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Planning Board Minutes 06/04/09
June 4, 2009 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
 Scott Burnside (Chair)   Diane Chauncey (Staff)        Andrew Robblee (Member)
Joe Koziell (Member)     Jesse Lazar (Alternate)       Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio)       Paul Vasques (Interim Planner)                          Kathi Wasserloos (Member)   CR Willeke (Vice-Chair))                                                                                            
Member & Staff Absent:                  
Peter Moore (Planner)
Sandy Snow (Member)
Public Attendees:       Ronald Lapointe (Applicant)             Peter Mellen (Surveyor)
                        Frank Somers (Abutter)
                        Anne Somers     (Abutter)
7:00 Public Meeting:
Review Period
Appoint alternates to sit for absent members - Mr. Lazar to sit for the absent Mr. Snow.
Approve the Minutes of the May 21, 2009 Board Meeting - Mr. Schacht moved that the minutes be accepted as amended. Mr. Koziell seconded the motion, which was approved.

7:15 Public Hearings: Ronald Lapointe, File #2009-04PB, Lot Line Adjustment, Map 214-042 and Map 214-043 in the Lakefront Residential District
Chair Burnside introduced the Board and explained the procedure for the meeting
Mr. Vasques read the public meeting notice which is as follows: Notice is hereby given that a public meeting will be held at 7:15 PM Thursday, June 4, 2009 at the Antrim Town Hall on the request of Ronald Lapointe for a lot line adjustment of properties located at 37 Algonquin Avenue (Tax Map 214 Lot 42) and 327 Elm Avenue (Map 214 Lot 43) in Antrim, NH 03440 in the Lakefront Residential District and Rural Districts.
You are invited to appear in person or by agent or counsel to state reasons why you think this request should or should not be granted. Written concerns should be submitted to the Antrim Town Office prior to the meeting. The application and supporting documents are available for review at the Antrim Town Offices 8 am to 4 pm Monday- Thursday.

Mr. Vasques stated that public notice had been in the Ledger/Transcript on May 21, 2009 and all abutters had been notified. There were no comments by letter, phone or in person.

Chair Burnside asked Mr. Lapointe to present his proposal. Mr. Lapointe explained that the lot line adjustment would correct a problem that had been created in error. The home (which now is owned by Frank & Anne Somers) had been built when Mr. Lapointe owned both lots. When Lot 43 was sold, he was unaware that the house was built on the boundary line.

The Board reviewed the plans of the proposed lot line adjustment and the information in the meeting packet and asked for clarifications from Mr. Lapointe, Mr. & Mrs. Somers, and Mr. Mellen.  

Mr. Vasques stated that the application as submitted is sufficiently complete, a written letter with waiver requests had been submitted, and that plans were properly detailed and he recommended that the Board accept the application. Mr. Koziell moved that the application be accepted. Mr. Robblee seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Koziell, aye; Mr. Robblee, aye; Chair Burnside, aye; Mr. Willeke, aye: Mrs. Wasserloos, aye; Mr. Schacht, aye; Mr. Lazar, aye.

The Board then reviewed the Minor Subdivision, Lot Line Adjustment, or Annexation
Checklist. The open items (not satisfied) that remained were as follows:
        Item #16 - Waiver Request for wetlands location on the grounds that there was to be no new construction. - Mr. Willeke moved to approve the waiver request. Mr. Robblee seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Koziell, aye; Mr. Robblee, aye; Chair Burnside, aye; Mr. Willeke, aye: Mrs. Wasserloos, aye; Mr. Schacht, aye; Mr. Lazar, aye.

        Item #17 - Waiver request for wetlands delineation on the grounds that there was to be no new construction. - Mr. Schacht moved to approve the waiver request. Mr. Koziell seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Koziell, aye; Mr. Robblee, aye; Chair Burnside, aye; Mr. Willeke, aye: Mrs. Wasserloos, aye; Mr. Schacht, aye; Mr. Lazar, aye.

        Item #18 - Location of easements – The Board decided that a Condition of Approval stating "the Mylar shall delineate all drainage easements on the two parcels and be included in the deeds" should be included if an approval is granted. The remaining requirements of item #18 were waived. Mr. Koziell moved to approve the Condition of Approval. Mr. Robblee seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Koziell, aye; Mr. Robblee, aye; Chair Burnside, aye; Mr. Willeke, aye: Mrs. Wasserloos, aye; Mr. Schacht, aye; Mr. Lazar, aye.

        Item #23 - Waiver request for topographical delineation on the grounds that there was to be no new construction. - Mr. Schacht moved to approve the waiver request. Mr. Koziell seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Koziell, aye; Mr. Robblee, aye; Chair Burnside, aye; Mr. Willeke, aye: Mrs. Wasserloos, aye; Mr. Schacht, aye; Mr. Lazar, aye.

        Item #33 - Waiver request for soil delineation on the grounds that there was to be no new construction. - Mr. Koziell moved to approve the waiver request Mrs. Wasserloos seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Koziell, aye; Mr. Robblee, aye; Chair Burnside, aye; Mr. Willeke, aye: Mrs. Wasserloos, aye; Mr. Schacht, aye; Mr. Lazar, aye.

        Item #34 – A Copy of the Zoning board of Adjustment Variance of April 10, 2007 is included in File #2009-04PB.

Public Hearing Chair Burnside opened the public hearing to receive any public comments. He asked if any of the abutters would like to speak in favor of the proposal. Mr. & Mrs. Somers stated that they would be very glad to have the proposal approved. There were no other comments, and the public hearing was closed.

Mr. Schacht moved to approve the application of Ronald Lapointe for a lot line adjustment of properties located at 37 Algonquin Avenue (Tax Map 214 Lot 42) and 327 Elm Avenue (Map 214 Lot 43) in Antrim, NH 03440 in the Lakefront Residential District and Rural Districts, with 5 conditions:

Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated June 4, 2009 as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
3.   A payment of $25.00 to LCHIP.
4.   The Mylar shall delineate all drainage easements on the two parcels.
5.  Copies of the deeds for the two parcels shall be submitted before the Mylar can be  filed with the NH Registry of Deeds.

Mr. Koziell seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Koziell, aye; Mr. Robblee, aye; Chair Burnside, aye; Mr. Willeke, aye: Mrs. Wasserloos, aye; Mr. Schacht, aye; Mr. Lazar, aye.

Mr. Vasques stated that the lot line adjustment was approved by the Board and that a Notice of Decision, signed and endorsed by the Chair, will be sent to the applicants within 6 business days.

Business Meeting:
        Mr. Vasques stated that he had completed the Board’s revisions to Option A & B of the Subdivision Regulations and had incorporated Section VIII into the Subdivision & Site Plan Review manual to be revised in 2009. Since Mr. Vasques’ Interim employment period was expiring this evening, Mr. Moore would continue with the revision of the manual.
        Master Plan - June 18, 2009 – Mr. Moore is working on the final draft and awaiting comments from those in the business community who are reviewed the draft.
Correspondences: None           
Code Enforcement:  No new actions
New Business from the Floor:
Clean Air Cool Planet - "Finding and promoting solutions to global warming"
        June20, 2009 Grappone Center 8 - 4:30
At 8:30 pm, Mr. Koziell made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Mr. Schacht, and unanimously approved. Chair Burnside adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, Planning Assistant, On behalf of the Antrim Planning Board