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Planning Board Minutes 06/05/08
June 5, 2008 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:          Scott Burnside (Member),      Diane Chauncey (Staff),
Bradley Houseworth (Staff),       Joe Koziell (Member), Andrew Robblee (Chair),
Missy Taylor (Member),    Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio),   CR Willeke (Alternate)                                          
Member & Staff Absent:  Sandy Snow (Vice Chair),        Kathi Wasserloos (Member)

Public Attendees:  None
Chair Robblee convened the Board meeting at 7:20 PM and appointed Mr. Willeke to sit for the absent Mr. Snow.

Approval of Planning Board Meeting Minutes: Mr. Burnside moved to approve the minutes of the May 15, 2008 Board meeting as presented. It was seconded by Ms. Taylor, and unanimously approved by all.

Public Meeting – Revision of Final Paving Plan Notes for the three (3) following Major Subdivision Developments:

        1) Mulhall Heights Subdivision of Rt. 202 (Map 217, Lots 3 – 25)
                [File # 2005-03PB]
                The final paving section note of the Mulhall Heights Subdivision Plan                   (Sheet PP3, Note A.2) currently reads as follows:

                “A. 2. Wearing Course – 1” (After Compaction) Type “E”
                 The Wearing Course Shall Be Placed in June of the Year Following the                   Construction of the Road and Placement of the Binder Course But Not                     Before All Structures and Site Improvements Have Been Completed on All                  Lots.”
                After a short discussion, the Board agreed to amend the final paving plan                       note above as follows:

                “A.2. Wearing Course – 1” (After Compaction) Type “E”
                The Wearing Course shall be placed by October 1, 2009.  The Binder                      Course shall be re-inspected by the Town Engineer prior to placement of                         the Wearing Course.

        Mr. Schacht moved to approve the amendment to note A.2. on Sheet PP3 of the     Mulhall Heights Subdivision Plan as written and it was seconded by Mr. Koziell.         The Roll call vote follows: Ms. Taylor, aye; Mr. Burnside, aye; Mr. Robblee, aye;       Mr. Koziell, aye; Mr. Schacht, aye; and Mr. Willeke, aye.  The amendment to the         final paving note passed unanimously.
        Mr. Burnside recused himself from this portion of the meeting.
        2) Homes at High Hill Subdivision off Ashley Road (Map 215, Lots 4 - 7, 9 - 13)
                [File # 2005-05PB]
                The final paving notes of the Homes at High Hills Subdivision Plan                      (Page PP1, Notes # 6 & 7) currently read as follows:
                “6. Wearing Course Shall Be Placed in June of the Following Year of                     Placement of    Binder Course.

                7. Wearing Course Shall Not Be Placed Until All Structures and                          Improvements    Have Been Completed on All Lots.”

                After a short discussion, the Board agreed to delete note # 7 and amend                 the final paving plan note # 6 above as follows:

                “6. The Wearing Course shall be placed by October 1, 2009.  The Binder                  Course shall be re-inspected by the Town Engineer prior to placement of                         the Wearing Course.
        Mr. Koziell moved to delete note # 7 and approve the amendment to note # 6 on   Sheet PP1 of the Homes at High Hill Subdivision Plan as written and it was      seconded by Ms. Taylor. The Roll call vote follows: Ms. Taylor, aye; Mr.        Robblee, aye; Mr. Koziell, aye; Mr. Schacht, aye; and Mr. Willeke, aye.  The    amendment to the final paving note passed unanimously. Mr. Burnside abstained   from voting on the amendment to the final paving note.

        Mr. Burnside returned to the Board and Chair Robblee recused himself from this  portion of the meeting.
        3) Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision off Pierce Lake Road (Map 206, Lots 42-50)
                [File # 2005-12PB]
                The final paving note of the Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision Plan (Sheet             3 [Details Sheet 1], Note 5) currently reads as follows:

                “5. The Pavement Finish Course (Wearing Course) Shall Be Placed June                    of the Year Following Construction of the Road and Placement of the                     Binder Course. Further, the Finish Course Shall Not Be Placed Until All                         Structures and Site Improvements Have Been Completed on All Lots.”

