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Planning Board Minutes 07/12/07
Antrim Planning Board

July 12, 2007
Meeting Minutes


Brian Sawich, Chair
Scott Burnside, Vice Chair
Robert Edwards
Joseph Koziell
Andrew Robblee
Alex Snow
Chris Stephenson
Stephen Schacht, Ex-officio
Kathi Wasserloos
Bradley Houseworth, Town Planner

  Mary Allen

Public Attendees:

Daniel Alexander
Leslie Belliveau
Bill Greenwood
Lloyd Henderson
Gayle Rochford
Art Siciliano
Philip Uy

Chairman Sawich opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Kenneth & Sue Boucher; File # 2007-06PB; Major Site Plan Review:  Chairman Sawich continued the public meeting at the request of Kenneth & Sue Boucher for a proposed commercial development on their property, located at 1054 Concord Street, Antrim, NH (Tax Map 204-015) in the Highway Business District.  The applicants propose to lease land to a third party for the sale of used automobiles, campers, heavy equipment, four-wheelers, snowmobiles, motorcycles, and related items.

At the Antrim Planning Board meeting on June 7, 2007, Mr. Boucher appeared before the board to explain his proposed project.  Due to the inadequacy of the plans and the incompleteness of the application, the board voted to table the application for thirty (30) days and to continue the public meeting until July 12, 2007.  Mr. Boucher felt that the continuation would allow him sufficient time to comply with the board’s request for a professional survey, conducted by a state licensed and certified surveyor, of the portion of his property proposed for a commercial operation.  This request was made to enable the board members to ascertain that the proposal meets the town’s Subdivision and Site Plan Review regulations for a major site plan review prior to deciding to accept or not accept the application.

Mr. Houseworth reported that subsequent to the June 7th meeting, Mr. Boucher left a telephone message stating that the quote he received for engineered plans for his project was too expensive, and he would not be able to proceed.  He also mentioned that he knew that he was going to lose the money that he had paid to date to proceed with the public hearing (certified mailings, time involved for planning staff review, etc.).  Mr. Houseworth left a telephone message with Mr. Boucher this past week to alert him to the fact that his thirty (30) days are up and the public hearing is still scheduled for tonight, July 12, 2007 at 7:30 PM at the Antrim Town Hall.

The question for the board tonight is whether to accept or not accept the application.  In light of the fact that Mr. Boucher is not present to provide the additional information requested by the board and the checklist and application have been deemed by the Board to be sufficiently incomplete, Mr. Edwards made the motion to not accept the application, and Mr. Schacht seconded the motion.  The board’s roll call vote is as follows: Mr. Edwards – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Mr. Schacht – aye, Mr. Snow – aye, Mr. Robblee – aye, and Mrs. Wasserloos – aye.

The board briefly addressed the economics involved in issuing a refund for a non-acceptance application.  Since our fees are based upon mailing expenses as well as the time the planning staff spends to review the application, and since the town planner informed the applicant that he would lose the fee unless he provides us with more information, the decision was made that there will be no refund or partial refund to the applicant in this particular situation.

Mr. Houseworth will send an official notice of non-acceptance to the applicant.    In response to a concern that the applicant might overlook the non-acceptance and might be tempted to sell used cars on a small scale, the letter will also mention that Mr. Boucher is not allowed to sell vehicles on his premises.  In light of the board’s non-acceptance of the application, such activity will be deemed as illegal.   Mr. Parsons, Antrim’s building inspector and code enforcement officer, will be alerted to the situation.

Greenwood, Linda & William; File # 2007-04PB; Minor Subdivision;  Chairman Sawich continued the public meeting on the request of William C. & Linda D. Greenwood for a minor subdivision of property located at 192 Elm Avenue, Antrim NH (Tax Map 214, Lot 001) in the Rural District. The applicant proposes to divide the property into three (3) lots.  Chairman Sawich asked Mr. Houseworth to explain the recent developments that have occurred since the last meeting and provide input regarding the site walk by the Board.

