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Planning Board Minutes 06/21/07

Minutes of the June 21, 2007 Board Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                                        
Bob Edwards                             Bradley Houseworth              Andrew Robblee  
Brian Sawich                            Chris Stephenson        
Members and Staff Absent:       
Mary Allen                              Scott Burnside          Joseph Koziell  
Stephen Schacht                         Alex Snow                       Kathi Wasserloos
Public Attendees:               
Mark Beausoleil                 Robin Lord-Cook         Bill Greenwood          

Chairman Sawich opened the public meeting at 7:15 PM, introduced himself and the Board, and appointed Mr. Stephenson to sit for the absent Mr. Burnside.  He also explained the procedure for the public meetings and public hearings.

Approval of Planning Board Meeting Minutes:  Mr. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of the June 7, 2007 Planning Board Meeting as corrected, which was seconded by Mr. Robblee and was unanimously passed.  Mr. Edwards moved to approve the minutes of the June 15, 2007 Planning Board Site Walk Meeting as presented, which was seconded by Mr. Stephenson and was unanimously approved.

Homes at High Hills: Work to do list:  Mr. Houseworth presented the members with a letter dated May 16, 2007, addressed to Ms. Katie Cook of Kateco Developing, LLC, from the Town Engineer, Mr. Peter Pitsas of Underwood Engineers, Inc. outlining a work-to-do list consisting of approximately thirty two (32) items or tasks that still need to be completed for the Homes at High Hills Subdivision, as of their site meeting on May 8, 2007.  Mr. Houseworth explained that the list notes what incomplete items are visible at this time in order to aid the contractor in finishing the project but additional items may become apparent at a later date as the work progresses.  Mr. Houseworth stated that a final inspection and list will be provided at a later date.

SWRPC – Brownfields Program – Grant Award and Request for Site Nominations:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a letter dated May 24, 2007 from Ms. Natalie Shafiroff, the SWRPC’s Brownfields Program Manager, informing local officials that the Planning Commission has been selected to receive a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in order to continue the success of the Southwest Region Brownfields Assessment Program and requesting assistance from local towns through the nomination of sites that may be considered for assessment under the Brownfields Assessment Program.  Mr. Houseworth explained that this is a voluntary program intended to help landowners understand the contamination on their property and develop a clean-up strategy as a way to facilitate the redevelopment of abandoned or under-used properties.  He also provided the members with the Brownfields Assessment Program’s Site Selection Criteria and the Site Nomination Forms.
Letter & Certificate of Appreciation to be awarded to Mr. Brian Francis:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a draft letter dated June 19, 2007 from the Chairman of the Planning Board, Mr. Brian Sawich, addressed to Mr. Brian Francis, congratulating him on behalf of the Antrim Land Use Boards for his recent earning of the rank of Eagle Scout.  Mr. Houseworth stated that the letter expresses the Town’s appreciation to Mr. Francis for his excellent design and sound construction techniques which were used to build a picnic pavilion at the Town Beach on Gregg Lake.  The Board wishes to honor Mr. Brian Francis at the next Board meeting on July 12, 2007, if he is available, by presenting him with the letter and awarding him a Certificate of Appreciation for his efforts on the picnic pavilion at the Town Beach on Gregg Lake.  

2007 Flu Season Vaccine:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a letter dated May 30, 2007 from the Antrim Town Hall and the NH Local Government Center requesting data to prepare for the 2007 Flu Season Vaccine.  He explained that anyone interested in participating in getting the vaccine at Antrim Town Hall should fill-out the provided form and they will be notified when the dates have been established.  He stated that health trust insured participants will need to bring their health insurance ID cards and the cost to all other participants is twenty six ($26.00) dollars, payable by exact cash amount or a check payment made payable to HCS.

Master Plan Committee:  Mr. Houseworth informed the Board that the next Master Plan Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 25, 2007 at 7 PM at Town Hall.

Preferred Development Zone Committee:  Mr. Sawich stated that the next Preferred Development Zone Committee meeting is on Tuesday, June 26, 2007 at 7PM at Town Hall.

Greenwood, Linda D. & William C.; File # 2007-04PB; Minor Subdivision:  Chairman Sawich continued the public meeting on the request of William C. & Linda D. Greenwood for a minor subdivision of property located at 192 Elm Avenue, Antrim NH (Tax Map 214, Lot 001) in the Rural District. The applicant proposes to divide the property into three (3) lots.  Chairman Sawich asked Mr. Houseworth to explain the recent developments that have occurred since the last meeting and provide input regarding the site walk by the Board on the property.  

