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Planning Board Minutes 01/07/10
January 7, 2010 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
Scott Burnside (Chair)   Diane Chauncey (Staff)  Jenny Clifford (Alternate) David Dubois (Alternate)    Joe Koziell,(Member)             Steve Schacht(ExOfficio)
Peter Moore (Planner)            Kathi Wasserloos (Member)   CR Willeke (Vice-Chair)  
Member & Staff Absent:  Jesse Lazar (Alternate), Andrew Robblee (Member)        
Sandy Snow (Member)
Public Attendees:
Peter Hopkins (Antrim Building Inspector)

7:00 Review Period:
·       Appoint alternates to sit for absent members:   Ms. Clifford to sit for Mr. Snow;  and Mr. Dubois to sit for  Mr. Robblee               
·       Review the Minutes of the December 3 & 17, 2009

     December 3, 2009 – Mr. Willeke moved to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. Schact seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved.

        December 17, 2009 Minutes – Chair Burnside determined that there were not enough members who had been present at the 12/17/09 meeting to approve the minutes.  The draft minutes would not be approved until either Mr. Snow or Mr. Robblee attended the Planning Board meeting.

Business Meeting:

·       Consider “minimum square footage” suggestion by Peter Hopkins – See Letter dated 12/8/09

Chair Burnside asked Mr. Hopkins to present his change for a zoning requirement.

Mr. Hopkins’ letter:

“I am suggesting that you [the Planning Board] change the zoning requirement for a building permit to a minimum of 200 square feet so it will be in agreement with the 2009 ICC building codes. This would allow buildings such as sheds and temporary structures to not have to meet the more stringent requirements for wind. snow loads, etc. Since many towns are concerned with the setback from property lines of these small structures, I would suggest the requirement for a zoning permit for any structure that does not need a building permit. This would notify the town of these small structures and we would be able to maintain the required setbacks. I would further suggest a minimum chare of $25.00 for this permit.”

Mr. Hopkins explained that he worked in five towns around Crotched Mountain. In his job, he has the advantage of talking to other towns and gets to “hear” what other communities are doing. One of the comments that he most often hears from builders is that consistency in building requirements would make their job simpler. He said that as of April 1, 2010, the 2009 codes would need to be enforced.

One change that will take affect is the requirements for permits – for almost anything. He read the requirement from the code book (Title of book, paragraph, page).

In many towns, there is a 200 foot square foot minimum, but in Antrim it is a dollar ($) amount (any structure with a over a $1000. value needs a permit). Mr. Hopkins felt that the change to Antrim’s requirement would be important because of membrane structures which do not meet code. He suggested that the Town institute another form of permit for anything under 200 feet – in order that the structures comply with setbacks.

There was a question concerning the definition of the words permanent and temporary in reference to structures.

Mr. Hopkins said that any structure in place for more than 180 days is considered permanent.

There was a question concerning the definition of a structure.

Mr. Hopkins said that depended on which town he was in. In some towns – a fire pit is considered a structure and requires a permit.

Chair Burnside stated that building permit should be for any building with a minimum of 200-feet. Antrim’ requirements should eliminate the monetary value and add the square footage.

The Board was in agreement with Mr. Hopkins suggestion.

·       Review proposed TOA Building Permits Application & Instruction Booklet – Peter Hopkins

Mr. Hopkins would like to change the current Antrim Building Permit “Application  and Instruction Booklet” to a revised version which he is asking the Planning Board to review.

Mr. Hopkins has tried to explain to residents that the resident’s proposed plans should be presented that any builder could go to that site and build the structure by following the submitted plans. His revised booklet clearly explains the permit process “tool”. He believes that it is easy to understand but has enough information for him to do his job as building inspector. He further explained that he has developed a manual for new building inspectors and that the application that he would like the Planning Board to review is included in that manual. He added that since the codes are to be enforced, requirements are needed.
The Board asked questions and Mr. Hopkins responded.

Will a complete set of construction plans be needed?
A plot plan is needed – take a piece of paper, draw the lot and where the proposed structure will be constructed. Architectural drawings on engineered plans are not necessary.

Will a description of the project suffice?
Ninety-nine percent of the time, that would work. In 50% of the houses that were built in the last 24 months, three or four of them had been hand drawn. He explained that the expansion of the Greenfield store had been had drawn but that presented a different situation because the building would have public use. Mr. Hopkins said that for this application, he required an engineer’s stamp. He also stated that he does not insist on plumbing and electrical plans but they must meet code – so that when it comes to the inspection, it would actually be easier.

How does the Antrim bldg permit fee schedule fit with the surrounding communities?
Average – the average house is $300 - $600. Other towns, like Jaffrey have an impact fee. Mr. Hopkins said that he felt the fees for building inspector’s department should be self-supporting.

Another topic that Mr. Hopkins discussed was that there is legislation in place that has been approved by the State Building Code that all new one and two families would require a sprinkler system – possibly by 2012. In some towns, the requirement is already in place. It has been proven that sparkler systems save lives, although they add to the cost of a new structure. The Board discussed several types of sprinkler systems.