Due to the fact that only four board members were present for the June 21, 2007 Planning Board public meeting, and due to the fact that only two of those four were present at the site walk and previous meeting, a continuation of the public meeting was scheduled for tonight.  Since that time, Ms. Rochford, L.L.C., has provided plans, revised lot size calculations as well as a letter and report by Mr. Tom Forest of second and third visits to the site to confirm wetland delineation work.  In addition, Mr. Beblowski, Chair of the Antrim Conservation Commission, met with the applicant regarding the Commission’s Natural Resource Benefit Policy and the need for the applicant to obtain a Special Use Permit from the Board for the proposed back lot driveway encroachment in the town’s twenty five (25’) foot wetland buffer zone.  Mr. Beblowski recommended that the board issue a Special Use Permit.

The Conservation Commission notes were read aloud as was the letter from Mr. Thomas Forest, Wetland Scientist.  

Relative to a question regarding the two twelve-inch culverts and how they were replaced, Ms. Rochford explained that one 12” culvert remains and the other 12 “ culvert was replaced with an 18” culvert.  She stated that the 12” culvert is currently not seeing much activity since the new 18” culvert now picks up most of the water.
Mr. Beblowski had asked for clarification relative to the 18,887 sq. ft. increase in the wetland buffer zone.  He sought reassurance that the 18,887 sq. ft. amount cited in note # 13 on the plan is not the total non-buildable square footage of the entire back lot but was the additional amount of non-buildable square footage added to the back lot per the discussions and agreements made by the applicant and the Antrim Conservation Commission during their recent meeting.  Ms. Rochford assured that this was the case.

In his letter, Tom Forest recommended that a culvert be placed under a new driveway during the construction phase.  Ms. Rochford suggested that an 18” culvert should be able to handle the runoff.  The general consensus was that the contractor would be able to assess the situation and to make a professional decision regarding the specifics of the installation.  The board discussed whether the 18” culvert should be mentioned as a condition on the plan so that a new owner will be aware of the board’s concern or if a proposed engineered design of the driveway and culvert should be added to the plan.  (When the new owner files for a building permit, the town building inspector should check the plan and would find the recommendation for the 18” culvert under the driveway.)  The Board agreed to require that a note be added to the plan as a condition of approval stating that an 18” culvert is required to be installed underneath the proposed back lot driveway, within the fifty (50’) foot right-of-way, in order to handle the stormwater runoff from Ashley Road and Elm Avenue.

The unsatisfied items previously remaining on the checklist were reviewed by the board members.

Relative to item #15, the Wetland Scientist Stamp is required on the plan and is pending per the submittal of the final plan.  Relative to item #22, a motion, made by Scott Burnside and seconded by Steve Schacht, to grant a waiver for partial topographical contour delineation of the back lot (Map 214, Lot 001) (the portion of the Back Lot that is non-buildable and lies to the west of Cochrane Brook) was voted unanimously in the affirmative.

Relative to item #36, the board reviewed the criteria for granting a special use permit.  (Item 1 was deemed not applicable in this situation since there are no proposed disturbances to the jurisdictional wetlands.)  Motion to grant a special use permit was made by Scott Burnside, and seconded by Bob Edwards.  The motion was passed unanimously in the affirmative.  Mr. Burnside suggested that a note be added to the plan stating that the Special Use Permit was granted by the board for the back lot driveway.

Relative to item #41, Bob Varnum, Town Road Agent, had a difficult time finding the location of the proposed driveway.  Accordingly, Gail Rochford will mark the location so that Bob can revisit the site.     
Upon receipt of the new information, the granting of the waiver and special use permit, and the additional agreements made by the applicant, all items are now deemed satisfied.  
(1)  A note is to be added to the plan stating: ‘An 18” culvert is required to be installed underneath the proposed back lot driveway, within the fifty (50’) foot right-of-way, in order to handle the stormwater runoff from Ashley Road and Elm Avenue,’ or similar language.
(2)  Item #15: Wetland Scientist Stamp is to be added to the final plan.
(3)  Item #36: A note is to be added to the plan stating:  ‘A Special Use Permit was granted by the Planning Board on July 12, 2007 for the proposed back lot driveway encroachment into the town’s twenty five (25’) foot wetland buffer zone.
(4)  Item#41: Bob Varnum’s approval of the location of the two (2) new proposed driveways off of Elm Avenue.
Mr. Schacht moved to conditionally approve the application of William C. & Linda D. Greenwood, file # 2007-04PB, for a minor subdivision of property located at 192 Elm Avenue, Antrim NH (Tax Map 214, Lot 001) in the Rural District with the conditions listed above.  Mr. Edwards seconded the motion.  The roll call vote was as follows: Mr. Edwards - aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Mr. Schacht – aye, Mr. Snow – aye, Mr. Robblee – aye, and Mrs. Wasserloos – aye.  Mr. Houseworth stated that the minor subdivision had been conditionally approved and advised the applicants that they will receive a notice of decision in the mail.

