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Planning Board Minutes 05/01/08

May 1, 2008 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Scott Burnside (Member),       Diane Chauncey (Staff),
Bradley Houseworth (Staff),   Joe Koziell (Member),     Andrew Robblee (Chair),         
Steve Schacht (Ex Officio),     Sandy Snow (Vice-Chair),        Missy Taylor (Alternate),
Kathi Wasserloos (Member)
Member & Staff Absent:  C.R. Willeke (Alternate)
Public Attendees:       None    

Chair Robblee convened the public meeting at 7:15 PM.

IN-EX Homes, LLC; File #2007-10PB; 6-Lot Cluster Housing Subdivision Proposal:  
Mr. Houseworth informed the Board that Mr. Phil Marrotte, owner of In’Ex Homes, LLC, cancelled his public meeting tonight with the Board at 2:00 PM this afternoon due to a scheduling conflict.  He stated that the In’Ex Homes, LLC public meeting has been continued to the Board’s next meeting on Thursday, May 15, 2008.  The Board members viewed a slideshow of pictures (CD of photos in In'Ex folder) taken on Wednesday afternoon of the damage done to the existing culverts and road on the property where the In’Ex Homes, LLC major subdivision is proposed.  A 30+/- acre beaver dam uphill of the parcel breached on Tuesday afternoon, spilling the contents downhill through the property where the new subdivision road and open bottom box culvert are proposed. The high water event overtopped and scoured the existing road and two (2) end-to-end 48" culverts. The Board discussed and reviewed the recently submitted engineering plans and design capacities of the proposed 6' x 6’ reinforced concrete box culvert.  Other points considered during the discussion were: rip rap along the channel; should the beaver be taken out; will there be DES wetlands approval; who would pay for potential future damages? no geotextile fabric is in the designs - should there be, etc. The revised Performance Guarantee (bond) estimate was also reviewed - the most significant difference is the $125,000 reduction in cost due to the proposed construction revision from a con-span bridge to a 6' x 6’ reinforced concrete box culvert.

Approval of the April 17, 2008 Planning Board Meeting Minutes:   Changes made to the draft minutes included abbreviations that should be spelled out (e.g. - TOA: Town of Antrim) and language changes that clarify the intended meaning. There was some discussion on the style and formatting of the minutes and that possibly, a change could be made to draft briefer meeting minutes. Mrs. Wasserloos moved to approve the minutes of the April 17, 2008 Planning Board meeting as corrected Mr. Schacht seconded it, and the minutes were unanimously approved.

CBS Holding, LLC; File #2006-01PB; Pending a Signed and Notarized Agreement:  Mr. Burnside recused himself from discussions regarding this topic.  Mr. Houseworth stated that the letter, dated 4/22/08, had been sent at the Board's request because it still has not received a properly signed and notarized one-sided agreement from CBS Holdings, LLC.  He stated that Mr. Leigh Bosse has since submitted a signed and notarized, one-sided copy of the agreement but there were several errors in it including:
1) The notary from Florida notarized the wrong section and then crossed it out;
2) Kristine Cloud’s name was misspelled; and
3) The Antrim Planning Board Chair recently changed from Mr. Brian Sawich to Mr. Andrew Robblee in April of 2008.  
In addition, he explained that as of April 22, 2008, CBS Holdings, LLC is ‘Not in Good Standing’ with the NH Dept. of State and needs to be back in ‘Good Standing’ before an agreement can be reached with the Antrim Planning Board.

He stated that he has revised the agreement accordingly and suggests that the Board issue a blank copy of the agreement to CBS Holdings, LLC and request that it be properly signed, notarized, and returned to the Town within in thirty (30) days of being issued.  If not, the Board will be forced to hold a revocation public hearing to consider whether to revoke the conditional subdivision approval which was granted by the Board on April 6, 2006.  After a short discussion, Mr. Schacht moved that a letter and revised blank agreement be sent to Mr. Leigh Bosse of CBS Holdings, LLC, notifying them that they have thirty (30) days to properly sign, notarize, and return the one-sided agreement to the Antrim Planning Department. Mr. Koziell seconded the motion, which unanimously passed. A roll call vote was taken and was as follows: Mr. Robblee – aye, Mrs. Wasserloos – aye, Mr. Snow – aye, Mr. Koziell – aye, and Mr. Schacht – aye.