Chair Burnside asked if there was anything the Planning Board could do to make Mr. Hopkins job a little easier.

Mr. Hopkins gave an update on the Application for a Building Permit for the Meteorological Tower. He explained that Orr & Reno attorneys had written a letter which gave their definition for a Public Utility (a company that generated power to be sold to the Public) could be considered a Public Utility. Mr. Hopkins felt that in the broad sense of the definition, the proposed Wind Farm would fit the definition. Mr. Hopkins has determined that he will accept the building permit, but it must go through Site Plan Review.

The Board thanked Mr. Hopkins for his information and knowledge. Mr. Hopkins said that he would be happy to come in anytime.

Mr. Koziell continued the discussion of Mr. Hopkins’ proposal. The Board agreed that the square footage proposal made good sense. The Board directed Mr. Moore to work with Mr. Hopkins to develop the verbiage to include the 200’ square foot to the Building Permit.

The Board also discussed the current definition of “structure” and determined that the definition should include the “200’ square footage” should be added to the definition.

·       Report of Capital Improvement Committee (CIP) for 2010-2015Report will be given at next Planning Board Meeting

Propose Ordinance Amendments and Additions – for consideration by Planning Board 12/17/09, revised for re-consideration by Planning Board 1/7/10

Suggested changes and/or amendments to Zoning Ordinance Articles agreed upon by the Planning Board:

Article III – Definitions

        1. Add - Mixed Use – Any combination of residential, commercial, public, etc.

Article IV – Village Business District

1.      Add – Mixed Use

     Article V -  Highway Business District

1.   Add – Mixed Use

Some of the Board members discussed that the Rural District should be opened up to commercial uses and “mixed use” needs to be part of ordinance at some point. Not just add “mixed use” but to relook at the Rural District to open it up more commercial opportunities. The addition of “Mixed Use” was not expanded to any other districts other than Village Business and Highway Business.

Article XI – Wetland District

        1. G. Add - “This ordinance is an innovative land use control subject to the    exclusive jurisdiction of the Planning Board”. (suggested by Town Counsel in a  2004 letter)

Article XIVB – Personal Wireless Service Facilities (PWSF)

        1.3. Definitions – Change – Average Tree Canopy Height to read ‘…trees over twenty (20) feet in height within the area that extends for a distance of one-hundred (150) feet from the base of the mount,…”

        e. District Regulations: Change – Location – PWSFs located in existing facilities shall be permitted in all Zoning Districts except Residential. Ground mounted PWSFs shall be permitted in all districts except the Residential District by Special Exception only. (Mr. Koziell moved to strike Rural Conservation and add Residential District. Mr. Willeke seconded the motion and with a unanimous roll call vote, the change was made.)

Article XVII - Sign Ordinance
        1. D. 6. Add – Application for sign must be co-signed by both the business owner and the property owner.

        2. A. Add – Purpose and intent. Copy and paste change readable to legible.

Article XVIII Administration and Enforcement

        1. Change to read – “Pursuant to RSA 155-A and RSA 674-51. building permits will be administered in accordance with the State of New Hampshire Building Code.
        Mr. Koziell motioned to change the ordinance to read as above. Mr. Schacht seconded the motion, and the Board voted yes unanimously.

After the above Ordinance Amendments and Additions were approved by the Board,
Mr. Moore introduced a new article to the Supplemental Regulations:

Article XIV-E Pollution and Disturbance – (see attached)

There was a short discussion by the Board in which they agreed that that the Pollution and Disturbance Article did not have a place in the Antrim Zoning Ordinance.


Review DRAFT Planning Department Budget for 2010 – Mr. Moore explained that the 2010 Budget had been modified from the last presentation to the Board. Considering the financial monetary difficulties of the Town, Mr. Moore has changed the budget to reflect the necessity for flat spending in 2010. The budget has been trimmed to reflect a 23% decrease from the 2009 request, and includes a reduction in expenditures which includes no raise for the Planner or Assistant.
·       PB Term Ends – Kathi Wasserloos & Sandy Snow – Declaration of Candidacy 1/20 – 1/29/2010  Mr. Moore stated that Mrs. Wasserloos’ and Mr. Snow’s terms will be up in March of 2010.
·       Proposed Joint Meeting of Planning Board & Zoning Board of Adjustment to recap 2009 (2/4/10)

Correspondences:  SWRPC – Public Meeting for Contoocook-North Branch Rivers Management Plan Update – Part of the updating process to gather community input through a survey and a Public Meeting to discuss progress on the plan and community visioning session to help shape the future of the river corridor. Planning Board members are encouraged to attend.

Code Enforcement: None

At 9:30pm, Mr. Koziell moved to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Mr. Schacht, and unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane Chauncey, Planning Assistant, On behalf of the Antrim Planning Board