                After a short discussion, the Board agreed to amend the final paving plan                       note # 5 above as follows:

                “5. The Pavement Finish Course (Wearing Course) Shall Be Placed by                      October 1, 2009. The Binder Course shall be re-inspected by the Town                    Engineer prior to placement of the Wearing Course.

        Mr. Koziell moved to approve the amendment to note # 5 on Sheet 3 [Details      Sheet 1] of the Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision Plan as written and it was   seconded by Ms. Taylor. The Roll call vote follows: Ms. Taylor, aye; Mr.        Burnside, aye; Mr. Koziell, aye; Mr. Schacht, aye; and Mr. Willeke, aye. The    amendment to the final paving note passed unanimously. Chair Robblee    abstained from voting on the amendment to the final paving note.

Chair Robblee rejoined the Board.

CBS Holdings, LLC; File #2006-01PB A properly signed and notarized one-sided agreement has been submitted. It will be signed by Chair Robblee and notarized on June 10, 2008.

Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision; File # 2005-12PB: Road bond continued until May 8, 2009.  The bond has been reduced from $78,257.00 to $60,806.50.

Proposed Planning Board Public Meeting Schedule and Notice for July 2008: Mr. Houseworth stated that due to the upcoming holiday weekend, he is proposing that the Planning Board amend its public meeting schedule in the month of July 2008 to hold meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. He stated that the Board could then return to the regular 1st and 3rd Thursdays public meeting schedule starting in August 2008.  After a brief discussion, Mr. Koziell moved to change the Board’s public meeting schedule in July to the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, which was seconded by Mr. Schacht and was unanimously approved.

Changes to RSA 483-B, Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act, effective July 1, 2008, the new NH DES Shoreland Program newsletter titled, ‘The Critical Edge,’ and proposed changes of Exemption for Vested Rights: Mr. Houseworth explained some of the changes which will become effective on July 1. The fact sheet, newsletter, and handout try to put in simple terms a very complicated law (RSA 483-B).  Copies of all three (3) documents are available at the Antrim Town Hall for distribution.

Punch Lists for Homes at High Hill and Pierce Lakes Estates II Subdivisions: Mr. Houseworth explained that the punch lists had been developed by the Town Engineer, Mr. Peter Pitsas, based on inspections and site walks that occurred with the Road Agent, Planning Staff, and Board members on May 12 and 13, 2008. The list includes items that need to be addressed by the developers of both major subdivisions, including tasks that need to be completed before final paving begins.

Construction Services Budget Overruns:  
        Homes at High Hills Subdivision - As stated by Peter Pitsas, Town Engineer: "The main reasons for the overrun are the extended duration of the project, easement related issues, and work related to the previous Work-to-do List." The developer, Kateco Developing, LLC, has been notified of the status of the budget.
        Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision -- As stated by Peter Pitsas; "The main reasons for the overrun are the extended duration of the project and the erosion issues that have developed over the past year which still have not adequately addressed." Don Glover, Glover Construction, Inc., has been notified of the status of the budget.


Status of the Marlene and Jerry Schultz Appeal to the NH DES Retaining Wall Denial  - A Certificate of Service was delivered to Jerome and Marlene Schultz on May 19, 2008. This is another step in their appeal process to NH DES to erect a retaining wall on their property on Gregg Lake.  The retaining wall was denied by NH DES last fall.

Breezy Condominium Association's petition for declaratory judgment   - Public Access Issue - The Town of Antrim's public access to Pierce Lake is being challenged by the Breezy Point Association. At this point, it is in the hands of Town Counsel.  

Code Enforcement Letter -- Fairfield & Dorothy Whiting - Derelict Equipment and Junk
This letter was another notice of violation sent to the Whitings.

Code Enforcement Letter -- Collette & Andrew Ryan -- Placement of Dock w/o a Permit
The Ryans are apparently in violation for illegally sitting a dock without a NH DES permit and placing it on a portion of the neighbor’s property.

Conferences, Trainings, and Workshops:

NH DES Weed Watcher Training at Gregg Lake Beach on Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 9 AM -- This will be a hands on workshop concerning invasive species.

Weathering The Storm: Managing Stormwater with Low Impact Development (LID) in Northern New England -- June 12 -- Great Bay Gallery, Somersworth, NH

Mr. Schacht moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Burnside, and unanimously approved.  Chair Robblee adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, Staff
On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board