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Planning Board Minutes 05/20/10

May 20, 2010 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
Scott Burnside (Vice-Chair)      Diane Chauncey (Staff)   David Dubois (Member)  Joe Koziell (Member)           Jesse Lazar (Member)      Peter Moore (Planner)
Andrew Robblee (Member)    Gordon Webber (Ex-Officio)   CR Willeke (Chair)
Member & Staff Absent:  
Stephen Schacht (Alternate)      

Review  Period:
·       Appoint alternates - none needed
·       Review & approve 5/6/2010 Minutes: Mr. Koziell moved to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Burnside seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved.

Business Meeting:

·       ZBA – Met Tower Update
        Mr. Moore summarized the May 18, 2010 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting        of the Appeal of the Administrative Decision made by the Planning Board on      March 18, 2010 ((#2010-03PB). He said that the ZBA had voted unanimously to     grant the appeal. Antrim Wind Energy, LLC has thirty (30)days to file an appeal.        The Rehearing of the Height Variance for the met tower was continued to July 20,        2010. Both lawyers had requested that the Rehearing not occur on the same       evening as the Appeal. The Planning Board members discussed their decision and  the appeal. The majority of the Planning Board members were disappointed with   the ZBA decision.
·       Pierce Lake II Update
        Mr. Moore said that the bond for Pierce Lake II had been renewed until May 11,  2011. Mr. Glover had reviewed the Punch List developed by Underwood     Engineering in May 2008. Although nothing has been done as of the meeting, Mr.  Glover had promised that he would amend the deficiencies. The Board was         interested in which pieces had been sold.
·       Green Ridge Road LLC, aka Kateco, aka High Hills Update
        Mr. Moore said that the bond would come due on August 27, 2010. The Road        Agent (Chip Craig) had inspected and reported the following issues: drainage    problems, deterioration of road surface at shoulders in some locations, driveway        entrances - too narrow, final paving needed.
·       In-Ex Homes Update
        Mr. Jack Belletete has become the owner of In'Ex Homes. The Planning    Department has not heard from him.

After discussing the above subdivisions, the Board determined that they would like to do a Site Walk to review the approved subdivisions. The walk will occur on June 3, 2010. Mr. Moore will drive the bus. The Planning Board, the Planning Department staff, and the Road Agent will view Mighty Oaks, Green Ridge Road LLC, Valley Lane, and Pierce Lake II Estates. Mr. Moore will write to the subdivision owners to apprise them of the upcoming Site Walk.

·       Master Plan – Public Hearing – July 1 – Procedure Discussion
        The Public Hearing for the Master Plan will occur on July 1, 2010. The Public   Notice will be placed in The Villager on June 4 and June 18. The Master Plan    with the revisions will be on the website (the Master Plan has been on the website      for the past year - as changes were made - updates were made to the website).
·       Southwest Regional Planning Commission – Report  from Diane
        Ms. Chauncey had a discussion with Lisa Murphy, Senior Planner at SWRPC and     had requested that Ms. Murphy attend a PB meeting to explain the services that  the Planning Commission provides for its members. Ms. Murphy had suggested      that the Boards (PB and ZBA) should have specific questions for her - to make   the most of the meeting. After some discussion, the Board decided that they     would like to have a combined meeting on June 17, 2010.
·       Continue review of proposed new Antrim Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations - no review occurred

New Business from the Floor:

At 8:30 pm, Mr. Koziell moved to adjourn. Mr. Webber seconded it. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board