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Planning Board Minutes 03/20/08

March 20, 2008 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Scott Burnside (Member),   Bradley Houseworth (Staff),   
Joe Koziell (Member),   Andrew Robblee (Member),         Kathi Wasserloos (Member)
Member & Staff Absent:  Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio),      Sandy Snow (Member),   
C.R. Willeke (Alternate)
Public Attendees:               John D. Dunlap          Pauline Dunlap
Roger Dunlap                    Peter Mellen                    Missy Taylor            
Paris Wells

Chair Pro-Tem Burnside convened the meeting at 7:00pm.  He introduced himself and the Board members.

Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair for 2008:  Chair Pro-Tem Burnside stated that the first item of business would be to vote for a Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Board.  Due to a number of individuals being absent, the Board agreed to wait to appoint a Chair and Vice Chair until the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.  Mr. Koziell moved to appoint Mr. Burnside as Chair Pro-Tem for this meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Robblee and unanimously passed.

Nellie M. Reilly Trust and Pauline Dunlap, File #2008-03PB; Procedural Requirements for a Proposed Annexation Plan:  Chair Pro-Tem Burnside asked Mr. Mellen, surveyor for the applicants, to present the proposed annexation plan to the Board and explain the procedural issue that needs to be resolved by the Board.  Mr. Mellen introduced himself, the Dunlaps, and explained the annexation proposal to the Board.  He stated that the Dunlaps wish to obtain a small triangle of land, approximately 0.05 acres, from an existing parcel of land currently owned by their neighbors, the Reillys (Trustees of the Nellie M. Reilly Revocable Trust).  He explained that the Reillys currently own two existing parcels of land on the west side of Goodell Road, which together constitute the Antrim Tax Map Lot 232-13, located at 12 Goodell Road in Antrim, NH, within the Residential Zoning District.  He stated that the Reillys wish to subdivide one of these two (2) existing tracts in order to annex the small triangle of land to the parcel currently owned by the Dunlaps (232-14), and annex the rest of this parcel to the other tract of lot 232-13.  He stated that they are essentially asking to take three (3) existing, non-conforming lots and make them into two (2) less non-conforming lots by subdividing one of the tracts and annexing the two (2) pieces to two (2) other tracts.  He explained that by eliminating one (1) lot, and making the other two (2) larger, they are proposing to make an existing, non-conforming situation better by making it less non-conforming.  He stated that in the end the two (2) larger lots will still not be conforming lots, according to the minimum lot size requirements of the Residential District, but it will be a better situation and is in the best interest of the property owners and the Town.

Mr. Houseworth explained that he personally has no problem with the annexation plan proposal and agrees that the annexation will make a non-conforming situation better.  However, he explained that he questions whether or not an area variance needs to be obtained from the Zoning Board of Adjustment, prior to the Planning Board being able to hear the case.  He stated that because the existing tract which is proposed to be subdivided is an existing, non-conforming lot, it would seem that a variance would need to be obtained in order to subdivide it into two (2) even more non-conforming lots.  He explained that regardless of the fact that these two (2) even more non-conforming tracts will be annexed to other tracts, making them larger, it doesn't negate the fact that the proposal involves first a subdivision of an existing, non-conforming tract.  He stated that because he was unsure of the proper procedure to follow in this case, he took the liberty of obtaining an opinion from Town Counsel regarding how this proposal should be handled.  He stated that essentially Town Counsel agreed that the applicant would first have to appear in front of the Zoning Board of Adjustment to obtain a variance to subdivide an existing, non-conforming tract into two (2) even more non-conforming tracts, prior to being able to obtain approval for the annexation plan from the Planning Board.  He stated that in order to save time and money for the Antrim taxpayers, he drafted a letter explaining Town Counsels' opinion regarding how this application should be procedurally handled.  He explained that it was thoroughly reviewed by Town Counsel and then was sent to the applicants and Mr. Mellen.  He stated that Mr. Mellen respectfully disagreed with Town Counsel's opinion and requested this meeting with the Planning Board so they could make the final decision on whether or not an area variance is necessary in this particular case.

