Ashley Road and Green Ridge Road Bond Extension Request from John Cook
There was a short discussion of the road problems. The Planning Board determined that the bond should be extended for another year.  Chair Willeke moved. Mr. Webber seconded. With a roll call vote – all approved.
Landsite – Update of Town Excavation Permit
Landsite requested a renewal of the Town Excavation Permt. Mr. Willeke moved to approve the renewal. Mr. Webber seconded. On a roll call vote, the vote was unanimous to renew the permit.
Annual Excavation site visits scheduled – FYI
Continue review of proposed new Antrim Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations, or schedule work session/committee to work on per Chair Willeke’s  suggestion.

·       SWRPC Commission Highlights – July 2010

At 9:30 pm, Mr. Robblee moved to adjourn. Mr. Webber seconded it. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board