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Planning Board Minutes 08/06/09
August 6, 2009 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
Diane Chauncey (Staff)  Joseph Koziell (Member) Peter Moore (Planner)   
Andrew Robblee (Member)    Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio)   Kathi Wasserloos (Member)  CR Willeke (Vice-Chair)  
Member & Staff Absent:  
Scott Burnside (Chair)  Jesse Lazar (Alternate) Sandy Snow (Member)
Public Attendees:  None
7:00 Public Meeting:

Review Period
Approve the Minutes of the July 2, 2009 Board Meeting – Vice Chair Willeke opened the meeting. There were no alternates to appoint. Mr. Schacht moved to accept the minutes as read. Mr. Robblee seconded the minutes and they were approved by all.

Business Meeting:
Review Lapointe - Sommers revised Deeds & Mylar for final approval
The mylar has not been delivered to the Planning Department. The lot line adjustment will not be finalized until the documents are received.

Not completed but expected to be done by August 20.
Section D – Impact fees – The Board discussed the impacts on schools, roads, waste disposal, etc., - should a cost be incurred. Members of the Board were not in favor of developing impact fees and made the decision not to develop a fee schedule.

Review Landscape Regulations DRAFT
Presented by Mrs. Wasserloos
Mrs. Wasserloos had viewed regulations of other towns and then tried to refine what would be reflective of the Town of Antrim. Its use would probably work best with  larger subdivisions and commercial operations. Mrs. Wasserloos encouraged the Board members to go through the draft and give their opinions. She did not want the regulations to be overly restrictive, but rather to give guidelines that would make Antrim a better community. The Board will read the draft and the Landscape regulations will be discussed in September.

Update – Input for Master Plan DRAFT as of 8/2/09
Mr.  Moore had a handout of all comments submitted by community members who had read the draft Master Plan.     The Board is to review the draft Master Plan, the feedback, make decisions on changes, and determine a date for a Public Hearing.

Update Personal Wireless Service Facility (PWSF) Status as of 8/2/09
Mrs. Chauncey explained that the Special Exception for the PWSF had been granted; as well as, the two Variances for the height of the tower and the frontage of the John & Wendy Dunlap lot at 22 High Street (Map 244 Lot 6) had been granted. Anyone who feels that they have been adversely affected by the Decision, and has new information that has not been presented to the Board has the right to appeal within 30 days. As of August 6, 2009, there has not been an appeal. Anderson & Kreiger (the agent for AT&T) has not submitted a formal application to the Planning Board. The application will include a Major Site Plan Review for a commercial application.

 Meteorological  (Met)Tower
Mrs. Chauncey updated the Planning Board on the proposed Met Tower for property owned by Michael Ott on 354 Keene Road (Map 212 Lot 30) which had come before the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) for a variance for relief from the Zoning Ordinance which states that the height should not exceed 150 feet; the height of the proposed tower would be 60 meters (197’ 8 ½”). The proposal was presented to the ZBA on July 28, 2009. There were 15 residents who attended the meeting. Chair of the ZBA (John Kendall) stated that the application was for a data-collection tower – wind velocity, humidity, temperature, wind shear, etc., and that was the only topic for discussion or comment. Some attendees did discuss the possibility of a wind farm. The ZBA did not vote on the application. The Public Meeting was continued to August 11, 2009 (rain date - August 12, 2009) at 5:00pm at the Town Hall. The ZBA will then proceed to Michael Ott’s Land on Tuttle Hill for a site walk to view the proposed site for the Met tower.

Annual Review of Excavation Pits
The Planning Staff and Mary Pinkham Langer (Excavation Assessor for the NH Department of Revenue) will review and visit each of the six active Antrim sites. The Excavation Pit owners/operators have been sent registered mail announcing the August 26, 2009  review, the scheduled times, the process, and a list of 2008 areas of concern. The Planning Board will receive a complete update following the Staff review.                                    

NH Division of Historical Resources - 22 High Street project
A letter stating that the Historical Resources con firmed that "there is no potential to impact historic resources” has been received to the Planning Department.

Southwest Region Planning Commission newsletter
FYI – bi monthly newsletter

Southwest Region Planning Commission concerning Community Transportation        in the Contoocook Valley

Greenfield ZBA - Special Exception and 2 Variances for Proposed Cell Tower
Regional impact letter announcing upcoming meeting on August ??, 2009.

Mulhall Heights (Mighty Oaks) Road Bond reduction and letter from Underwood
Mr. Moore had discussed the reduction of the bond with the bank and had received Underwood Engineer’s letter. Some Board members thought that there should have been vote to lower the bond. Mr. Moore will research.

Code Enforcement:       
No new actions

New Business from the Floor:
At 8:40 pm, Mr. Koziell moved to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Mrs. Wasserloos, and unanimously approved. Vice-chair Willeke adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, Planning Assistant, On behalf of the Antrim Planning Board