Business Meeting and Correspondences:    
·       Zeke and Mack's Realty, LLC - The Board reviewed the letter and Excavation Permit that was issued on April 21, 2008. Mr. Burnside asked if the postdating would be an issue. Mr. Houseworth explained that the dating of the Permit was the correct way to handle this unique situation. There were no other questions from the Board.
·       NH DOT driveway permit has been issued (4/17/08) for the ‘Place in the Woods’ commercial, retail business to pave its access off Route 202.
·       The Town of Goffstown sent notification via a letter that notes there will be a public meeting for 6 antennas on an existing 140' cell tower on May 8, 2008. If the Goffstown Planning Board finds the application complete, the Public Hearing will be on May 22, 2008.

Code Enforcement Letters:  
·       Mrs. Doris Bryer Property, 184 Old Hancock Road - Mr. Houseworth explained that there are safety concerns regarding the dwelling. An initial letter and a follow-up letter have been sent. It is a difficult situation because not all family members agree and Mrs. Bryer would like to continue to live in her longtime residence, but the Building Inspector has deemed the dwelling unsafe.
·       Fairfield & Dorothy Whiting, Jr. Property (Map 203 Lot 10) - The Board discussed the continuing issue of the "derelict equipment and miscellaneous items, which in essence constitutes junk," on property located of Rt. 202, in the northeastern portion of Antrim. This is an ongoing situation that the code enforcement officer will continue to monitor.  
·        Mr. Evan Imperato Property, 127 Salmon Brook Road - Mr. Imperato does not have a building permit and has begun construction on an accessory structure.

Conferences, Workshops & Training:   
·       NH Office of Energy and Planning (OEP) Conservation Land Stewardship Program – “How to Implement a Monitoring Program for Conservation Easements in Your Community,” May 12, 2008, 6-8 PM, in Newmarket, NH.
·       NH DES, CNHRPC, & SWRPC – ‘2008 Innovative Land Use Workshop,” on May 22, 2008, 6:30-8 PM at the Henniker Community Center, 17 Main Street, Henniker, NH

Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision, File # 2005-12PB; Road Bond to Expire Soon:  Mr. Houseworth informed the Board that the road bond for Pierce Lake Estates II Subdivision (Tax Map 206, Lots 42 – 50) off Pierce Lake Road in Antrim, NH is about to expire on May 8, 2008.  He explained that he spoke with the developer, Mr. Don Glover, about the expiration of the bond and he is willing to extend it for another year, but would like to see if it can be reduced from its current amount of $78,257.50 before it is extended with the same terms and conditions.  He explained that Mr. Don Glover stated that they plan to do final paving of the road within the next two weeks and therefore the roadwork will not be completed by the May 8, 2008 bond expiration deadline.  He stated that Mr. Pitsas, Town Engineer, visited the site on Wednesday, April 30, 2008, and will be drafting up a letter which will explain what still needs to be done and what amount the road bond can be reduced to before it is extended for another year.  After a brief discussion, the Board agreed to allow the road bond to be reduced to an amount specified by Mr. Pitsas and for Mr. Houseworth to continue to work with Mr. Glover to get the road bond extended for another year to properly protect the Town.  He explained that he would provide the Board with an update of this situation at the next meeting on May 15.

Planning Board By-Laws – Amend the Section Stating Chair Cannot Vote:  Mr. Houseworth explained that at the last Board meeting on April 17, 2008, the Board voted to allow the Chair to vote in all circumstances, and not just in situations to break a tie or to form a quorum of the Board.  He stated that because this is the Board’s desire to let the Chair vote in all situations, section 7.9 of the recently adopted Planning Board By-Laws would also need to be amended to reflect this change.  After a short discussion, Mr. Koziell moved to delete the first sentence of section 7.9 of the Planning Board By-Laws so that it is clear that the Chair has the same voting power as any other member, which was seconded by Mr. Schacht and was unanimously approved.

Planning Department Meeting with the Board of Selectmen on May 12:  Mr. Houseworth explained that the Planning Department is scheduled to meet with the Antrim Board of Selectmen on Monday, May 12, 2008 at 5:00 PM to discuss any concerns, problems, or issues.  He stated that the Board of Selectmen is meeting with all of the Department Heads to have good communication and review their 2008 goals of the year.  He explained that all Board members are welcome to attend or, if they cannot make it, to please submit any comments or concerns they may have regarding the department.

Mr. Koziell moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Snow seconded it. Chair Robblee adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, Staff
Antrim Planning Board