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Planning Board Minutes 09/03/09
September 3, 2009 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
Scott Burnside (Chair)  Diane Chauncey (Staff)  Joseph Koziell (Member)
Jesse Lazar (Alternate)         Peter Moore (Planner)           Steve Schacht (ExOfficio) Andrew Robblee (Member)    Sandy Snow (Member)         Kathi Wasserloos (Member)   CR Willeke (Vice-Chair)  
Member & Staff Absent:  None    
Public Attendees:  None
7:00 Public Meeting:
Review Period
Appoint alternates to sit for absent members – unnecessary as all members present
Minutes of the August 20, 2009 Board Meeting - Mr. Willeke moved that the minutes be accepted as presented. Mr. Koziell seconded it. The minutes were approved. Mr. Willeke asked if the deeds for the Lapointe/Sommer Lot Line Adjustment had been reviewed. Mr. Burnside said that in the past Town Counsel reviewed the language before the deeds were recorded. Mr. Moore made note to have Town Counsel review the deeds.

7:15 Public Hearings: No Public Hearing scheduled at this time

Business Meeting:

Mr. Moore explained that the remainder of the “Regulations” had been edited and completed with all the information that he had to work with. He instructed the manner in which the current handouts should be incorporated into the Board’s “Draft books”. The Board should review the information and forward any comments to Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore said that he had spoken with Peter Pitsas (Town Engineer, Underwood Engineers, LLC) and that Mr. Pitsas is willing (as part of his original fee – Mr. Pitsas had rewritten Antrim’s Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations and presented his draft to the Planning Board in 2008) to review the changes that had incurred since his submission.. The changes (language changes, language meanings, omissions, additions, deletions, etc…) by the Planning Board, Bradley Houseworth (former Town Planner), Paul Vasques (Interim Town Planner), and Peter Moore (Present Town Planner) have all been incorporated into the present DRAFT version of the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulation.  Mr. Moore explained the challenge of interpreting the notes of others, and that he had incorporated the point of view of the Planning Board, the past and present Planners, and the Town Engineer in order to put forth the best set of regulations for the Town of Antrim. Mr. Moore asked that the Board review the “front cover” through end of “Option “B” Section VIII (page 29) for the next meeting and note corrections needed. It was noted that during the subsequent Planning Board meeting, in October the Board will review the second half. Once the  Board completes their final reading of the Draft, and after any and all changes have been made by the Board, a Public Hearing will be scheduled. If no substantial changes are requested or made at this public hearing, the Planning Board may take a role call vote to adopt. If substantial changes are made, a second public hearing will be scheduled, and at that time the Planning Board can adopt. (RSA 675:6)

Mrs. Chauncey presented a PowerPoint of the six active pits in the Town of Antrim. Mr. Moore and Mrs. Chauncey had planned to tour the six active pits on 8/26 with Mary Pinkham-Langer (schedule had been set on June 26, 2009 to review the pits  with Mary Pinkham-Langer - Department of Revenue Administration – head of Excavation – unfortunately a glitch occurred with DRA, but the registered letters (announcing the Annual review) to the pit owners had been sent and, all, but In’Ex Homes had a returned receipt, and so Mr. Moore and Ms Chauncey had decided to tour five of the active pits without Ms. Pinkham -Langer. On 8/27, Ms. Pinkham-Langer toured the 6th pit with the Planning Staff. The PowerPoint was meant to be a tour of Antrim’s active Excavation pits:
  • RSA 155:E (the State law for Excavation Pits)
  • Town of Antrim Regulations for an Excavation Pit
  • Intent to Excavate form – how Pit operators fill it out and what it means for the operators, the Town, and the State
  • Map of each active pit – ArcGIS – location and abutters
  • Current photos of each pit – to give a yearly perspective of each active pit
  • Landscape Regulations – Mrs. Wasserloos explained her intent for the proposed regulations – she expected that her “plan” would be the beginning of a discussion of “landscape regulations” that would be in Antrim’s best interest. While pursuing her degree in Landscaping Design, she realized that many towns have incorporated “Landscape Regulations” as a part of their Ordinance or as part of the Subdivision and Site Plan  Regulations. Chair Burnside stated that he thought it would be good to read the landscape regulations and discuss the concept at the same time as the Subdivision & Site Regs. Mrs. Wasserloos further explained that she saw the landscaping regulations as becoming a part of the whole. Chair Burnside said that it would work well with the developers as a guideline for their reclamation of a subdivision development or a 'big box' development. Mrs. Wasserloos said that the landscape design was not necessarily a greater expense but rather meant to give a guideline to the applicant so that they can be sensitive to the Town of Antrim’s desires.
DES Shoreland Permit Application - Daniel Robinson, Map 235, Lot 9, 5 Brimstone Corner Rd   FYI
DES  Karsten Wildlife Pond Dam #9.24, Map 232 Lot 23  FYI
DES Willard Pond Dam #009.19, Map 248 Lot 5  FYI
Code Enforcement: No new actions

New Business from the Floor:Update – “Flood Insurance Study for the County of Hillsborough, NH, dated September 25, 2009 – updated page for insertion to Article XII – Zoning OrdinanceReminder -

Registration for OEP Fall Conference – October 17, 2009 – All day informative concurrent sessions, Antrim Community Bus (to be driven by Town Planner, Peter Moore – see Ms. Chauncey for further details
Updates on the Cell Tower and the Met Tower  Cell Tower request for a Rehearing will be on September 8, 2008. The Continued Met Tower hearing will be on September 15, 2009.
At 8:30 pm, Mr. Schacht moved to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Mr. Koziell , and unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, Planning Assistant, On behalf of the Antrim Planning Board