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Planning Board Minutes 06/17/2010
June 17, 2010 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
CR Willeke (Chair)                David Dubois (Member)
Jesse Lazar (Member)     Gordon Webber (Ex-Officio)     Peter Moore (Planner)     
Member & Staff Absent:  
Scott Burnside (Vice-Chair)     Stephen Schacht (Alternate)    
Joe Koziell (Member)            Andrew Robblee (Member)                 Diane Chauncey (Staff)

Public Attendees:
Molly Moore-Lazar (Resident)

Review  Period:
·       Appoint alternates –not necessary
·       Review 5/20/2010 and 6/3/2010  Minutes. Chair Willeke moved to approve the minutes of 5/20 as corrected. Mr. DuBois seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved. Chair Willeke moved to approve the minutes of 6/3 as corrected. Mr. Webber seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved.

Business Meeting:

·       Continued review of proposed new Antrim Site Plan & Subdivision Review Regulations did not take place due to low turn-out of board. Chair Willeke did bring-up the suggestion that perhaps a working committee could be formed of those Planning Board members with  interest and expertise, to complete the review and editing of the document at times other than evening meetings, and then present the final draft to the whole board for approval and adoption. No decision was made.
·       Discussion turned to the In-Ex Homes property, now owned by Mr. Jack Belletete of Gap Mountain Development. Mr. Belletete would like to retrieve the bond funds that were called by the town back on 9/24/2009, and held in an escrow account at the Lake Sunapee Bank in the amount of $76,093.23 (includes interest earned since inception of account). Mr. Moore explained to the board that Mr. Belletete would like to know the amount of replacement bonds for excavation reclamation and road impact, the extent of which is not clear at this point.  Mr. Moore reported that from his phone conversation with Mr. Belletete on 6/10/2010, it was apparent that Mr. Belletete intended on taking transfer of the In-Ex excavation permit, and this detail is being worked-out by Planning Assistant Diane Chauncey, with help from Mary Pinkham-Langer at the state level, but beyond that no details have been expressed by him. The board determined it would be best for Mr. Belletete, who is scheduled to come before the board on their meeting of July 1, 2010, to, at that time, explain what his intentions for the site are, relative to excavation and subdivision development. Replacement bond amount could be determined by the board at that time, or a peer review by Peter Pitsas could be required to determine the bond amounts. There was a question as to whether the original subdivision had been approved, and/or is still current. Mr. Moore will research that question prior to July 1st.
·       Peirce Lake II Estates – Knapton Circle – Mr. Moore reported that Don Glover contacted him by phone on 6/8/2010, after the boards site walk on 6/3/2010, to ask if the town was ready to accept his road. In that conversation, Mr. Glover stated that his contractor had spoken with Peter Pitsas and that he said “…everything was fine, and that there were no issues.”  Mr. Moore reported that he told Mr. Glover that there appeared to still be a few issues, most of which were still incomplete from the updated check list submitted by Peter Pitsas, and copied to Mr. Glover back in December 18, 2008. Mr. Moore asked the board whether they would entertain a letter from Mr. Glover confirming that the road work was complete and that he would like the Board of Selectmen to move to accept the road, or if the Planning Board would require a final inspection from the town engineer first, as dictated by vote of the Planning Board at their meeting May 7, 2009, and then consider approval of completion, for the Board of Selectmen to act on. The board asked that Mr. Glover be informed that he should complete the final tasks of the check-list, such as easements recorded, driveways fixed, additional planting, and then the town engineer would be utilized to make his final inspection, and report. Mr. Moore was instructed to get an estimate from Peter Pitsas as to what a final peer review inspection would cost, and to pass that information on to Mr. Glover.
·       Mr. Webber spoke to the board about the possibility that the Planning Board issue a letter to the ZBA, requesting that the ZBA move to grant a rehearing from the Motion for Rehearing submitted to the ZBA by Antrim Wind Energy, at the ZBA meeting scheduled for June 29, 2010. Mr. Webber stated that the Planning Board was an “aggrieved party” and that the reason for this letter was that Eolian was looking for support. Mr. Moore stated his disagreement that the Planning Board qualified as an “aggrieved party,” and his concern and disapproval with any submission of testimony to the ZBA in their Motion for Rehearing meeting, written or verbal, by anyone other than the moving party (Antrim Wind Energy), or the appellants (Block, et al). Due to the small turn-out of the board, and some debate back-and-forth as to whether such an action by the Planning Board was appropriate, no action was taken.

At 8:55 pm, Mr. Lazar moved to adjourn. Mr. Webber seconded it. The meeting was adjourned. (Note: The Celtics & Lakers were playing in the seventh game of the NBA finals this evening, likely the reason for the low board turnout.)

Respectfully submitted, Peter Moore, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board