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Planning Board Minutes 11/06/08

November 6, 2008 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:         Diane Chauncey (Staff),        Scott Burnside (Member),        
Andrew Robblee (Chair),          Steve Schacht (ExOfficio),    Missy Taylor (Member),
Sandy Snow (Member),    CR Willeke (Alternate)
Member & Staff Absent:           Joe Koziell (Member),  Bradley Houseworth (Staff),
Kathi Wasserloos (Member)       

Public Attendees:   Josh Bond (Ledger/Transcript)
Public Meeting: Chair Robblee convened the public meeting at 7:10 PM, and appointed Mr. Willeke to sit for the absent Mr. Koziell.

Approval of Planning Board Meeting Minutes: Mr. Schacht  motioned to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2008 Board meeting as corrected. Mr. Willeke seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved by the Board.
Public Hearings:  NONE
Business Meeting:
Master Plan – Chapter Review Session:  Ms. Taylor led the review of the previously assigned reading materials regarding the proposed Master Plan chapters. The following are some discussion topics listed under the chapter heading they pertained to:
Water Resources
·       Status of Willard Pond and type of boat permitted on lake was discussed
·       Aquifer protection should be noted as four feet (4') above the high water mark
·       Conflicting information concerning Stormwater ordinance should be eliminated
·        NH Department of Environmental Services Guide  to Groundwater Protection Table on Page 18, "Antrim Community Wells"  (table from DES  map - information collected 1991 - 2006)   - Mr. Schacht questioned the  number and location of  community wells in Antrim  
Historical and Cultural Resources
·       No comments
Economic Development - This chapter was discussed at the last meeting but not completed. Mr. Koziell had expressed 'concerns about the ideology and recommendations' of the chapter. Mr. Koziell was not present to discuss the content , but other Board members presented some of the following issues:
·       Protection of the integrity of the Town's streams and rivers
·       Areas of town that should be designated for commercial applications
·       Discussions ensued regarding discrepancies between the number of acres that are in current use and the number of acres that are in conservation/ public lands.
·       Mr. Koziell's concern had been lack of content in the chapter and ideological differences between this chapter and the ‘Natural Resources and Conservation’ and the ‘Water Resources’ chapter and their associated recommendations.
·       Ms. Taylor will research other Master Plan's Economic Development Chapters
·       Lack of multi-use structures should be addressed in the Zoning Ordinances
·       The importance of small businesses in Antrim should be noted
·       There is no existing office space
·       The question of a new TIF (Tax Increment Finance) District was discussed

Excavation Sites - This chapter was also discussed at the previous Board Meeting, but Mr. Burnside stated aquifer protection tools including no site excavation within  ' four feet above the seasonal high water mark' currently exists in the aquifer protection regulations. And, Ms. Taylor noted that there was still a question to be answered by the Planning Staff concerning an inactive site.

The next Master Plan chapter is Population & Housing.

Review of the Proposed Changes to the ‘Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations’ NH Office of Energy and Planning (NH OEP) Model for a Small Wind Energy Systems Ordinance:  Is this something the Board wants the staff to pursue for March ’09 Town Meeting?
The Board would like the Planning Staff to pursue the development of an ordinance addressing small wind turbines by utilizing this model ordinance as a basic framework.

2009 Town Meeting – Important Dates for Zoning Ordinance Enactments and Amendments - An FYI for the Board.

NH LGC Resource Document – ‘Amending your Zoning Documents’ by Paul Sanderson, Esq., Staff Attorney of NH LGC, PowerPoint presentation handout  Mr. Houseworth  had attended this segment at the conference and felt that the information would be valuable to the Board.

Code Enforcement:
Rymes Heating Oils, Inc. – Letter to Manager, Mr. Keith Goodwin, regarding various non-compliant propane installations within the Town of Antrim.  FYI for the Board of an existing situation that has been brought to the attention of the Building Inspector, who is in the process of addressing the issue.

At 8:00 pm, Mr. Schacht moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Snow, and unanimously agreed upon by all.  Chair Robblee adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board