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Planning Board Minutes 08/20/09
August 20, 2009 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
Diane Chauncey (Staff)  Joseph Koziell (Member) Jesse Lazar (Alternate)
Peter Moore (Planner)           Sandy Snow (Member)     CR Willeke (Vice-Chair)  
Member & Staff Absent:  Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio)      Andrew Robblee (Member)     Kathi Wasserloos (Member)   Scott Burnside (Chair)
Public Attendees:  None
7:00 Public Meeting:
Review Period
Vice-Chair Willeke appointed Mr. Lazar to sit for the absent Mr. Robblee.

Approve the Minutes of the August 6, 2009 Board Meeting
Mr. Koziell moved that the minutes be accepted as presented. Vice Chair Willeke seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved.

7:15 Public Hearings: No Public Hearing scheduled at this time

Business Meeting:

Lapointe/Sommers Lot Line Adjustment - Chairman to sign Mylar. The Board members reviewed the mylar. The mylar reflected the lot line adjustment and the proposed easements for the culvert drainage that exists on both parcels. After determining that the
mylar had the appropriate changes had been made, Vice-Chair Willeke signed for the absent Chair Burnside.

Vote on Bond Reduction Request for Mulhall Heights Sub-division (processed 8/4/09)
Mr. Koziell moved that the Board accept the reduction of the bond to $66,889.23. Vice Chair Willeke seconded it. Roll call vote: Mr. Koziell, aye; Vice Chair Willeke, aye; Mr. Snow, aye; Mr. Lazar, aye.

The edits of the regulations have been incorporated into pages 1 – 27. Mr. Moore suggested that the Board read through the changes and the review would continue at the next meeting.

Update – Input for Master Plan DRAFT as of 8/19/09
Mr. Moore has received all input from residents and will now incorporate the changes into the final draft of the Master Plan. Most changes will reflect the input that has already been discussed. The Board suggested that the changes be made. Mr. Snow took exception with some of the changes that had been suggested in the Energy chapter. Mr. Snow (who had written the Energy Chapter) suggested that new businesses would build green wherever possible. He referred to the plan in the Town of Epping as a possible model for the Town of Antrim.

Update – “Flood Insurance Study for the County of Hillsborough, NH, dated September 25, 2009 – updated page for insertion to Article XII – Zoning Ordinance  Each PB member was given the updated amended page to insert in their zoning ordinance.

Planning Board members – Need for updates to Antrim Zoning Ordinance?
Mr. Moore had a list of possible changes, additions, language changes, etc. The PB will begin to discuss the updates.

Consideration of changes/adds to Antrim Zoning Ordinance for 2010               
Mr. Moore stated that the Board should be thinking ahead to changes to any potential changes to the ordinance – additions, deletions, language changes

Green field ZBA - PWSF Special Exception and Two Variances - August 19 - FYI
Francestown Planning Board - August 29 - Site Inspection & Balloon Test - FYI   

Code Enforcement: No new actions

New Business from the Floor:
CR Willeke – landscape regulations
Mr. Koziell suggested that the mylars also be presented

Workshop and Trainings: 
On-line Registration for OEP Conference on October 17, 2009 starts today    “Space limited, register early”
Municipal Law Lecture Series - Various dates an locations - see flyer
At 8:30 pm, Mr. Koziell moved to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Mr. Snow, and unanimously approved. Vice-chair Willeke adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, Planning Assistant, On behalf of the Antrim Planning Board