Mr. Houseworth stated that the site walk was conducted on Friday, June 15, 2007 at 5 PM and the site walk meeting minutes are available at Town Hall and on the Town website.  He explained that Ms. Rochford and the Conservation Commission met on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 to discuss the commission’s Natural Resource Benefit Policy and stated that the Conservation Commission has provided a report to the Board outlining what was agreed upon by the two parties.  He explained that the commission’s report is required in order for the Board to consider whether to grant the Special Use Permit for the applicant’s proposed disturbance of the Towns’ twenty five (25’) foot wetland buffer zone due to the location of the back lot driveway.  Mr. Houseworth stated that Ms. Rochford dropped off revised plot plans and a soil-based lot size calculation sheet today around 2 PM for the three (3) proposed lots.  He explained that he hasn’t had a chance to review the revised plans and new documentation which was provided today.

Chairman Sawich explained that several things had developed since the last Board meeting and he didn’t feel that it was appropriate to continue the meeting tonight due to the lack of members present and because only two (2) of the four (4) members tonight were at the previous public meetings concerning the Greenwood minor subdivision proposal.  He stated that the Board also requires that new information, additional documentation, and revised plans be provided to the Planning Staff at least seven (7) days in advance in order to have time to review them.  He explained that in addition, there are key individuals that are not available tonight including members of the Conservation Commission, whom the Board would like to ask questions of, and the surveyor of the project, Ms. Gayle Rochford.  Chairman Sawich stated that he would like to get the Board’s support in continuing the public meeting for the Greenwood minor subdivision proposal to the next Board meeting on Thursday, July 12, 2007 at 7 PM.  Mr. Houseworth stated that in fairness to the applicant, abutters, and Board members, he suggests that the Board continue the public meeting to July 12, 2007 in order to give time to the staff to review the revised plans and in hopes that more members will be present at the future Board meeting.  Mr. Edwards asked Mr. Houseworth if he would contact the applicant and/ or Ms. Rochford if he has any questions in the future upon review of the revised plans and additional information; he replied he would.  Mr. Houseworth provided Mr. Greenwood with the additional information provided by Ms. Rochford and Mr. Beblowski of the Antrim Conservation Commission.

Mr. Edwards moved to continue the public meeting of William C. & Linda D. Greenwood for a minor subdivision of property located at 192 Elm Avenue, Antrim NH 03440 (Tax Map 214, Lot 001) in the Rural District to the Board’s next meeting on Thursday, July 12, 2007 at 7:30 PM.  Mr. Robblee seconded the motion, which was unanimously passed.

Planning Board DRAFT By-Laws (Revisions through 6/7/07):  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with an updated draft of the proposed Planning Board By-Laws and explained that they include the revisions proposed by the members during their last review of them on June 7, 2007.  The Board reviewed the Planning Board By-Laws and made a number of changes to the draft.  Mr. Houseworth stated that he would make all of the suggested changes by the members and provide a revised draft of the Planning Board By-Laws to the members at the next meeting.

In-Ex Homes, LLC; Town Engineer’s Review of the Road and Reclamation Bonds:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a letter dated June 21, 2007 from the Town Engineer, Mr. Peter Pitsas, regarding his review of the requested Road Bond and Excavation Reclamation Bond that was completed by Meridian Land Services, Inc. for the Inex Homes, LLC proposed excavation operations on Pleasant Street (Tax Map 245, lot 017) in the Rural District in Antrim.  

Mr. Houseworth stated that in terms of the proposed road bond, Mr. Pitsas had several comments regarding the Road Bond Estimate Form submitted by Meridian Land Services, Inc. including: 1) he believes the tonnage quantity of a 1” overlay for an 18’ wide road is too low because shimming of the road would probably be required and Pleasant Street may be wider than 18’ in certain areas; 2) he believes the pavement unit price is low because it has fluctuated a great deal over the last few years due to the unstable petroleum market and recommends that the Town cover itself by increasing the pavement unit price to $85/ ton instead of $67/ ton; and 3) he believes that the lam shimming and seeding unit price is low and they estimate an amount of $18,000/ acre, assuming an average of 1” of loam will be placed along the side of the road.  Mr. Houseworth explained that obviously Mr. Pitsas’ numbers are much greater than what has been proposed by Mr. Chamberlin of Meridian Land Services, especially for the loam and seeding of all disturbed areas along Pleasant Street ($18,000/ acre versus $2,500/ acre) and perhaps a meeting with the Road Agent, Mr. Pitsas, and Mr. Chamberlin should be scheduled in order to establish a road bond that all parties are comfortable with and can agree upon.  

