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Planning Board Minutes 03/06/08

March 6, 2008 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Mary Allen (Alternate),         Scott Burnside (Vice Chair), Bradley Houseworth (Staff),   Bob Edwards (Member),        Laurie Lemons (Staff),
Andrew Robblee (Member),        Brian Sawich (Chair),              Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio),  
Kathy Wasserloos (Member)
Member & Staff Absent:   Joe Koziell (Alternate)        Sandy Snow (Member),                                                                                            
Public Attendees:                Wes Enman      

Chair Sawich convened the meeting at 7:00pm.  He introduced himself, the Board members, and the Staff.

Approval of Planning Board Meeting Minutes:  Mr. Schacht moved to approve the minutes of the February 21, 2008 Board meeting as presented.  It was seconded by
Mr. Robblee and was unanimously approved.  Mr. Edwards abstained from voting on the approval of the minutes due to being absent at the February 21, 2008 meeting.

IN-EX Homes, LLC; File #2007-10PB; 6-Lot Cluster Housing Subdivision Proposal:  Mr. Houseworth informed the members that he spoke with Mr. Marrotte, Developer for IN-EX Homes, LLC on March 4, 2008.  Mr. Marrotte stated they are still in the process of obtaining the subordination agreements from the banks.  The banks that have the mortgages on the abutting properties need to grant approval of the temporary or permanent easements on these abutting properties. The Board received an email from Mr. David Towers, Mr. Marrotte's attorney, requesting the Town to please re-schedule and continue the public meeting from March 6, 2008 to March 20, 2008.  This would allow them more time to complete the Boards' requests and requirements pertaining to the pending application.

Torino Development Company, LLC; File #2007-17PB; 7-Lot Major Subdivision Proposal:  Ms. Karen O'Rourke contacted Mr. Houseworth requesting the Board re-schedule their meeting from March 6, 2008 to March 20, 2008.  They would like additional time to review and update drawings per Mr. Pitsas' report.

Wes Enman Discussion, Re: Zsofka Subdivision, File #2004-22PB: Mr. Robblee explained to the Board that Mr. Wesley Enman approached him and asked if he could appear before the Board this evening regarding some concerns he has with the Zsofka's recent minor subdivision of land off Pierce Lake Road (Tax Map 214, Lots 91, 92 and 93) in Antrim, NH.  Chair Sawich agreed to give Mr. Enman the floor to express his concerns to the Board.  Mr. Enman stated his name and thanked the Board for their time, especially with such short notice.  He expressed concerns regarding the new driveway to the Zsofka's back lot (Map 214, Lot 91), which was formed during the recent minor subdivision, and borders his property to the north.  Mr. Enman stated the driveway was not constructed as stated on the plans and read aloud to the Board Note # 17 on sheet 1, which states: "The proposed driveway for Lot 7A-60-2 shall be constructed as shown on Sheet 3 of 3 of this plan set in order to maintain the maximum possible vegetated buffer along the property lines of Lots 7-10 and 7-8."  He explained that he is concerned with the lack of a substantial vegetated buffer between the back lot driveway and his northern property line and is worried that headlights of vehicles entering the driveway will beam into his home, which lies just south of the driveway.  
Mr. Enman explained to the Board that Mr. Zsofka has not been compliant with the approved subdivision plan, feels the driveway is inadequate, and claims that the vegetative buffer was eliminated next to his northern property line.  He stated that he is especially concerned with this issue now that Mr. Zsofka has put this back lot on the market and is worried that a new owner will not be willing to adhere to the approved subdivision plans.  Mr. Enman stated he spoke with Mr. Parson regarding his concerns a year ago but never received any letter or decision from the Code Enforcement Officer.  

Mr. Edwards stated that he recalls this situation and thought Mr. Parsons had addressed the issue via an agreement letter, which resolved the issue between the two parties (Mr. Enman & Mr. Zsofka).  Mr. Edwards stated that if Mr. Zsofka is non-compliant, the Town should have Mr. Parsons issue a cease and desist on the project until Mr. Zsofka is compliant with the subdivision stipulations and plan notes. Mr. Enman stated he never received a letter from Mr. Parsons.  Mr. Houseworth presented the Board members with a copy of Mr. Parsons's letter, which addressed the complaints and created a written agreement between Mr. Parsons and Mr. Enman, which was signed by Mr. Enman.  The Board recommended Mr. Houseworth follow up with Mr. Parsons to determine what has transpired since this letter was written and whether there have been any violations of the approved subdivision plans.  Ms. Allen asked if the conditions were listed on the Mylar when it was registered.  Mr. Schacht stated that the notes on the Mylar were registered with the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds.  The Board determined that this is a code enforcement issue and needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

Mr. Stanley Brown's Proposal to Erect a 40' x 80' Garage on Tax Map # 244-004: Mr. Houseworth presented the Board with a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Brown regarding his proposal to build an oversized garage (40' x 80') on the property located at 4 Main Street (Tax Map 244, Lot 4) in Antrim, NH, in both the Village Business and the Residential Districts.  Mr. Houseworth informed the applicant that the next step in the process would be to obtain a building permit from the Town of Bennington because the garage construction is proposed on the Bennington side of the property.