Conceptual Consultation:  Antrim Mills Corporation:  Leslie Belliveau presented a Power Point presentation relative to development plan for the former Goodell Building (Antrim Mill) on Main Street in Antrim.  She presented a vision of an integrated town house community involving the existing site incorporating the town’s facilities.

Conceptual Consultation:  Pywar Minor Subdivision (Dan Alexander)
Art Siciliano, Land Surveyor, appeared before the board on behalf of Dan Alexander.  The property is located on Route 202 adjacent to Paul Dugre’s Auto Repair business.  The applicant is proposing to put in a short road (built to the town’s standards for a class V road) and then sub-divide the property into two lots.  They are currently working with the abutter to gain better access for both lots onto the state highway.  In addition, they are working with an unnamed commercial client.  The board welcomed the prospect of property located in the Highway Business District being utilized for commercial use rather than residential or mixed use.  The presentation was of a preliminary nature, and several options for use were discussed.  

Approval of Planning Board Minutes:  Mr. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2007 Planning Board meeting as reviewed and presented, which was seconded by Mr. Stephenson, and was unanimously approved.  

Planning Board Alternate Member:  Cindy Bagley has notified Mr. Houseworth that she is no longer interested in serving as an alternate Planning Board member.  

In-Ex Homes – Reclamation Bond Estimate Form:  A reclamation bond for In-Ex Homes was previously agreed upon at a unit price of $4,500 per acre.  The per acre price was based upon figures obtained from three separate quotes.   The estimate form needs to be signed tonight.  The board discussed the comments made by the town engineer, Peter Pitsas, relative to a substantial increase in the per acre price.  The board decided to stand with the previously approved price, and the bond estimate will be signed tonight.

In-Ex Homes – Road Bond Estimate – Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes:
Due to some amount of confusion regarding the status of the bonding for the road for In-Ex Homes, the board will request clarification from the Antrim Selectmen and the town road agent relative to the status of the road bond for the In-Ex Homes.  

By-Laws Revision Status:  There has been little progress made on the revision of the by-laws, but Mr. Houseworth will attempt to have the revisions ready for the next meeting.
Debriefing from Bennington Planning Board Meeting with Mary Pinkham-Langer:  A brief review of the meeting with Mary Pinkham-Langer ensued.  The meeting was very information relative to excavation sites.

Status of the Planning Assistant: Mr. Houseworth reported that several candidates were interviewed for the position of Planning Assistant.  Mrs. Laurie Lemons was hired and accepted the position for an average of twenty eight (28) hours per week.  

Sandy Snow – Chairman of the CIP Committee:  Sandy Snow has been Chairman of the CIP Committee for the past two years.  He is looking for someone new to step into the position.  In addition, he will be generating a new form for all department heads so that their budget requests can be submitted.  Sandy is willing to enter the data.  He is encouraged that with the new software system, Plan-IT, the information and data will be easier to track more accurately.

Meeting Time:  There was some discussion relative to our starting time.    After some discussion, it was generally agreed that members will make an attempt to pick up their folders a day or so in advance.  Board members will meet at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m. on meeting nights to begin reviewing recently received material. The public meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Edwards made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Schacht.  Chairman Sawich adjourned the meeting at 10:38 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathi Wasserloos
Secretary Pro Tem