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Planning Board Minutes 12/20/07

December 20, 2007 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        

Mary Allen (Alternate)
Laurie Lemons (Staff)
Scott Burnside (Vice Chair)
Andrew Robblee (Member)
Bob Edwards (Member)
Brian Sawich (Chair)
Bradley Houseworth (Staff)
Steve Schacht (Ex-Officio)
Joe Koziell (Alternate)
Kathy Wasserloos (Member)
Member & Staff Absent:  Sandy Snow (Member)     
Public Attendees:               None

Chair Sawich convened the meeting at 7:00 PM, asked Mr. Houseworth to lead the members through the agenda for this evening, and appointed Ms. Allen to sit for the absent Mr. Snow.

Mr. Houseworth explained that this is our last Board meeting for the remainder of 2007 to work on the proposed 2008 changes to the Zoning Ordinances and Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations.  This meeting will serve as a work session to review and edit the proposed changes pertaining to the Zoning Ordinances and Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations, prior to them being sent to Town Counsel for review (12/21/07), and the notice for the public hearing being published in the local newspaper on January 3, 2008.  He explained that the planning staff will provide the Town Clerk with a copy of the proposed ordinance and regulation changes by January 3, 2008, for the public to review, prior to the public hearing being held on Thursday, January 17, 2008.

Mr. Houseworth explained that the agenda for the January 3, 2008 Board meeting is very full and the Board will therefore have limited time to review the proposed ordinance and regulation changes for 2008 prior to the public hearing on January 17, 2008.

Michael James Hutchins Ott; Voluntary Lot Merger 212-034 & 212-027:   Mr. Houseworth explained that he spoke with Mr. Ott, after the Board’s last meeting on December 6, 2007, regarding whether he was aware that he could also put lot 212-034 in current use, instead of merging the lot with lot 212-027, in order to achieve the desired tax decrease on lot 212-034.  He stated that Mr. Ott decided he does not want to do a lot merger after all because he would prefer to keep his options open for future development by leaving the two (2) lots as two separate, legal tracts of land, instead of merging them into one lot.  Mr. Ott therefore filled out the application to put lot 212-034 in the NH current use program, as lot 212-027 is already in the current use program.  Because Mr. Ott changed his mind after the Board had already rendered a decision on his voluntary lot merger application to merge the two (2) parcels of land, the Board requested that Mr. Ott write a letter to the Board stating that he has changed his mind and desires to now withdraw his application for a voluntary lot merger of lots 212-034 and 212-027.  Mr. Houseworth stated that the planning staff will contact him with the Boards’ decision.

Approval of Planning Board Meeting Minutes:  Mr. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of the December 6, 2007 Board meeting as corrected, which was seconded by
Ms. Allen, and was unanimously approved.

Planning Board Roster:  Mr. Houseworth reiterated to the Board that if they know of anyone that is interested in joining the Planning Board, to please contact the planning staff so they can follow up with the individual interested in joining the Board.

IN-EX Homes, LLC; File #2007-10PB; 6-Lot Cluster Housing Subdivision Proposal:  Mr. Houseworth informed the members that Mr. Marrotte, Developer for IN-EX Homes, LLC, called this week to re-schedule/ continue his public meeting from December 20, 2007 to January 3, 2008, allowing him more time to complete the Board’s requests and requirements pertaining to this application.  Mr. Houseworth confirmed that the planning staff received an e-mail from Mr. Tower, the applicant’s attorney, approving of the public meeting being continued to January 3, 2008.

Important Dates Leading up to 2008 Town Meeting:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a document created by the planning staff titled, ‘Important Dates Leading Up To 2008 Town Meeting,’ which outlines deadlines which need to be met by the Board and staff prior to the annual Town meeting on March 13, 2008 at the Town Gym.

Public Notice - January & February 2008 Planning Board Meeting Schedule:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a notice of public meetings, outlining the dates of the Boards’ meetings and hearings for the months of January and February 2008.

12/11/2007 Union Leader Article: 162-acre retail proposal floated in Hillsborough: Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a copy of a 12/11/07 Union Leader article titled, “162-acre retail proposal floated in Hillsborough,” regarding a preliminary proposal and plans Mr. Michael Black of Falls Brook LLC, a Dover developer, recently presented to the Hillsborough Planning Board for a 162-acre commercial development in downtown Hillsborough tentatively titled ‘Hatfield Crossing.’

Proposed Changes to Zoning Ordinances & Subdivision Regulations for 2008:
Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulation Changes To:

        1) Section IV (Procedure) for Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations      – Mr. Houseworth presented the Board with a proposal to amend Section IV        (Procedure) of the Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations in order         to require preliminary design review for all new major subdivision application proposals.  After a short discussion and review of the proposal, the Board approved of the proposed changes and requested it to be added to the public hearing agenda for January 17, 2008.

        2) Addition of RSA 36:56 Requirement - Developments of Regional Impact -  Mr. Houseworth presented the members with a proposal to add language to       several sections of the Antrim Subdivision and Site Plan Review Regulations, in order for the Board to comply with RSA 36:56 by determining whether every development, if approved, could reasonably be construed as having the potential for regional impact.  After a brief discussion, Mr. Edwards moved to approve of the proposed additions to the regulations regarding the development of regional impact requirement, and to add it to the public hearing agenda for January 17, 2008.  Mr. Schacht seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

        3) Town of Antrim Planning Board By-Laws – Mr. Houseworth provided the members with the final draft of the proposed Planning Board By-Laws and  explained that only minor changes have been made to them since the Board and Town Counsel last reviewed them.  After a brief discussion and review of the minor changes, Ms. Allen moved to approve the final draft of the proposed     Planning Board By-Laws as presented and to add it to the public hearing agenda for January 17, 2008.  Ms. Wasserloos seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved by the Board.