Mulhall Heights Subdivision; File #2005-03PB; Need for Additional Drainage Easements:  Mr. Houseworth presented a letter which was sent to Mr. Schnare referencing Mr. Pitsas letter dated October 30, 2007.  The letter was addressed to Mr. Terry Schnare of Mighty Oaks Realty, LLC regarding the need for additional drainage easements for numerous lots within the Mulhall Heights Subdivision off Rt. 202 in Antrim.  Mr. Houseworth reiterated the fact that Mr. Pitsas' primary concern was in reference to the location of the dashed line (Blanket Easement) on Lots 103-5 through 103-14 on sheet 4 of the final plans. The recommendation is for the blanket easement to be expanded onto these lots to include a ten (10) foot wide swath along the entire frontage of the lots along Mulhall Farm Road for maintenance of the roadside drainage swales.  Mr. Houseworth also stated he will speak with the Road Agent and Police Chief regarding the types of signs, and their locations, which will be required to be installed within the subdivision before the first certificate of occupancy is issued (as stated in note #2 on sheet PP2 of the final plans.)  He will contact Mr. Schnare once he has obtained the signage that will be required and where.  In addition, Mr. Houseworth suggested that the Board work with the Board of Selectmen and Building Inspector to draft a policy regarding when new building permits can be issued for recently approved subdivisions and whose responsibility it is to make the decision when a building permit can be issued.

Breezy Point Condominium Association; File #92-9PB; PB Condition Challenged: Mr. Houseworth presented a copy of an email, which was sent to Town Counsel regarding the Breezy Point situation.  The Selectmen's position on this matter is that we should support the planning conditions which were originally established when the Breezy Point subdivision was approved in the mid 80's.  The Town would be willing to:
"       Post a new sign which would read, "Private and Access for Breezy Point and Town of Antrim Residents Only."
"       Have our Police Patrol on a regular basis and issue citations to any violators.
"       The Town will continue to maintain the road to the turnaround or further towards the water so that access to the water is clear for emergencies.
The decision by the Selectmen is in part due to the recent events that have occurred at Diamond Acres, a restaurant in Hillsborough near Breezy Point, which burned down a few weeks ago.  He stated that the Fire Department had no clear access to the lake and therefore had to truck the water in.  It is the Town's position that the "Public" has used this access for at least 50 years in general, but more so in the last 20 years since Breezy Point was built.  The Town of Antrim needs to have access to Franklin Pierce Lake for emergency purposes and currently this road is our only access point.

Town of Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations:  Mr. Houseworth addressed the Board asking when a convenient time would be to discuss the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulation changes Mr. Pitsas proposed for the Town of Antrim.  Mr. Burnside, Ms. Wasserloos, & Mr. Houseworth agreed they would review the first (30) pages of the document and discuss them at the next subcommittee meeting, which is now scheduled for Thursday, April 3, 2008 at 6:00pm.

Recognition Ceremony:  The Planning Board Staff gave thanks to the members whose terms have expired.  The Appreciation Plaques were given to Mr. Brian Sawich (Chair), Mr. Bob Edwards (Member), and Ms. Mary Allen (Alternate).  They requested anyone interested in joining the Planning Board to please contact the Planning Dept: 588-6785.

Replacement of Chair & Vice Chair:  Mr. Houseworth requested the remaining Planning Board Members to please think about who they would like to see fill the Chair & Vice Chair positions on the Planning Board, which will become available at the next meeting on Thursday, March 20, 2008 at 7:00 PM.

Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars - 'Climate Change in the Northeast':  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a handout of the upcoming presentation titled, "Climate Change in the Northeast U.S. (Past, Present, and Future)," which is scheduled for Monday, April 7, 2008, from 5:30 - 9:00 PM, at the Antioch University New England campus in Keene, NH.  He explained that he is going and is willing to carpool.

Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars - NH OEP Spring Conference:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with the registration packets for the upcoming New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning (NH OEP) Spring Conference for Planning and Zoning Board Members.  He stated that it is scheduled for Saturday, April 26, 2008, from 9AM - 3:30PM, at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH.  He explained that the Planning Dept. will cover registration fees and a bus will be available.

Mr. Schacht moved to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Ms. Wasserloos and was unanimously approved.  Chair Sawich adjourned the meeting at 8:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Lemons, Planning Assistant
Antrim Planning Board