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Planning Board Minutes 05/07/09

May 7, 2009 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:
 Scott Burnside           Diane Chauncey                        Andrew Robblee
Joe Koziell                      Jesse Lazar                            Paul Vasques             CR Willeke                                                                                                             
Member & Staff Absent:          Sandy Snow      Kathi Wasserloos     Steve Schacht    

Public Attendees:       Peter Moore             Ron Haggett
7:00 Public Meeting:
Review Period
Burnside: Sign Edwards Mylar & 4 copies of plat - Mr. Burnside signed the mylars
Appoint alternates to sit for absent members - Mr. Lazar to sit for the absent Mrs.     Wasserloos.
Approve the Minutes of the April 16, 2009 Board Meeting - Mr. Willeke moved that the minutes be accepted as amended. Mr. Burnside seconded the motion which was approved.

Mr. Vasques announced that Mr. Peter Moore will serve the town as the new Town Planner. Mr. Moore said that he is happy to serve the Planning Board, the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and the Town of Antrim.

7:15 Public Hearings: None

Business Meeting:
Pierce Lakes Estates II – Requirement for final inspection expenses –

Mr. Vasques explained that Mr. Glover had called the Planning Department and that he would like to have the road accepted as a "town" road by the Selectmen. Mr. Vasques had explained to Mr. Glover that there were a number of conditions that had not been met and that Planning Board approval is needed. Chair Burnside recused himself as he has worked on the Glover Construction project. After discussion of the deficiencies, the Board requested that Mr. Vasques write a letter to Mr. Glover including the following outstanding deficiencies:

        1. Erosion issues - detailed in an Underwood Engineers May 7, 2008 letter

        2. Punch list based on a walk-through on May 13, 2008 and updated September                 19, 2008 which identifies a number of items to be corrected

        3. The Subdivision Site Visit Checklist received from Underwood Engineers on                December 18, 2008 which shows number of items to be completed.

        4. Underwood Engineering letter dated December 18, 2008 summarizing a               number of the deficiencies

The discussion of the road construction for Glover Construction, Inc. was completed, and Chair Burnside rejoined the Board.

The Glover discussion evoked a conversation concerning 'as built' plans. The Board determined that 'as built' plans should be completed and kept on file at Town Hall by the Planning Department for use by the Road Agent and other departments as deemed necessary. .

Review Option A & B  proposal – Subdivision & Site Plan Regulations
Mr. Willeke had reviewed the drafts of Option A & B. He had handouts for the Board, which illustrated the proposed process steps of each option.  Mr. Willeke went thru the steps of a hypothetical subdivision with roadway construction and asked questions about the various steps and timelines. The Board evaluated the process steps and proposed changes to the draft regulation based on the discussion. Mr. Willeke’s handout is incorporated into these minutes as an addendum, as well as, the Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulation Changes "excerpts" from the 2008 Planning Board Minutes.  Mr. Vasques will continue to work on the regulations in order to present a final draft to the Board for their approval.

Special Use Permit amendment

Mr. Vasques explained that while reviewing files he came across a letter from Town Counsel regarding the appropriate wording for a proposed ordinance change requiring a Special Use Permit for the disturbance of a wetland buffer which was scheduled to be on the March 10, 2005 ballot. The specific wording recommended by Counsel was:

        "This ordinance is an innovative land use control subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Planning Board."

Unfortunately, this wording was not added to the ordinance as it was placed on the ballot. Mr. Vasques felt that counsel’s advice should be followed for the reasons given. Mr. Koziell moved to add the recommended wording to Article XI-4, paragraph G and place the proposed change in the ordinance on the 2010 ballot.

Master Plan distribution:  The Board was advised that the following residents have been given final drafts of the Master Plan: Neal Cass, Mike Genest, Gordon Webber, Brian Murphy, Ben Pratt, and Cynthia Crockett. The Board asked that copies be provided to Rick Edmunds, Paul Belliveau, Mr. Brailsford, and Sam Harding and Betsy Drummond. Recipients were asked to submit comments and suggestions to the planning staff by May 30, 2009.

Hearing fees –  Mr. Vasques continues to work on the hearing fees.

Cell tower application status –  Ms. Chauncey gave an update of the site walk on May 5, 2009. The minutes of the walk are on the website.

Wind farm status - Ms. Chauncey stated that the Travis Bullard of  Eolian-Renewable Energy and Peter Mellen of Donald R. Mellen, LLC (surveyors) had met with the Planning Department (including Peter Moore, the new Town Planner) to discuss the status of the Wind Farm. The next step for the project is to apply to the building inspector for a meteorological tower. Two variances from the Zoning Board of Adjustment will be needed - one for height (196.85') and the other for height above the average tree canopy. Mr. Bullard is continuing to work with the landowners, his legal counsel, and the Town of Antrim's legal counsel in order to develop the best contractual agreement for the use of the private land. Easements, subdivision and lease are all possibilities that are being explored. Mr. Bullard summed up the meeting by stating that he would make an appointment with Peter Hopkins, the Building Inspector.
Correspondences: None
Code Enforcement:  No new actions

New Business from the Floor: None
At 9:30 pm, Mr. Koziell made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Mr. Robblee and unanimously approved. Chair Burnside adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, Planning Assistant
On behalf of the Antrim Planning Board