After a discussion among the members about the numerous difficulties of requiring a Road Bond for the entire length of Pleasant Street and attributing the impacts or damages to the road to specific activities conducted by the Inex Homes, LLC excavation operations, Mr. Robblee suggested that perhaps a road bond be posted for just the area of Pleasant Street that intersects with the entrance of the Inex Homes, LLC property, including a twenty five (25’) foot to fifty (50’) foot buffer either way on Pleasant Street, in order to hold the applicant responsible for the damages that are obviously from their proposed excavation operations.  Mr. Robblee explained that it would be much easier to attribute damages to Pleasant Street in this area to the specific operations of Inex Homes, LLC proposed excavation operations.  Mr. Edwards stated that the Board specifically asked for a road bond for this particular situation in part due to the concerns expressed by the Board of Selectmen, Town Administrator, and a letter dated April 3, 2007 from the Road Agent, Mr. Bob Varnum, suggesting that the Planning Board make the applicant responsible for having the road video taped prior to and after excavation operations cease and that the applicant should be held accountable for the cost of the repairs to Pleasant St.  Mr. Edwards suggested that the Planning Board direct the Road Agent, Board of Selectmen, and Mr. Peter Pitsas to meet regarding the road bond issue for this particular situation and determine what is necessary in order to protect the Town’s interest, the Town water and sewer lines, and the existing road conditions of Pleasant Street.  Chairman Sawich explained that the Planning Board will accept whatever the Board of Selectmen, Road Agent, and Town Engineer recommend for a road bond in this situation and don’t want to delay the project anymore than what is necessary in order for the Town to be assured that it has adequate protection against potential damages to Pleasant Street and areas within the Town’s right-of-way along Pleasant St.

Mr. Houseworth stated that in terms of the proposed reclamation bond, Mr. Pitsas had several comments regarding the Reclamation Bond Estimate Form submitted by Meridian Land Services, Inc. including: 1) he believes that the reclamation unit price of $4,500/ acre is extremely low based on the fact that the site has to be graded, some of the site has to be cleared and grubbed, detention basins have to be created, loam has to be furnished and spread (it was assumed that there is no loam onsite), and the entire site has to be seeded; and 2) he believes other miscellaneous tasks such as regarding of the side slopes of the access road, erosion control devices, and other activities need to be completed that haven’t been included.  Mr. Houseworth explained that Mr. Pitsas recommended a reclamation bond of $26,300/ acre, which is five times the amount ($4,500/ acre) that was agreed upon by the Board and the applicant, and Mr. Pitsas suggested that Meridian Land Services, Inc. develop a detailed breakdown of the various components of the project and assign unit prices to each component which can then be reviewed.

Mr. Houseworth explained that the Board needs to be more careful in the future of agreeing upon an amount per acre for a reclamation bond prior to obtaining peer review services from the Town Engineer and/ or other professional consultant reviews and services.  He explained that it may have made sense in this particular case to require a dollar amount per acre for the reclamation bond similar to what was required for another pit with the same excavation pit operator, but the Town also needs to protect itself in case something falls through and the Town is left with an open pit that needs to be reclaimed in an acceptable manner which prevents erosion and runoff issues.  Mr. Houseworth stated that because there seems to be a discrepancy among professional engineers and excavation pit operators regarding what constitutes reclamation of an excavation pit, he suggested that the Board amend the Town’s current reclamation standards so that they provide more details regarding what constitutes reclamation of an excavation site.  For example, he stated that the Board should determine whether four (4”) inch loam and seeding will be a requirement for all excavation reclamation projects or if the planting of warm, seasonal grasses without the application of four (4”) inch loam is acceptable to reclaim an excavation site.  

Mr. Robblee explained that the Board agreed that it was acceptable for the pit operators of the Zeke and Mack, LLC pit on Elm Avenue to plant vegetation without an additional application of four (4”) inch loam on the disturbed areas and that is why the reclamation bond was posted at approximately $4,500/ acre.  He stated that if you look at Mr. Pitsas review of the reclamation bond for the Inex Homes, LLC site and subtract the amount for loam and seeding ($169,900 for 7.8 acres) then the recommended amount for the reclamation bond from Mr. Pitsas is approximately $4,550/ acre; which is almost exactly the same amount that was agreed upon by the Board and applicant for the reclamation of the Inex Homes, LLC excavation pit.

Excavation Site Reclamation Information:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with two documents regarding acceptable excavation reclamation techniques including: 1) a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Soils Conservation Service ‘Seeding Fact Sheet’ titled, “Concerns Regarding the Use of Topsoil in Gravel Pit Reclamation;” and 2) a USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service Technical Note (PM-NH-21), revised April 2000, and titled, “Vegetating New Hampshire Sand and Gravel Pits.”  He also provided the members with copies of the Town’s existing ‘Site Reclamation Standards’ from Section X of the Town of Antrim Earth Excavation and Reclamation Regulations that were adopted in October of 1992 and suggested that perhaps the Board should inquire about how much it would cost to have Mr. Pitsas & Underwood Engineers, Inc. redefine the Town’s reclamation regulations and standards.

Mr. Edwards made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Mr. Robblee.  Chairman Sawich adjourned the meeting at 9:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley Houseworth,
Town Planner & Secretary of the Antrim Planning Board