Antrim Zoning Ordinance Changes To:

        1) Article III - 2008 Proposed Definition Additions & Changes - Mr. Houseworth provided the members with the proposed definition additions and revisions for 2008.  After a short discussion and a few minor changes, Mr.       Edwards moved to approve of the proposed definition additions and changes to Article III as corrected, and to have them be reviewed by Town Counsel, prior to it being added to the public hearing agenda for January 17, 2008.  Mr. Schacht seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved by the Board.

        2) Articles V, VII, VIII, IX – Addition of Earth Excavations as a Permitted Use in the Highway Business, Rural, Lakefront Residential, and Rural Conservation Districts -  Mr. Burnside recused himself from the discussions regarding this matter.  Mr. Houseworth suggested to the members that the Board,    since it has Earth Excavation Site and Reclamation regulations, decide in which         zoning districts new earth excavation sites should be permitted or allowed by   special exception.  After a short discussion, Mr. Schacht moved to add earth excavation sites to the list of permitted uses in every zoning district, except the Village Business and Residential Districts, and to add it to the public hearing agenda for January 17, 2008.  Mr. Robblee seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved by the Board.

        3) Article XIII, Sections A & B– Special Exceptions Criteria – Mr. Burnside returned to the Board.  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a proposal to      add language to Section A of Article XIII, to clarify the process for the granting of special exceptions, and to delete a portion of Section B.4, so that special       exceptions do not require ‘considerations and recommendations’ received from the Planning Board.  After a short discussion, Mr. Edwards moved to approve of the suggested changes as presented and to add it to the public hearing agenda for January 17, 2008.  Ms. Allen seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved by the Board.

        4) Article XIV, Section N.3 – Deletion of Front Yard Setback Exceptions -Mr. Houseworth presented the members with a proposal to delete Section N.3 of Article XIV, which would remove the front yard setback exceptions.  He stated that the front yard setback exception encourages new development within the front yard setback when an existing building is within one hundred (100’) feet of the proposed new building and is already in the front yard setback area.  After a short discussion, Ms. Allen suggested that instead of deleting the section entirely, to only allow this front yard setback exception in the Village Business District and the Residential District.  Ms. Allen moved to amend Article XIV, Section N.3 to only allow the front yard setback exception to apply within the Village Business District and the Residential District and to add it to the public hearing agenda for January 17, 2008.  Mr. Edwards seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved by the Board.

        5) Article XIV, Section S – Back Lot Criteria - Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a proposal to add a fourth criteria to Section S. of Article XIV,      pertaining to Back Lots, clarifying that back lots may be further subdivided, once      established, after additional subdivision approval has been granted by the Board.       After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Burnside moved to approve of the addition of a fourth criterion to back lots, as presented, and to add it to the public hearing agenda for January 17, 2008.  Mr. Robblee seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved by the Board.

        6) Article XIV, Section N.5 - Deck Setback Exceptions in the Lakefront  Residential District – Mr. Houseworth presented the members with a proposal to delete Section N.5 of Article XIV, which would remove the deck setback exceptions.  Similar to the front yard setback exception of N.3, he stated that the deck setback exception encourages development of new decks into the one hundred (100’) foot setback when an existing building is within one hundred (100’) feet of the proposed new deck and also includes a deck which extends into the deck setback area.  After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Burnside moved to approve of the deletion of Section N.5 of Article XIV, as presented, and to add it     to the public hearing agenda for January 17, 2008.  Ms. Allen seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved by the Board.

        7) Article XIV, Section P – Revisions to Home Occupations Criteria – Mr.        Houseworth presented the members with a proposal by Chair Sawich to delete or   amend language of several criteria for Home Occupations in Section P of Article         XIV, in order to make the criteria for home occupations consistent with the criteria for Home Based Businesses, found in Article XIV-A, Section 3.  After a     brief discussion, Mr. Robblee moved to approve of the proposed changes to Section P of Article XIV, as presented, and to add it to the public hearing agenda    for January 17, 2008.  Mr. Edwards seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved by the Board.

        8) Article XIII, Section D.1.c – Proposed Changes to Special Exception  Criteria for Conversion Apartments - Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a proposal to delete a portion of Section D.1.c of Article XIII, in order to allow exterior alterations of a structure when constructing a conversion apartment.          After a short discussion, Mr. Burnside moved to approve of the proposal to amend Section D.1.c of Article XIV, as presented, and to add it to the public hearing        agenda for January 17, 2008.  Ms. Wasserloos seconded the motion, which was     unanimously approved by the Board.

        9) Article XI-B, Establishment of an Aquifer and Wellhead Protection District:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a draft version of the proposed Article XI-B Aquifer and Wellhead Protection District and the associated GIS map, outlining those areas of Town where this proposed zoning ordinance would apply.  After a short discussion and a few minor changes, Mr. Edwards moved to approve of the proposed zoning district overlay, as corrected and reviewed by Town Counsel, and to add it to the public hearing agenda for January 17, 2008.  Ms. Allen seconded the motion, which was unanimously passed by the Board.

        10) Article XIV, Section O. Replacement of Section O (Cluster Housing Developments) with the proposed Article XIV-C Open Space Residential Development – Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a draft version of the proposed Article XIV-C Open Space Residential Development, which is proposed to replace Section O of Article XIV.  After a discussion and a few minor changes, Mr. Edwards moved to approve of the proposed zoning district    replacement, as corrected and reviewed by Town Counsel, and to add it to the public hearing agenda for January 17, 2008.  Ms. Allen seconded the motion, which was unanimously passed by the Board.

Mr. Robblee moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Koziell, and was unanimously approved.  Chair Sawich adjourned the meeting at 11:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Lemons, Planning Assistant
Antrim Planning Board