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Planning Board Minutes 02/07/08
February 7, 2008 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Scott Burnside (Vice Chair)     Bob Edwards (Member), Bradley Houseworth (Staff),   Joe Koziell (Alternate),    Laurie Lemons (Staff),
Brian Sawich (Chair),           Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio),     Kathy Wasserloos (Member)                                                                       
Member & Staff Absent:  Mary Allen (Alternate), Andrew Robblee (Member)  
Sandy Snow (Member      )       
Public Attendees:       JB Mack (SWRPC Planner),        Bill Prokop (Town Administrator)
Charles R. Willeke

Chair Sawich convened the public meeting at 7:00 PM and introduced himself, the Board members, and the Staff.

Southwest Region Planning Commission’s (SWRPC) ‘Access Management Plan - Review, Findings, and Recommendations for Antrim’: Chair Sawich introduced Mr. J.B. Mack, Planner at the Southwest Region Planning Commission (SWRPC), and explained that he will be conducting a PowerPoint presentation tonight regarding ‘Access Management’ and will introduce his recently completed draft document titled, “Access Management Plan – Review, Findings, and Recommendations for Antrim, NH,” dated January 9, 2008. Mr. Mack explained that he is here to introduce access management principles and guidelines and determine how SWRPC can help the Town of Antrim implement recommended regulation and ordinance changes to better integrate land use management and development, current and future transportation needs, and proper, efficient, and safe means of access management.

Mr. Mack provided some historical information about SWRPC’s Access Management Program and explained that originally three (3) different communities within SWRPC’s jurisdiction were chosen to participate in this program, including Antrim, Peterborough, and Swanzey, primarily due to the number and location of the major arterial roads and state highways running through the boundaries of these communities.  He explained that the idea is that SWRPC is to facilitate and strengthen the relationship between the Towns, and their local land use regulations and ordinances, with those current principles and practices of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NH DOT), specifically in regards to access management and new development along state highways.

During his presentation to the Board, Mr. Mack provided four (4) bullets to help define what Access Management is:

1.      Tool for integrating land use planning with transportation planning
2.      Limits and consolidates access along major roadways
3.      Requires supporting street system
4.      Promotes unified access and circulation systems for development.
He explained that every town should use the Transportation Chapter of their Master Plan to develop road and access management goals, policies, and guidelines to help facilitate the Planning Board in making consistent land use decisions regarding transportation. He stated that the Board can then use these guidelines to draft road requirements which are consistent with the overall access management goals, policies, and guidelines in the Master Plan.

Mr. Prokop expressed concerns about SWRPC’s Access Management Program being started two (2) years ago, apparently being abandoned and not implemented, only to be restarted up again with little to no progress from two years ago.  He expressed his concern with SWRPC and their apparent lack of interest in seeing the Access Management Program become successful. Mr. Prokop said that if SWRPC had continued working with the Town of Antrim, then access management principles would’ve been implemented more into the Master Plan. He would like to see more involvement from SWRPC with the Town of Antrim regarding this program and would like more clarification on the roles and responsibilities of the three entities: Town of Antrim, SWRPC, and NH DOT, in this Access Management Program. C.R Willeke stated that NH DOT shares the same concerns and are unsure what their roll is in this program.  Mr. Mack apologized for the past issues related to SWRPC’s Access Management Program but did stand committed on helping in whatever way the Town of Antrim can utilize him and SWRPC’s services in regards to the implementation of access management.

Mr. Burnside explained that he understands how these access management principles apply to land use developments along state roads, such as Rt. 9, Rt. 202, and Rt. 31, but expressed concerns about how you would apply these theories to land use developments on Class VI Town Roads or Private Roads, which are often rough, dirt roads, that don’t have the same lines of sight or spacing between drives as the state roads.  Mr. Mack reiterated that these access management guidelines are tools which must be tailored to meet the specific needs of the community.  In addition, Mr. Mack suggested getting all of the stakeholders involved at the earliest stages possible of the development process in order to be assured that all concerns are incorporated into the project in regards to potential future development, transportation needs, and access management.  

Mr. Mack gave an example of how to apply Access Management principles and concepts, stating that the first place the landowner should refer to is the Master Plan, to be assured that the landowner has buy-in from the entire community and the proposal aligns with the goals and principles of the Master Plan.  He stated a good second step is to draw up a conceptual access management plan for the project.  The Access Management plan addresses the existing and/ or proposed access for the landowner who wants to develop their property but should also include provisions for the construction of potential future roads, drives, and right-of-ways (ROW) to adjacent properties that have the potential to be further developed in the future. By utilizing this approach, the Planning Board can be pro-active and evaluate how the applicant’s proposal could impact adjacent land owners and future development on these adjacent properties.  An example of this would be the Planning Board requiring that the landowner establish an easement or right-of-way on their property to allow for potential road access to adjacent properties for future growth and development.

Chair Sawich asked what SWRPC’s roll is with the Town of Antrim and NH DOT in terms of the Access Management Program.  Mr. Mack explained that SWRPC is a facilitator to the Town of Antrim and that the (3) three entities: SWRPC, Town of Antrim, and DOT should work together to utilize, draft, and implement access management principles and policies for the Town of Antrim which best meet the Town’s needs but are also consistent with the access management practices and policies of SWRPC and NH DOT.