After a lengthy discussion among the Board members, staff, applicants, and Mr. Mellen, the Board agreed that a variance was not necessary in this situation.  Mr. Robblee moved that an area variance is not needed in this case because the subdivided lots will be immediately annexed to other tracts, therefore making a more, non-conforming situation less non-conforming in the end.  Ms. Wasserloos seconded the motion.  The roll call vote follows: Ms. Wasserloos - aye, Mr. Robblee - aye, and Mr. Koziell - aye.  The Board requested that Mr. Houseworth immediately process the Planning Board application for the proposed annexation plan.  Mr. Houseworth agreed and thanked the applicants and Mr. Mellen for coming to the Board meeting tonight to resolve this issue.  He stated that it will be processed in a timely manner so that the applicants will appear in front of the Board at the Thursday, April 17, 2008 Board meeting.

Paris Wells, File #2008-04PB; Conceptual Consultation:  Mr. Houseworth informed the Board members that Mr. Paris Wells is in front of the Board tonight for a conceptual consultation regarding a proposed lot line adjustment or annexation.  Mr. Wells explained that he currently owns tax map lots 201-009, 201-009-001, and 201-011 off Thornely Drive (a private road off of the end of Pierce Lake Road) in Antrim, NH.  He stated that he is currently deciding whether or not to purchase tax map lots 201-008 and 201-012 and is curious what his options are in order to make the five (5) existing lots into three (3) buildable lots.  Mr. Wells reviewed several different options with the Board in order to achieve his goal and determine what the easiest and least expensive option is.  Mr. Wells explained that he wishes to take a non-conforming situation and make it better.
Approval of Planning Board Meeting Minutes:  Mr. Robblee moved to approve the minutes of the March 6, 2008 Planning Board meeting as presented.  It was seconded by
Ms. Wasserloos and was unanimously approved.

C.R. Willeke - Appointed to the Planning Board as an Alternate:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a copy of the Board of Selectmen's March 10, 2008 Meeting Minutes.  He explained that item # 6 of these meeting minutes confirms that the Selectmen voted in the affirmative to appoint Mr. C.R. Willeke as an Alternate to the Planning Board, per the request of the Planning Board.

Missy Taylor - Interested in joining the Planning Board as an Alternate:  Mr. Houseworth explained to the Board members that Ms. Missy Taylor has expressed interest in joining the Planning Board as an alternate.  Chair Pro-Tem Burnside asked Ms. Taylor to explain what her background is and why she desires to join the Board.  She replied that she has a legal background and wants to get more involved with the municipal planning process of the Town.  Mr. Koziell moved to have the Board of Selectmen appoint Ms. Taylor to the Board as an alternate, at their next regularly scheduled meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Robblee, and unanimously passed.

Updated Planning Board Roster:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with an updated roster of the current members and alternates of the Planning Board.  He explained that if Ms. Taylor is appointed to the Board as an alternate, then there will still be four (4) alternate positions open on the Board.  He asked the members to please advise anyone interested in joining the Board to talk with the Planning Department.

Town of Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations:  Mr. Houseworth reminded the Board members that we are scheduled to review and discuss the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulation changes Mr. Pitsas proposed for the Town of Antrim at the next subcommittee meeting on Thursday, April 3, 2008 at 6:00pm.

Southwest Region Planning Commission - Feb. '08 Commission Highlights:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with the Southwest Region Planning Commission's (SWRPC) February 2008 Commission Highlights publication.

Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars - NH LGC Land Use Clerks Workshop:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with the registration packets for the upcoming New Hampshire Local Government Center (NH LGC) - Land Use Clerks Workshop for Planning Board Members.  He stated that it is scheduled for Saturday, April 12, 2008, from 9 AM - 3:30 PM, at the NH LGC at 25 Triangle Park Drive in Concord, NH.  He explained that the Planning Dept. will cover registration fees ($40 per person) and encourages individuals to carpool together.

Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars - NH OEP Spring Conference:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with the registration packets for the upcoming New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning (NH OEP) Spring Conference for Planning and Zoning Board Members.  He stated that it is scheduled for Saturday, April 26, 2008, from 9AM - 3:30PM, at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH.  He explained that the Planning Dept. will cover registration fees and a bus may be available.

Mr. Robblee moved to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Mr. Koziell and was unanimously approved.  Chair Pro-Tem Burnside adjourned the meeting at 10:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley Houseworth, Town Planner
Antrim Planning Board