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Planning Board Minutes 05/21/09

May 21, 2009 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
 Scott Burnside CR Willeke              Steve Schacht           Paul Vasques            
Sandy Snow              Jesse Lazar            Kathi Wasserloos        Peter Moore                                                                                     
Member & Staff Absent:                  
 Andrew Robblee          Joe Koziell            Diane Chauncey

Public Attendees:       None Present            
7:05 PM Public Meeting:
Review Period
Appoint alternates to sit for absent members – Mr. Lazar to sit for the absent Mr. Koziell.
Approve Minutes of the May 7, 2009 Board Meeting –Mr. Willeke moved that the minutes be accepted as amended. Mr. Schacht seconded the motion, which was approved.

7:15 Public Hearings: None

Business Meeting:

Option A & B of the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations – The Board reviewed this document as a work-in-progress. Mr. Vasques went through the draft that he has been working on since the Planning Board meeting of May 7, 2009. There was further discussion and requests for changes, additions and deletions by all members of the Board. Mr. Vasques and Mr. Moore made detailed notes of the input, and will incorporate those changes, additions and deletions to the document. The board asked that Option A & B be added to the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations for the next Board Meeting, scheduled for June 4, 2009, so that the entire document could be reviewed at that time.
Master Plan distribution:  The Board was updated that the following residents have been given final drafts of the Master Plan: Neal Cass, Mike Genest, Gordon Webber, Brian Murphy, Ben Pratt, and Cynthia Crockett. These were to be reviewed by these residents and business owners for their feedback, comments requested by May 28, 2009. Four more copies that were requested in the distribution, one to Rick Edmunds, one to Paul Belliveau, which he received enthusiastically, and the final two yet to be distributed – one to Sam Harding and the other to Betsey Drummond of the Brailsford Company. Requested comment date is June 13, 2009.

Cell tower application status  - The Board was advised of the dates set for the second balloon test and continuance of the ZBA meeting for this applicant. Balloon test date is scheduled for Tuesday, June 9, 2009, the balloon being present from noon – 8 pm. Rain/Wind date to be Wednesday, June 10, 2009. Meeting will begin at 6 pm on High Street at the Dunlop property driveway. The Town bus will be available to members of the ZBA and Planning Board at town hall beginning at 5:45 pm.

Wind farm status – No further action has been noted for the potential application by Eolian-Renewable Energy, since the visit by Travis Bullard of Eolian,  and Peter Mellen of Donald R. Mellen, LLC (surveyors) with the Planning Department  May 7, 2009. In checking with Peter Hopkins, he did state that Mr. Bullard had contacted him by phone, simply to make his acquaintance, and that Mr. Bullard would contact him in the near future to discuss the steps required to erect the meteorological tower on Tuttle Mountain.

Pierce Lake  Estates II – Board was advised that their packets each had a copy of the recent letter sent to Mr. Glover of Pierce Lake Estates II, for their information.

Correspondences: None
Code Enforcement:  No new actions

New Business from the Floor: None

NH Work Force Housing Law – Mr. Moore briefly discussed the presentation he had been to in Keene on May 14, 2009 hosted by NH Housing Authority, and presented by Ben Frost, relative to the RSA 674:58 Work Force Housing  (formerly known as SB 342). Each Board member received a copy of a power point on the new law, as well as a copy of the law itself. It was further explained that although the original deadline for compliance with the law was to be July 1, 2009, a subsequent bill – HB 321, extended that deadline until January 1, 2010, and that further, if legal notices are in place for the November and/or December 2009 public hearings for warrant articles, that municipalities will be “insulated” until March Town Meeting.
At 9:15 Mr. Willeke made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Mr. Snow and unanimously approved. Chair Burnside adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Moore, Antrim Town Planner
On behalf of the Antrim Planning Board