Findings & Recommendations: Mr. Mack stated that although the Town already has incorporated a lot of access management principles and practices in the Master Plan, Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations, and Zoning Ordinances, none of the requirements are referred to as access management principles per say and he therefore recommends referencing the term ‘access management’.  He explained that the Town of Antrim should adopt access management policies, practices, and goals into the Master Plan, and try to make them consistent with those recommendations from SWRPC and current NH DOT policies and practices.  Mr. Mack also suggested that the Town of Antrim utilize regional access management manuals that highlight “best management practices” and look at other access management policies and procedures utilized in other small NH towns of similar in size.  In the draft ‘Access Management Plan for the Town of Antrim,’ Mr. Mack stated that he has provided recommended language changes to particular sections of the Town of Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations and Zoning Ordinances in order to incorporate more access management policies and requirements.  Some of the proposed changes by Mr. Mack include new definitions and terms regarding access management for the Planning Board to consider adopting into the town zoning ordinances and a proposed change to increase the lot frontage requirements for new lots along Rt. 9 and Rt. 202 in the Highway Business District, which would limit new accesses onto the State roads and encourage the development of secondary streets for access to new lots, parking areas, or commercial developments. He stated that the proposed changes will hopefully outline to the applicant what the Planning Board is looking for in terms of access management during the Subdivision and Site Plan Review process.

Traffic Impact Study:  Mr. Burnside asked Mr. Mack if he has any suggestions for when the Planning Board should a traffic study. Mr. Mack stated that most towns set a limit at the number of trips per day or trips per hour regarding when to require a traffic study for new commercial developments or new subdivisions.  Mr. Willeke stated that NH DOT has a similar policy which requires a traffic study for new developments with a certain number of designated trips per day.  Mr. Burnside agreed that a limit should be set in the Town of Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations regarding when a traffic study will be required so that the Board can be more consistent.

In closing his presentation, Mr. Mack asked if anyone had any further questions; there were none.  He stated that he would send a copy of the power point presentation to the Planning Staff to have on file.  He thanked everyone for their time and patience.  Chair Sawich thanked Mr. Mack for coming and for his presentation.  

Warrant Article – Planning & Zoning Dept; 2008:
Mr. Houseworth reviewed the proposed Warrant Article # 10 with the Planning Board regarding the request by the Board for the Town to grant the authority to the Board to require preliminary reviews of new subdivisions.  He explained to them that Town Counsel recommends removing the word “Major” so that it would not restrict the Board to require preliminary reviews for just major subdivisions, but also for minor subdivisions.  He then read the revised Warrant Article # 10 proposed by Town Counsel: “To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Planning Board to require preliminary review of subdivisions, in accordance with RSA 674:35.I” Mr. Edwards moved to make the change to Warrant Article # 10 per Town Counsel’s recommendation; which was seconded by Mr. Schacht and was unanimously approved.  

Town of Antrim NH, Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations Proposed Revisions by Town Engineer:
Mr. Houseworth presented the Board with a proposed revision of the current Town of Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations, prepared by the Town Engineer, Mr. Peter Pitsas.  He suggested forming a subcommittee to review the proposed changes and prepare a report to the Board and asked the Board what their thoughts were on the formation of a subcommittee. The Board agreed that would be helpful so they can review Mr. Pitsas’ recommended changes and decide which ones to incorporate into our Subdivision & Site Plan Review Regulations.

IN-EX Homes, LLC; File #2007-10PB; 6-Lot Cluster Housing Subdivision Proposal: Mr. Houseworth addressed IN-EX Homes, LLC in regards to Mr. Marrotte requesting a road bond instead of letter of credit for the new subdivision road off Pleasant Street titled, ‘Harriman Way.’  The Board agreed that as long as Mr. Marrotte can submit a road bond that has language and conditions which are agreeable with Town Counsel, then they would accept a road bond.

Town of Antrim, N.H. Official Absentee Ballot for the Town Zoning Amendments March 11, 2008:
Mr. Houseworth asked the Board to review the Zoning Ordinance Ballot for the March 11, 2008 elections and let him know if they had any questions or suggestions.  

Mulhall Heights Subdivision; File #2005-03PB; Update:  Mr. Houseworth provided a letter to the Board and stated that he had renewed Mighty Oaks Realty, LLC’s (Mulhall Heights Subdivision) letter of credit for an additional year, which would allow them more time to finish work on the road.  He explained that the irrevocable letter of credit was due to expire on March 27, 2008 and they are planning on doing final paving of the road sometime in June 2008.  Mr. Edwards expressed concerns that he would like the Board to discuss renewals prior to the staff going forth and renewing them.  Mr. Houseworth stated he will bring renewals before the Board prior to renewing them.

Mr. Schacht moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Ms. Wasserloos, and was unanimously approved.  Chair Sawich adjourned the meeting at 9:25PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Lemons, Planning Assistant, Antrim Planning Board